This emblematic fast food chain, almost extinct, plans its return

Break the malty vinegar.

Many preferred America1970s restaurant chains Have fallen by the road, living only in our memories, books, television shows and films. And while the days ofHoward Johnson or Chief Burger Are always behind us, some well-liked antan fast food chains can still have a bright future future. Such a relic of that time recently announced his return.Nathan's famous Recently stated that he was considering reviving the iconic chain of the Arthur Treah Fish and Chips Chain.

According toQSR magazine, Arthur Treahs's will be restarted as a ghost cuisine, with plans to open physical restaurants in the line. A brief recycling-A ghost kitchen is a dining-free restaurant, which exists exclusively on online ordering platforms, available only for delivery (or sometimes for delivery and pickup). So when the beloved chain comes back, you will not be able to visit the restaurant at first.

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The chain once generalized, which is credited to bring authentic fish and chips to the American Fast Food scene, had up to 800 restaurants during its apogee but countedonly seven (Through New York and Ohio) two years ago. However, the Nathan's Famous parent company offers the original traditional articles in many of their restaurants. Renewal will keep some of these fan-favorites while adding new ones.

"We use the same breakdown as everyone loves. This same habit by hand, crispy golden paste. We will have the same puppies of Hush. But we are upgrading all the proteins," said Nathan's famous please James WalkerQSR. "We add more shrimp to the menu. We are really up to quality, but keep these same flavors and appearance that people like the brand."

For those who grew up in a time without Arthur Treashser, here is abrief history chain. The first of its restaurants opened in Columbus, Ohio in 1969 (with the help ofThe founder of Wendy Dave Thomas) The restaurant was named after the British actor Arthur Tacher, better known for playing a number of Butler and Valet roles in the 1930s' movies. The chain developed in the first half of the 1970s. , reaching hundreds of locations, but it ended up bankruptcy before the 1980s.

While the chronology of his return is always under the wraps,Experts say it could happen quickly. Fans can be eager to fish with chip sandwiches, captain dinners and boom boom shrimp trays in the near future.

For further nostalgia for fast food, be sure to check these24 Fastten Fast Food restaurants. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly to your inbox.

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