100 ways of living at 100

These simple tips will help you live long and prosper!

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the average life was 31 years old; Today, it is almost tripled that, thanks to the cumulative effect of many, especially minor, life adjusts thatScience has determined Have a real effect on longevity. The sooner you start to apply these tips, sooner you can start planning what you will do 50 years from now. So what are you waiting for? Start on these 100 ways of living at 100!

Be better.

Black woman with natural hair hugs female friend at door with housewarming wine in hand how to live to 100

A 2012 study published in the journalAging found a correlation between optimism and longer life. That's right: apositive attitude To life can be the difference between check early and be the last at the party.

Stay at the top of the news - maybe not on television.

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By sitting on the couch all day, will probably not help you do it up to 100, settle in the news. A 2011 study published in theInternational Journal of Public Health found that the topics that had the most exposed to mass media, including television, online news, newspapers and magazines - were more likely to follow a healthy Mediterranean diet, which, according toWebmd, has been linked to increased heart health and longevity. It can be great time that you start picking up a newspaper during your morning ride.

Practicing yoga.

man meditate how to live to 100

It is well established thatYoga is relaxing. But it turns out, all that relaxation can have seriously deficient cumulative effects. On aVox Review of more than 50 studies, yoga practice can improve the quality of life of diabetic patients, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and help manage high blood pressure.

Coupé on the meat.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2013 study of more than 70,000 people published inJAMA internal medicine foundvegetarian Have a risk of premature death of 12% of 12% than consumers of meat. And while this correlation could be linked to the diet, researchers also noted that vegetarians tend to be more educated, less likely to drink alcohol or smoking, and more likely to get a healthy amount. exercise than non-vegetarians.

To marry.

Wedding Couple ways to live to 100

According to a 2013 study published in JournalAnnals of behavioral medicine, baby boomers whokeep up are less likely to die earlier than their simple peers. The results were based on an investigation of 4,800 born in the 1940s.

Sleeping naked.

man sleeping on his stomach with his arms wrapped around a pillow how to live to 100

Believe it or not, sleeping in the buff could help you live longer, according to a 2014 study published in the newspaperDiabetes. This is because we sleep, our bodies cool slightly, which causes releasing hormones to release restorative growth hormones. If you are too hot, you get fewer from these hormones. More,Cooler Reduces the level of corpsol of the body, the stress hormone that can lead to too much meal, diabetes and disease causing inflammation.

Laugh more.

couple in love how to live to 100

Not only does not make fun of laughing, but it's also good for you! A 2016 study published in the magazinePsychosomatic medicine found that women with astrong sense of humor A risk of death of 73% of 81% heart disease, a risk of death of 81% infection and a death risk of 48% of all causes.

Eating nuts.

longevity how to live to 100

If you are crazy for NUTS, you're lucky: a 2016 study published inBioma found that people who eat nuts have a risk of death at the beginning of 39% than those who do not; Nut eaters, in particular, have a risk of dying from 45% to die earlier.

Be conscientious.

older woman on computer how to live to 100

In their bookThe Longevity ProjectAuthorsHoward S. Friedman andLeslie R. Martin wrote that being conscientious was one of the best predictors of a long life. They asked that diligent and responsible people can be more likely to adopt healthy behaviors, may be less subject to disease and can find more success in relationships and in the workplace than those who are more negligent.

Try a quick intermittent.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a 2015 study published in the journalRejuvenation search, people who practicedintermittent fast-Do you for six days and fasting for an increase in an increase of a longevity-boosting gene called Sirt 3 after 10 weeks. And before you ask: participants did not follow a particularly healthy diet. The "Party" diets included things like orres, cakes and bagels with cream cheese.

Move to Hawaii.

Honolulu, Hawaii how to live to 100

Hawaiian 65 can expect to live 16.2 years of good health. It is compared to the 10.6 years of good health that a 65-year-old child in Mississippi can expect, according to 2013 data of theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC).

Lifting weights.

woman lifting weight how to live to 100

In a 2013 study on healthy seniors published inArchives of gerontology and geriatricsThe researchers found that 32 weeks of exercise training that focused on muscle strength of balance and lower limbs (reading: weight training) has helped to improve the bone density of the participants. According to researchers, it reinforces the idea that weight training can have positive effects on the aging process.

Embrace the aging process.

longevity how to live to 100

Provides, embracing your age could help you live longer. A 2002 study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology found that adults who have developedPositive attitudes on aging lived more than seven years older than those who had negative feelings about it.

Do not eat take away.

longevity how to live to 100

This could prevent you from typing. A 2012 study published inNutrition of public health I found that people who cook at home up to five times a week were 47% more likely to be alive 10 years later than those who do not have it.

To take a position.

longevity how to live to 100

Want another reason to join theDeck? Sitting for less than three hours a day could add two years to your life, according to a 2012 data analysis published inBMJ Open.

Off the television.

A Young Couple Watching TV, relationship white lies

According to the 2012 research published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicineAll the television hours you look after 25 years cut your life of about 22 minutes. The researchers also noted that people who have spent an average of six hours a day watching TV have died nearly five years earlier than people who have not looked at any TV.

To walk fast.

Relationship, couple, fall how to live to 100

Attention, Walkers: Your rhythm could say a little bit about your mortality. According to a 2019 study published in the newspaperProcedure of the Mayo ClinicParticipants who walked at a faster pace (three miles at one hour or 100 steps a minute) lived longer than their slower counterparts. In addition, the correlation existed on all categories of weight, underweight at morbid obese.

Consider becoming expatriate.

longevity how to live to 100

For years, Japan has had the longest life expectancy in the world (84.1 years in 2016), according to theOrganization for cooperation and economic development. But you do not need to move too far to experience the benefits of life abroad: even those in Canada live on average three years more than the Americans (81.8 years against 78.6 years, respectively).

Change your altitude.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2011 study published in theJournal of epidemiology and community health I found that the United States with the highest life expectancy had an average altitude of 5,967 feet above sea level. This added 1.2 to 3.6 years to life. of a man, lowering the risk of death of heart disease.

Marry someone younger.

longevity how to live to 100

You are only as old as you feel. It's supposed to be a joke, but there may be some truth, especially if you listen to 100 yearsDaisy Dunnett, who says she owes her longevity to have ahusband. "I really think I'll be dead if it was not for him," she saidSwns.com. "If you are old and you are alone, it's easy to give up and not to feed you correctly."

Do not go to bed angry.

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In a 2010 study of 1,700 married adults published in thePlum medicine newspaperThe researchers of Brigham Youngt University found that the more he took place in a relationship, the worst the health of the partners.

And if you are divorced, stay social.

longevity how to live to 100

The authors ofThe Longevity Project found that compared to men, divorced women tend toprosper, like single and widowed women. Why? "Women were able to rely on other friends, while many men depended on their wives for their social networks and were therefore devastated when they lost these links," said one of the researchers.

Brush and filter.

longevity how to live to 100

You have more than cavities to worry about if you do not brush and your dentist often recommends.Bad oral hygiene has been associated with the life expectancy shortened, according to the conclusions of a study of 2013 published in theJournal of Dental Sciences. Maintaining a healthy mouth can reduce your risk of heart disease, dementia and stroke. So, it might be time to invest in a very good electric toothbrush.

To drink coffee.

longevity how to live to 100

Becausea cup of joe is high in antioxidants, it can reort the risk of diabetes, liver damage, several cancers and depression, according to a 2018 study published in the journal.Progress in cardiovascular disease.

But do not go crazy.

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You will want to drink coffee, but certainly nottoo much a lot. A long-term study of 2013 published in the journalProcedure of the Mayo Clinic have found that those who drank an average of more than four cups of coffee per day had a higher death risk of 21% than those who have consumed less than that amount.

Continues to learn.

how to live to 100

According to a study by the University of Harvard 2008 published in the journalHealth affairsPeople who stay at school for at least 12 years tend to live longer than those who do not complement high school. Research involved an analysis of data from theNational longitudinal mortality study.

A 2012 report of theNational Center for CDC Health Statistics I went even further, noting that those who won a bachelor's degree lived nine years more than those who were only high school.

Look well.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2003 study published in the journalEVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Found an association betweenattraction and longevity. Researchers have asked people to assess the attractiveness of 17-year-olds images taken in the 1920s. Those who have marked more attractiveness have lived in 76, on average, than their less attractive counterparts, which lived at an average age of 69 years.

Live in a city.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2013 study published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine foundurban people tend to live longer and stay healthier than their counterparts in the country mouse. It is thought that it is because those of the sticks have higher rates of use of cigarettes, obesity and chronic health problems such as diabetes and hypertension.

Face all childhood trauma.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a 2013 study published in theEuropean newspaper of epidemiology, experiencing a traumatic incident as a child could actually make you more likely to die early.

And crop it in a positive light.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2013 study published inPlos a Journal showed that the survivors of the male holocaust lived longer than the men of the same age group who immigrated to Israel before the Nazi rule. The authors of the study write that this counter-intuitive conclusion could be a display of "post-traumatic growth", leading these men to "greater meaning and satisfaction in their subsequent lives".

Find your spirituality.

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In a 2016 study published inJAMA internal medicineThe researchers discovered that women who went to any type of religious service at least once a week had a chance to die of 33% to die during a 16-year follow-up period that their non-religious peers.


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ARegular short nap considerably reduces the risk of dying of coronary heart disease, especially for workers. A massive 2007 study of nearly 24,000 people over six years published inJAMA internal medicine Have found that occasional beds had a lower coronary mortality of 12%, while those who have knotted at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes had a lower mortality of 37%.

Eat blueberries.

longevity how to live to 100

More than five million Americans are estimated at Alzheimer's disease - a number that should almost triple by 2050 if there is no significant medical advances, depending on theAlzheimer's association. But here is the thing: a study of 2010 published in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journalfound that the elderly who engaged in antioxidant blueberry juice for only 12 weeks marked higher on memory tests than those receiving placebo.

To eat less.

longevity how to live to 100

Smaller portions and more frequent cuisine are only two of the reasons that Okinawa's population, Japan has a significant concentration of centenarians, according toDan Buettner, author ofBlue areas: places on earth where more people live longer, healthier lives.

Cut the sugar.

longevity how to live to 100

The link between increased sugar andrisk of diabetes is right in place with "causes to smoke lung cancer". But the 2015 research of theMAYO Clinic found that the addition of food fructosis, either like table sugar or the main component of high fructose corn syrup - may be the higher cause of diabetes. So cut the single sugar that can reduce the dead of the condition.

Get your omega-3s.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2013 study published in the journalAnnals of internal medicine He has shown that seniors with the highest levels of omega-3 in their blood lived 2.2 years more (on average) than those with low omega-3 blood levels. You can find abundant omega-3 fatty acids in fish, as well as vegetables and seeds.


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Volunteer Can live longer than those who do not give their time - and it's something that is supported by science. A 2012 study published in the journalPsychology of health Passed that people who redefine could be rewarded with lower blood pressure and therefore a longer life.

Think about death.

longevity how to live to 100

Several studies (such as this analysis of 2018 research published inCurrent Directions in Psychological Sciences) have shown that when we are recalled our own mortality, we are more likely to make better decisions about our own health, such asUse solar screen, smoking less and exercise more.

Slow down your heart rate at rest.

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A 2018 study published in the magazineHeart Discovered that a key predictor of long life in middle-aged and elderly healthy men resting a heart rate, regardless of the level of fitness or other healthy behaviors. According toHarvard HealthYou can reduce yours by exercising more, reducing stress, avoiding tobacco products and keeping healthy weight.

Eating spinach.

longevity how to live to 100

In addition to reducing your risk of stroke and osteoporosis, spinach are also a source rich in omega-3 and folate, which helpReduce the risk of heart disease, according to a 2015 study published in the magazineSearch on clinical nutrition. Aim for fresh cup or spinach or 1/2 cups per day.

Always take the stairs.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2010 study published in theEuropean Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Journal Calculated that among people with a sedentary lifestyle, simply take the stairs sufficient physical activity to burn body fat and lower blood pressure - as long as it reduced their risk of early death by 15%.

Easy go on transformed meats.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2013 study published in the journalBMC medicine linked a heavy diet in processed meats in the form of sausage and bacon to the form of a higher risk of dying ofCancer and heart disease.

Work 150 minutes a week.

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Meeting or beyond the recommendation of the World Health Organization of 150 moderate exercise per week can add about four years to your life, compared to never exercise, according to theAmerican Heart Association.

Make friends at work.

Coworkers Shaking Hands Reasons Smiling is Good for You how to live to 100

A 2011 study published in the newspaperPsychology of health Follow-up of 820 adults for 20 years and have found that those with the most social support of colleagues lived the longest. People who have held on their own over a quarter of 9 to 5 changes were 2.4 times more likely to die during the study period.

Smile as you want to say it.

woman smiling happy teeth how to live to 100

For a study of 2010 published in the journalPsychological scienceThe researchers examined the intensity of smiling among a series of 1950s baseball players. Those who have not smiled in their photos have had an average of 72.9 years, whileThe biggest smilers lived seven complete years more.

Wash your hands.

longevity how to live to 100

The simple act ofhand washing could save more lives in the world than any vaccine or other medical intervention, according to theCDC.

Moderation of execution.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a 2012 analysis of the data presented at theEuropean Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, a moderate jogging habit can add between five and six years to your life.

But before you are instead for Ultramarathon training, consider the 2015 search published in the journalProcedure of the Mayo Clinic. He found that people who run more than 20 miles a week, faster than seven miles at an hour or more than five times a week, seem to lose that longevity increases.

Eat broccoli.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2011 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that people who ate cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage tend to possess the ability to live at 100. Researchers suggest that this can be attached to vitamin C and Number of vegetable nutrients.

Find a reason to live.

smiling happy family how to live to 100

A 2012 study of 1,400 seniors published inJama Psychiatry have found that those who believed to live for a reason had a lower rate of 30% ofcognitive decline that those who did not do it. Belief can protect your brain from the effects ofAlzheimer's disease.

To be rich.

longevity how to live to 100

Having more money in the bank, it means having a better chance of living at 100 years, according to a 2019 study published in theJama newspaper. Indeed, US turnover has better access to education, health care and a risk of violent crime.

Get a pet.

Group of dogs how to live to 100

Research shows that cat owners and dogs tend to live longer than their peers without animals. A 2009 study published in theVascular and interventional neurology diary found that possessing a cat could reduce your risk of heart attack near the third party. Not only that, but a similar study 2017 published in the magazineScientific reports have found that people who possessed dogs have reduced their risk of death by 11%.

Get enough sleep ...

woman sleeping how to live to 100

According to a 2019 study published in theJournal of Sleep SearchMore than six hours of sleep one night, a 10% increase in death risk. Studies have identifiedSeven to eight hours of Shuteye as optimal.

…but not too much.

Old black man in khakis and button down napping on yellow couch, smart person habits
Lightfield Studios / Shutterstock

But long sleepers could face a risk of premature death of 30% higher, according to a 2010 study published in the journal.To sleep.

Have more sex.

Man Checking in During Sex, healthy sex after 40

A 2010 study of 1165 middle-aged men published in theAmerican Journal of Cardiology have shown thathave sex Once a month or less is linked to a higher risk of 45 percent of heart disease than to have sex two to three times a week.

Become more religious.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a research study published in 2006 in theNewspaper of the American Board of Family Medicine, Assistant to Weekly Religious Services can add 1.8 to 3.1 years to your life expectancy.

And if you go to the church, join the choir.

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According to the results of a 2013 study published in the magazineBorders in psychology, Singing in a choir has the same health benefits as yoga. They found that the heartbeat of choir members synchronize, causing a calming effect on the mind and body.

Make healthy changes.

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A 2013 studyOncology lancet Demonstrated that healthy life changes is associated with telomeres more, "plugs" at the ends of the chromosomes. Sheer tellyomers have been linked to research prior to cell aging, as well as higher risks of age-related illnesses. Setting your daily habits so you eat whole foods, exercise, meditate, and press your support system can add years to your life.

The hope of a girl if you are a man.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a 2006 study on a Polish rural population published in theJournal of Human Biology American, Having girls can increase the life of the fathers. For each girl born, fathers have lived about 74 more studied weeks more.

Take more holidays.

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A 2014 analysis of the famous Framingham Heart Study published inThe lancetshowed that men more oftentook a holiday, The more they lived.

Have two children.

longevity how to live to 100

According to a 2016 study published in theJournal of epidemiology and community health, Become a parent can increase longevity by reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. But, according to the study, this health benefit has not increased beyond two children.

Eat Mediterranean.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2011 study published in the newspaperAge have shown that the chances of life has increased more than 20 percent of eating a Mediterranean diet, which means foods rich in healthy fat (such as olive oil), fish and fresh products.


romantic experiences how to live to 100

A study presented atEuropean Cardiology Congress Society In 2013 showed that French cyclists from the Tour de France generally live longer than their non-cycling peers. The included study data of 786 French cyclists who participated in the race at least once between 1947 and 2012.

Like you can!

two men riding bikes

Cyclists presented a 2011 Copenhagen study atEuropean Cardiology Society have found that men who have pedaled the fastest lived about five years older than men who pedaled slower. Take away at home? Physical activity is good, butvigorous activity is even better.

To dance!

Friends Dancing Truth or Dare Questions how to live to 100

Research published in 2013 in the journalAnthropology and aging found that people (in particular, the elderly) can dance their way to the improvement of health and happiness because of the social, mental and physical benefits of the activity.

Do not retire.

how to live to 100

The Longevity Project found that most men who made the extreme old age had succeeded,career andcontinued to work-On less on a basis in their 70s part-time.

Eat more fibers.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2011 study published in theInternal medicine archives found that people who have encountered dietary fiber guidelines, 25 grams a day for women and 38 grams a day for men had a lower risk of dying over a nine-year period.

Do not go crazy with vitamin supplements.

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Although many health professionals advocate to take vitamins to help prevent core nutrient deficiencies, a 2007 Copenhagen University review of 815 clinical trials published inJama foundTaking supplements has had a harmful effect over the shelf life.

Drink Greek coffee.

longevity how to live to 100

Residents of the Greek Island of Ikaria tend to live up to 90 years old or older. A 2013 study on 71 men and 71 women living on Ikaria published inVascular medicine have found that those who drank Greek boiled coffee on a daily basis had a better endothelial function than those who drank other types of coffee.

Nager more often.

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A 2003 study published in theInternational Journal of Education and Aquatic Research showed that regular practiceto swim Risk Coupé Dead for men of 50 percent, compared to the race, walking, or sedentary.

Keep your mind active.

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Another secret of Okinawa's long-term people in Japan is to keep your brain actively engaged with games andintellectual stimulation. 2008WebMD survey revealed that 89 percent keep their minds Centenarians active.

Living in a blue state.

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The 10 US states with the highest life expectancy were also reliably-leaning in the presidential elections, according to a 2018 study published in theJama newspaper.

Be creative.

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A 2012 study on American military veterans published in theJournal of Aging and Health showed that those who presented the most creativity reduce their risk of mortality by 12%.

Add events to your social calendar.

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Frequent social commitments can add as much as your life as cholesterol or blood pressure reduction. It's the discovery ofTHOMAS GLASSAssociate Professor at theJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which followed the activities of nearly 3,000 people aged 65 and more than 13 years old.

Explore the new territory.

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According to a 2012 study published by theCochrane Library, modifying your routine and frequently engage in stimulating and intellectual stimulating activities can reduce your risk of Alzheimer later in life.

Work hard.

Woman Smiling at Work Reasons Smiling is Good for You how to live to 100

A hard personality trait extends his life from two to three years on average, according to research cited inThe Longevity Project.

Eat tomatoes.

longevity how to live to 100

Foods rich in antioxidants, in particular deep fruits and vegetables, can help combat the oxidizing effect of UV rays. A 2011 study in theBritish Dermatology JournalFound participants who have eaten five tablespoons of tomato pulp (a very concentrated form of fresh tomatoes) daily showed 33% moreProtection against sunburn a control group.


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Studies show thatmeditation helps to improve many types of conditions, including depression, anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as the improvement of concentration, memory and reasoning skills, according to theEOC Institute.

Do not work for a fool.

Signs Your Boss Wants to Fire You how to live to 100

According toGary Namie, Ph.D., founder of theIntimidation institute of the workplaceMore and more research indicates that victims of intimidation and unduly stressed work can lead to serious health consequences. Look for support from your family and your doctor's advisor at the time it's time to launch the towel. "No one deserves cardiovascular disease for a paycheck," says Namie. "No matter the size of the paycheck."

Just eat when you are hungry.

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DietitianZoe Nicholson, co-founder of moderation movement movement, recommends "intuitive eating" or regularly avoid regularly planned meals and head snacks without eating when we are hungry. "When we eat intuitively, our bodies want to eat nourishing food, we are much less likely to eat too much or comfort the consumption of eating and it becomes easier to maintain a healthy stable weight," she says .

Drink with moderation.

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Have you ever noticed that more than a few centenarians in the news attribute their long life to drink good whiskey? It's not just chatter: in 2010Dietary guidelines for AmericansThe Ministry of Health and Human Services stated that there were "strong evidence" that moderate alcohol consumption prevented heart disease and "moderate evidence" that it helped prevent dementia.

What is the moderation? In a meta-analysis of 34 studies followed by subjects for years, theAmerican Medical Association says that "one to two drinks a day for women and two to four drinks a day for men are inversely associated with total mortality". But keep it moderate: consumption of consumption of frenzy and alcoholism shorten the service life (up to a decade for the latter).

Gélest green tea.

longevity how to live to 100

Researchers from theNorwich Bioscience Institutes Recently discovered that polyphenols, a type of micronutrients in green tea, blocks something called VEGF, a traffic molecule in the body that triggers a plaque accumulation in arteries that can lead to heart attacks, a stroke and a disease. Disease vascular. The prolonged brunette of life can also expand wrinkles by combating inflammation and improving the elasticity of the skin, keeping you young inside and out.



Visceral fat - the Blubber that approaches your internal organs, Aka Belly Fat, makes you twice as likely to die of any cause as obese, according to a study of 2008 published inNew England Journal of Medicine. This is because it cracks toxins and causes diabetes, heart disease, hepatic impairment and all kinds of other problems. The Good News: You can target the fats of the belly by eating delicious foods that actually extinguish the genes responsible for its production.

Take precautions against colon cancer.

longevity how to live to 100

As it is now, colon cancer is the third cause of the death of cancer in the men of the US, according to theAmerican Cancer Society. But when the precanctive polyps are removed from the colon before becoming malignant, colon cancer is almost completely preventable. That's why it is essential to get a preventive colonoscopy as often as your doctor recommends, which is usually once every 10 years.

To be realistic.

signature how to live to 100

Whileoptimism is a quality that will greatly improve your quality of life, be pragmatic can also lengthen your life. According to Leslie R. Martin, one of the authors ofThe Longevity ProjectBlind optimism can make you less able to treat the reverse of life and overcome them.

Eat yogurt.

longevity how to live to 100

The health benefits of these 2,000-year-old foods are not contested: the fermentation appears hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms that serve as reinforcement for the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body. Helping to increase your immune system and protect against cancer, according toHarvard Public Health School. All yogurts are not probiotic, however, make sure the label indicates "live and active crops". Aim for a daily cup.

Drink apple juice.

apple juice surrounded by apples how to live to 100

In a 2010 study published in theAlzheimer's Disease JournalThe researchers found that the consumption of two glasses of apple juice a day is associated with the rupture of the plates in the brain that can lead to dementia.

Get preventative care.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2007 study published in theScandinavian Journal of Public Health followed 2,000 children from 30 to 49 years over a period of 15 years. Researchers have discovered that those who have sought regular preventive care have been a "significantly" shelf life than those who have not done so. (You can find the current guidelines of the National Institute of Health for Reviews and Regular Testshere.)

Protect your skin from the sun.

woman applying sunscreen sunburn how to live to 100

Avoid sunburn drop your chances of developing skin cancers like melanoma, which can be one of the most difficult malignants to treat. You can reduce your risk by covering or slapping on a sunscreen to avoid a burn.

Just do not go to the sea and refuses to leave the house. The sun exposure is crucial for your natural vitamin D production, associated with a lower risk of several cancers, according to a 2012 study published in the journal.Frontiers in endocrinology.

Go to bed one hour earlier.

Woman Sleeping how to live to 100

Research published in 2014 in theJournal of Sleep Search I found that people who normally slept for seven hours or less overnight and skewed at one hour at one hour earlier experienced a measurable drop in arterial pressure. This lowers your risk of having a heart attack or cerebrovascular accident.

Analyze your genealogical tree.

longevity how to live to 100

Take a look at your family tree to take note of what diseases you are probably predisposed thanks to the family's history. If a certain illness occurred in several close contacts or occurred in a parent at an earlier than expected period, you may have a greater risk for this disease than the average person, according toUnderstand genetics.

Dump soda-even the diet.

longevity how to live to 100

The research says it can shorten your life. A 2014 study published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health Follow-up of 5,300 healthy people who have regularly drank soda and have found that they have experienced advanced cells up to four years, which potentially cut its service life. And even the dietary soda is a bad news: high levels of phosphorus in dark sodas weaken the bones.

Eat salmon.

longevity how to live to 100

GRAS fish, such as tuna, wild salmon, mackerel and sardines, contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients that have been proven to reduce the risk of overall mortality up to 27% and Reduce the chances of dying of heart disease by about 35%.

They also offer many anti-aging benefits. Eating a few portions of fat fish every week has been demonstrated to help protect against Alzheimer's disease andhelp reduce articular pain and stiffness by removing the production of enzymes that erode cartilage, according toHarvard Public Health School.

Get your vitamin K.

longevity how to live to 100

Thanks to their high vitamin K, noshing content on leafy vegetables like Kale, Collards and Muster Greens can help laser cognitive decline, according to a 2017 study published in the newspaper.Neurology. In fact, the researchers have discovered that the people who have eaten one by two portions of the Greens daily had the cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who have eaten none.

Be adaptable.

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The researchers of the Centenarian Study of Georgia 2010 interviewed 244 people aged 100 or older over an eight years. Their results, published in the magazineCurrent research in gerontology and geriatrics, noted that adapting to and cope with stressful situations was crucial for succeeding aging. Those who have meditated on stressful situations were healthier than those who have made quick emotional reactions.

Think about your cholesterol.

longevity how to live to 100

A 2015 study published inBmj followed by a group of men for 50 years and found that men who lived 100 years old had had three things in common: they did not smoke, they have hurt more than four cups of coffee a day and had Healthy cholesterol levels, which dramatically reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Feel in control and worth it.

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According to a 2014 study published inThe lancetPeople who felt the most control of their lives and felt that it was worth having a greater chance to die than those who have the least control.

Eat sweet potatoes and curcuma.

longevity how to live to 100

This one is another tip of Okinawa dense centenary, in Japan. About 60% of the diet of people involves soft potatoes, which are rich in flavonoids, fiber and good carbohydrates. Also a food staple: curcuma, a spice with antioxidants that help prevent cancer andcardiopathy, according to the 2018 research published in the journalAdvanced biomedical research.

Stop smoking.

longevity how to live to 100

This one is really a warning. But if you insist to see a study that shows that smoking cigarettes, it's like playing Russian roulette, you are here: 2012 Research published in the magazineThe lancet Follow-up by 1.3 million people between 1996 and 2001. The study showed that the abandonment of cigarettes helped the subjects lived 10 years more than if they had continued to smoke.

Know that it is never too late.

longevity how to live to 100

The authors ofThe Longevity Project Emphasize that you can make positive changes even the smallest and see a measurable effect. Just do not be intimidated and go down on it. "Think about making changes as" steps "is a great strategy," advises authors. "You can not change any major things on yourself during the night. But make small changes and repeat these steps, can possibly create this way to a longer life."

Enjoy life.

longevity how to live to 100

In the end, theLongevity project Isolated researchers A common centennial trafficking that is the strongest predictor of survival: how they feel about their health, well-being and support systems. If you do not feel good about where you are today, make a plan - as small using this list as a starting point and start changing this today! And for how to stop today, discoverThe most important thing you can do this will help you quit smoking.

Categories: Health
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