6 places where you have to wear a mask, start today

Mask mandates are here on all forms of public transport.

During his election campaign, President Joe Biden promised that if elected, he would tighten mask restrictions as one of his tactics to end theCOVID-19 [Femininepandemic. Just a few weeks in his presidency, he joined forces with the centers of control and disease prevention and published aExecutive Order January 21stcalling for immediate action on the mask carrying "all forms of public transport". The order, which came into effect last night at 23:59 and is detailed on theCDCThe website will have "all passengers on public transport" moving towards or within the United States, as well as transport workers to hide. Read to find out where you will need to wear protective face coatings - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Aircraft and airports

Virus mask woman travel wearing face protection in prevention for coronavirus at airport.

From the moment you arrive at the airport until you reach your final destination and enter your vehicle, plan to keep your mask. If you refuse, transport workers are required by law to refuse you.




Cruise ships were one of the first places to accommodate Superspreader events with several epidemics related to large epidemics. From the moment you board until landing, you will have to wear a mask at any time in a public space.


Trains and train stations

Friends meeting in public during virus outbreak

From the station inside the train cars, expect to keep your mask in place securely. If you turn off, you will be deleted "at the first opportunity."


Metro and subway stations

medical mask in the metro

Metro stations and metro cars are generally closed and stirrup spaces with very little traffic, which makes them risk the transmission of Covid-19. From now on, you will need to wear your protective face covering whenever you are traveling this way.

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Bus and bus deposits

Woman wearing surgical protective mask pushing the button in a public transportation.

Buses and bus deposits also make it difficult to separate six feet. Now you will have to wear your mask at any time you are traveling in one or other you will break the federal law.


Taxi and conduct actions

male taxi driver wearing face protective medical mask driving car with passenger

Do not think about jumping in a taxi, a Uber or a nest of the airport without being masked.


Which it does not apply to

Woman putting on face mask while sitting in a cafe during coronavirus.

There are some exceptions to the new mandate Mask, including 2 or younger children (who should never wear mask), commercial trucks and military transport. In addition, if you eat or drink, you can briefly remove your mask, according to the CDC.

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Do your part all the time

Two friends with protective masks greet with waving to each other.Alternative greeting during quarantine to avoid physical contact

To followDr. Anthony FauciThe fundamentals of the finish and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live itfacial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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