What is the Eco-Atkins regime?

This is called the Eco-Atkins regime and has been nicknamed one of the best schemes for fast weight loss ...

Love the idea of ​​following a low carbohydrate plan for weight loss, but extinguished by the idea of ​​filling your plate with books of animal products? Then, the Eco-Atkins regime that becomes recent buzz can be for you. Developed by a nutritional scientist at the University of Toronto, the diet is essentially a herbal tower on the Uber-popular regime in Atkins. Although it has been going for a while, it has recently been named one of the best diets for fast weight loss byU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. The list of annual rankings comprises nearly 40 different regimes, all of which have been evaluated by a group of doctors and nutritionists. So, needless to say that the diet has won a ton of traction at the end.

"We have designed a diet that combines both vegan and low carbohydrate elements to obtain the benefits of weight loss and lower cholesterol," said the man behind the diet, DR . David Jenkins.

But before the journalists took the wind of his diet, Jenkins and his team spent a month testing his effectiveness. The researchers divided a pool of overweight volunteers into two groups: a group has followed a calorie reduced vegan diet while the other group has been put on a low-fat vegetarian diet. All subjects lost weight during the long-term study; However, the Eco-Atkins group saw their LDL cholesterol decrease considerably more than the group on the low fat diet. Which makes a ton of meaning. Separate research shows that low carbohydrate regimes were 98% more likely to reduce the risk of a heart attack or a stroke in overweight people than a low fat diet.

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If you are interested in giving this new low-carb plan to try, here is the formula to follow:
• 31% of your total calories should come from protein (nuts, beans, soy burgers, spinach, etc.)
• 43% of total calories should come from fat (lawyer, walnuts, vegetable oils, etc.)
• 26% of your total calories should come from carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, etc.).

Although the number of carbohydrates is a little higher than what you would consume on the Standard Atkins diet, the diet is definitely worth trying if you try to reduce chicken and burgers. But if you want to keep your carbohydrate number on the lower side, the ATKINS 40 diet can be better for you. A-Celebrity List like Kim Kardashian and Alyssa Milano Hand 30 and 46 pounds respectively on the plan, which is rather impressive if you ask us! To find out exactly how to cut by following their diet, click on our exclusive room,15 incredible weight loss tips of Kim Kardashian nutritonist.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: diet / Low Carb
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