How to lose your belly by falling, according to dietitians

Ready to finally have this belly toned? Follow these safe firefighters to lose fat for weeks.

The first day of autumn is just weeks. So, if you are looking to tone your belly to feel confident and that you simply reach this long-standing goal that you have had for yourself, it looks like you look for the fastest ways oflose belly fat.

"Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the part of the body you want to lose weight. In other words, losealone Belly fat is not entirely possible, "said Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD. But that does not mean all yourWeight loss efforts are just ... in your head. "You can absolutely lose weight and see reductions in belly fat, as well as other areas of the body", reminds Rizzo.

That's why we have compiled these tips recommended by the dietitian to lose your belly by fall. Follow these tips to get your ABS flat in no time!



Woman with apple

"Do not wait for it to be in the summer to implement your healthy habits! Start getting a routine with your diet and exercise plans. Start with smaller and more realistic goals, and challenge Gradually yourself when you realize. For example, if you did not go to the gym once in the winter, your goal should not be to exercise six days a week. Start with two days and once It feels comfortable, increase them to three ".- Leah Silberman, RD toTovita Nutrition



woman refusing to drink alcohol

"If you try to lose weight fast, one of the best things to do is to cut the empty calories of alcohol, especially if you follow a strict weight loss plan for a month. These calories can be added quickly (with 80 to 150 calories by drink), and they add no nutritional value to your diet. Once this month is finished, you can certainly deliver to a summer mojito or sangria - all moderation ! "- -Diet registered in NYC, Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD


Cut carbohydrates at night

Woman looking in refrigerator late at night

"In order to lose weight at a faster pace, I always suggest that my patients minimize carbohydrates at night. The carbohydrates are stored as fat if it is not used right away, and the night we do not collaborate a lot of energy, but just in bed. Think about a Marathon runner the night before a great breed - What do these runners eat? Pasta! Marathon riders need this stored energy to optimize peak performance. However, if you do not run a marathon the next morning, you can not need these same sources of carbohydrates. Fill on proteins and vegetables instead of consuming a pasta dinner while you try to minimize belly fat. "-Leah Kaufman, Ms, rd, cde, cdn




"Stay away from food and drinks causing gas! In order to minimize the appearance of belly fat ... you may be able to decrease the inflator. There are specific food behaviors and foods that increase Bloat: Do not drink through a straw (this sucks in the air while you aspire in these liquids), stop chewing gum and eliminate the soft drinks. The elimination of these habits can help you give you a overall appearance of being trimmer. "- Kaufman


Fill the foods rich in protein

High protein foods

"One of the biggest obstacles to weight loss is to occur at empty carbohydrates. I do not talk about whole grains or fruits and vegetables; [I'm talking about snacks and sweet treats. At each meal, Make sure to eat proteins and include the snack time! Proteins contribute not only to the muscular building, but it satisfies you and satisfies you longer. This means that you will be less likely to eat too much later in the day . "- Rizzo

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Do not crush the diet

Empty plate

"The weight loss approach with a" fast and fast "state of mind is unhealthy, unsustainable and leads to a rapid weight recovery. During the anticipated control and / or delete food or food groups, Your body reacts by significantly maintaining energy, for example, you live. A reduction in the metabolic rate andThermal effect of food. Your body also tries to combat this physiological and psychological threat by increasing desires, hunger and fatigue ... Solution: Stop solving crash and search for a quick solution and start a lasting nutrition approach that focuses on on the development of a strong foundation of healthy eating habits. . "- Paul Salter, Rd, Nutrition Editor and founder ofContinly


Concentrate on whole foods

Couple making salad

"A healthy diet is charged with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans, legumes and lean protein. Start incorporating these foods into your diet now! It is common for people to have difficulties to digest some vegetables, as well as beans and legumes. More precisely, cruciferous vegetables tend to cause bloating and / or gastrointestinal. However, the more you eat these foods, the more your intestine will probably have to build a tolerance for They (which means you can eat them without feeling Icky's bloating effect). So do not wait for the summer months to incorporate them! In addition, cooking vegetables often make them easier to digest, so if You are a beginner, start with cooking these vegetables and introduce them. "- Silberman


Spike your workouts

Wall sit

"Try specific core exercises that you have not done before. Were you still a yogi? Try Pilates for a few weeks. It's always a good idea to change routine to" shock "the body. Your body s 'used to a fitness way after a period of time and want to make sure you always do your best to change your routine. "- Kaufman


Wear a bottle of reusable water

Woman drinking water

"Make the habit of staying hydrated. While you should stay hydrated all year, we tend to be more active during the summer months and sweat more water than we could otherwise. The more these waves of heat From July and August do not help you. With hydration. Wear a bottle of water with you and aim at two liters a day. H2O not your trick? freshly brewed teas or flavored drinks likeBasic organic which avoid unnecessary sugar quantities are in great ways to moisturize. "- Silberman


Avoid cheating meals

Man reaching for pizza

"Limit all indulgent foods. If you have not eaten healthy off the season, it's your chance. Reduce major vices such as alcohol, end-of-night bunching, Candy and excess fat. Now is your time to make your return. A month can be an excellent Jumpstart to get your body on the right track. "- Jim White, RDN, ACSM, ex-P, founder ofJim White Fitness


Completely eliminate processed carbohydrates

Chocolate Protein Bar

"One of the main causes of belly fat consumes heavy foods in carbs. Glycogen is the form of carbohydrate storage in the body. So that it exists in your cells, it must be surrounded by a barrier of water. The human body tightly controls blood sugar levels, so that when you eat a heavy fuel meal, glucose is transported in your cells and your liver. Once there, it is added to the existing glycogen, which requires more water and causes more swelling. To reduce the retention of water and finallyget rid of these love handles, Eliminate processed carbohydrates and focus on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy greases. "- Catherine Metzgar, PhD, RD toVirta Health


Exercise for 300 minutes

Fit serious Asian sportsman exercising with weights in gym

"According to the American College of Sports Medicine, in order to reduce body fat and increase weight loss, you must target 300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a week. Thus, add two to three days of bodybuilding to increase the lean muscle mass. "- White


Eat more fermented foods


"The fundamental cause of many health concerns can be linked to our digestive leaflets. A lifestyle with high stress, mediocre food choices and inadequate sleep can all disrupt the body's natural ability to break down food and maintain A healthy weight ... Eating fermented foods like Miso, Kimchi, Kefir and Sauerkraut can help you put the good bacteria in our digestive tract, allowing everything to work more efficiently. Take a probiotic stimulant like the buzz instinct is An excellent way to get an extra boost of healthy bacteria needed to maintain a healthy weight. "- Sarah Greenfield, Rd, CSSD,NutritionDirector of Education of '


Try the intermittent fasting

fasting diet

"Give the time to rest and that the digestion is essential for overall health. Fasting is not only good for longevity and anti-aging, but it also helps our body to use fat more efficiently for L energy. Leaving 12 to 16 hours between dinner and breakfast for a few days a week can help your body burn fat. It's not about eating less all day, just eat in A shorter period. This helps your body enter his detox trails faster and can help keep your body healthy and balanced weight. "- Greenfield

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Be socially

Instagram dinner
Collective eaters / dead

"Ask it on social media, you try to reduce belly fat. Responsibility and support will lead your motivation to the next level."- White


Supplement with magnesium

Leafy greens spinach arugula avocado

"Get eight hours of sleep per night can help restore cortisol levels, a hormone responsible for storing abdominal fats. Sleep is important for detox tract, cellular cleaning and hormonal balance that help your body use more efficiently fat and keeping good health body weight ... Foods rich in magnesium as black leaves, almonds, pumpkin seeds and bananas can help ensure that the body has adequate magnesium levels, Which can help regulate sleep routes. " - Greenfield

Before hitting the bag, prepare one of these 50 night oat recipes for weight loss Losing your belly through the summer.

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