This instagram lunch trend can help you lose weight

The latest trend in healthy meal preparation does not concern food. This is the box it is stored in the Bento box, that is to say.

The compact food container, which is from Japan, features of two to five compartments, each destined for a different meal element. While the moms use them to pack their children packed meals on nutrients, the boxes gain on adults who want to eat more balanced meals and controlled by a portion on the Go-without using all Tupperware containers in their kitchen.

These boxes appear on all instagrames, with gastronomes in shape sharing images of their healthy lunches and on bothweightloss Snack combinations. Looking to get into the trend? We have rounded some of the most delicious Bento boxes on Instagram to help you alert your lunch inspiration:

Protein & produce Bento Box

A photo posted by Stevie (@ Stevielee86) on

This lunch box wrapped by proteins is equipped with Turkey Farms Applegate, raw nuts, cucumber slices, grapes, celery andalmond butter For Dunking. We are big fans of the spread of the nut because it contains a compound that limits the amount of fat that the body can absorb - not to mention the flavor that we can not have enough! Never tried? The next time you are at the store, take a pot instead of your typical PB to shake your daily diet.

Betteries, eggs and bento fruits

A photo posted by Valerie Zalzouli (@valeriezalzouli) on

A packed vegetable salad fills the main compartment of this box while the raspberry is overcomeyogurt, almonds and orange segments rich in vitamin C occupy small spaces. We like the way to instagrammer Valerie Pair his meal with a lemon and a mintwater. Lemon peels contain an enzyme that gives slow intestines a kick, which can move your belly almost instantly.

Veggie Lettuce Cups, Edamame & Fruit Bento Box

A photo posted by Belinda Smith (@therookcauseau) on

Featuring a houseVeggie patty And cups of crisp lettuce, this box of Bento is perfect for a meal without meat on the race. The Edamame provides an additional source of herbal proteins and berries and cinnamon spooling apples add a mild flavor kick. Belinda Smith, the instagrammmmer behind this delicious lunch, a yogurt blend with the jam of the Chia raspberry to create a healthy rotation to the protein on a classic fruit dip.

Bento Tex-Mex box

A photo posted by the Pack-Mom (@packmompakes) on

Chipotle, you finally met your match! This delicious Bento is filled with Taco Bar Dinner Remains Instagrammer Jamie. Healthy greaseslawyer And fruits filled with water explode the satiety factor of the meal. We also love that tortilla is kept at a small part. Because Jamie eats a variety of fine grains, the smaller service size guarantees that his blood glucose remains balanced, keeping the hunger of the bay.

Tabbouleh Bento Box

A photo posted by Valerie Zalzouli (@valeriezalzouli) on

Tabbouleh, the Mediterranean dish that fills the largest compartment of this Bento box, is a grease fighting machine. Olive oil used in this traditional dish is ahealthy fat Shown to stimulate satiety by increasing blood serotonin levels. But that's not all: the bulgur of whole grain, which constitutes the mass of the dish, is charged with fibers and grinding proteins of hunger. An assortment of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables moves the meal away.

Veggie rollers, olives, cheese and fruit bento box

A photo posted by Valerie Zalzouli (@valeriezalzouli) on

Looking for a healthy inspiration for vegetarian lunch? This delicious meal is about. VEGGIE's home entrance is accompanied by a number of sides, including fruits and cashew nuts to fill with a belly, a nuts rich in biotin to nail reinforcement. Together, they create a light and tasty lunch pickup that will suit your belly and your taste buds.

Bento Breakfast Boxes

A photo posted by the Pack-Mom (@packmompakes) on

If you usually take breakfast at your desk, jump the sweetpastry shop And whip a box from Bento A.M. Using this one from Instagrammer Jamie as a source of inspiration. We like it includes protein and filled with calciumGreek yogurt, an envirokidz peanut chocolate bar (120 calories, 8 grams of sugar) and a small portion of track mix to keep hungry from the bay until lunch.

Sweet and salty snack box

A photo posted by Stevie 💕 (@ Stevielee86) on

Kickvending machine desires to the edge of the sidewalk with this salt-n-soft box. Vegetables and fruits are filled with fiber and water so that they are sure to calm stomach rumbling. And the creamy, filled with calciumcheeseand mini M & mm squash these 3 P.M. Envies of treats on the determination of the plan.

Grilled Sirirloin Box Bento

A photo posted by Brookevanryssel (@brookescleankitchen) on

Bring the steakhouse to your desk with this Bento box filled with meat. The meal is rounded bykale, Blueberries (a fruit that has been demonstrated to expand cognitive decline) and cucumber, a low veggie of 95% water. Go ahead and turn on your own version at home - you have our permission to escape you without guilt!

Mom and me bento boxes

A photo posted by Valerie Zalzouli (@valeriezalzouli) on

Here, Instagrammer Valerie shows the weekend picnic bento boxes that she made for herself and her son. The body of its son contains a variety of options packaged on nutrients, including zig-zag vegetables - a shape that will suit much more enjoyable carrots and cucumbers. The main attraction of the mamy box is a feta-surmounted salad that pairs well with a small portion of crisp almonds, a nut that has been shown to reducebig belly. It has also prepared infused detoxification water from mint and lime.

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