Dr. Fauci: Avoid this thing to avoid Covid

"We are in a very precarious situation right now," he said.

With potential450,000 dead AmericansFrom Coronavirus by February, it is now time to practice your fundamentals of public health.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the best infectious infectious expert of the nation, appeared on theSee todayWith the host Savannah Guthrie this morning to discuss this - and warns you to do some dangerous things. Guthrie asked for Fuci if the situation was worse than he feared. "It's at least as bad as I feared," he said. "You know that we are in a very precarious situation right now. There is certainly a light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccine, but we are not there yet. We must really intensify our public health measures to try to blunted this trajectory, which is really significant. "Read to hear his warning and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Fuci asks you to avoid gathering parameters

Guthrie asked why we are in such a precarious situation. "It was a combination of things," said Fauci. "It's a combination of entering the winter. People spend more time inside, a combination of the holiday season, people who do the normal and wonderful things to gather together with meals with friends and family, you know, as innocent as these things that these things seem to be. In fact, these are things in many ways that continue to drive that. And now we are approaching the Christmas season, it's even more a challenge. So it's a difficult situation, Savannah. It is not easy. It is not easy. It is not easy. It is not easy. It is not easy. "

With regard to these family gatherings, inherit says that we did not even feel the impact of Thanksgiving's precipitation. "We are not expecting the two weeks of Thanksgiving [holidays]," said Fuci. "So, I think we have not seen the post-Thanksgiving summit yet. That's the thing about the thing because the numbers of themselves are alarming, then you realize that it is likely that we will see more overvoltage that we get two to three weeks after the holidays of Thanksgiving. And the thing that concerns me is that it makes me berty the right of the Christmas holidays, because people start to travel and shopping and to gather. "

Hence his warning: "That's why we plead with them in the best way that you can wear uniform masks, keep the distances as to the best possible way you can,Avoid crowds in the adjustments of the Congregate, especially inside. And if you are inside in this circumstance, always wear your mask. "

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says that most people did it before capturing Covid

How to survive the pandemic - and save lives

Dr. Faisci asks you to follow these fundamentals, for fear that we have, as Head of the CDC, Robert Redfield has been warned can come, 450,000 dead person before February. "I hope it will not happen," said Fuci. "And that's why we're all going to say to people, literally with them on the fact that we can do something about it. It should not be desperate where you throw your hands and say, It's inevitable. It will happen. If you do the fundamental things of public measures, you can get around it. And now is probably more than ever to double, because vaccines are literally at the threshold. We will start administering at the highest Risk people and people who are health care providers in mid-December. And then we come in January, February and March, more and more people can be vaccinated. So now, is so The time to hang there and not give up. "

So do not give up these fundamental principles and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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