7 common food foods make weight
If you eat "diet foods", but you always gain weight, it may be useful to re-evaluate if these foods help or hurt.

The reality and our perceptions of truth are often two very different things, whether with someone you meet on a dating website or a protein bar. Our broad sphere of influence creates our own brand of reality.
Research Related to food health suggests that we are also influenced. More specifically, this is called "Halo effect of health". It describes our preconceived notion that a dimly labeled element in calories or low fat is preferable for us. A consumer survey published inPlos a found that 40% of consumers eat more than one food wearing a healthy label because they believe the claim.
If you think you eat "diet foods" and you always win weight, you might be confused by the labeling of products and eating too much of something you should be too eating. Here are some foods that are generally considered "diet foods, which could secretly give you weight. Read it and for more things about how to eat healthy, be sure to avoid these100 instantaneous food on the planet.
Low fat yogurt

Here is a classic example of health halo food. The "low fat" yogurt and "without fat" may seem healthy, but missing fats are often replaced by many added sugars. For example, a 2/3 yogurt tank of the banana with the original yoplait strawberry contains 150 calories and 22 grams of sugar, of which sugars are added. Do not automatically fear the grease in weight loss. A 2016 study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Follow-up by a large group of women for 100 years and found that those who included more fat dairy products in their diet have earned less eight than low fat dairy eaters.
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Bottle vinaigrette without fat

What can be healthier than greens parked parked with fresh chopped vegetables? Such a salad that is not soaked in a bottle vinaigrette. For one, some of the powerful antioxidants, such as carotenoids, in these vegetables are big soluble, which means they must be eaten with greases to absorb by your body. This fasteless vinaigrette will not do you any good. In addition, while you will not find fat on the tags of the ingredients of boldless dressings, you will find sugar. High fructose corn syrup is often the second most abundant ingredient after water. You will find 3 or 4 grams worth 2 tablespoons soup spoon. But do you use only 2 tablespoons? Do not bet on it. (In touch:20 unhealthy vinaigrettes on the classified planet!)
Soda without sugars

Reduce the added sugars in your diet by choosing a non-calorie gas drink on a 150-calorie soda may seem a good idea. It can even help you lose weight. On the rocking side, it can give you weight. How? 'Or' What? Well, some people rationalize consuming more food calories when they wash their meals with food drinks. And it can scare. University of Texas Health Science Center monitored 475 adults for 10 years and found that participants who drank dietary soda saw a 70% increase in waist circumference compared to those who have not drank soda .
Researchers believe that artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin or splenda can play a role. Because these super-sucking chemicals do not come with the calories that their sweetness suggests, our body can end up much sweeter thick food than typical nutrients, suggests the Harvard Medical SchoolHarvard Health Blog. In addition, a review of studies in theYale Journal of Biology and Medicinesuggests that because they are so sweet ", artificial sugars encourage sugar cravings and sugar addiction." When you eliminate the calories of sweet drinks, you reduce the reward for satisfaction of these calories ", which further combines food research activity ... and can contribute to obesity," writes the study author which required the Department of Molecular Biology, Cellular and Yale Development. Do you have theseWarning signs that you drink too much coke?
Light bread

Do not be fooled by the "wheat" on the label of your bread, it is not as meaningful as it seems. What "wheat" means, in fact, is simply your bread is made from wheat flour. Now, manufacturers take this health halo a further step by inserting this healthy sounding word in their typical list of ingredients. White wheat bread? It's the same as white bread. And both means that the grain of wheat has been stripped of fibers. Look for "whole wheat" or "whole grains" flours on the ingredient label to make sure you get a whole wheat bread. Secondly, the term "light" refers to a lower bread in the calories, because it has been stripped of its nutrients, including fats and replaced by additional sweeteners, often from high fructose corn syrup. You will better swallow more calories with whole grain bread containing more vitamins, fibers and other nutrients. To help you identify these diet sabotors, do not miss theseThe 18 unhealthy breads on the planet.
Perfect Yagurt Compaccent

You meet a convenience store for a quick hunger turn but you want something healthy. Then you spot it-yogurt in store with slabs of strawberries and granola. You jump theSnickers Bar thinking that you have made a smart choice when you swallow the same number of calories 280 and grams of sugar, 28. If you want your yoghurt to be really a food diet, you will want to try one of these25 best yogurts for weight loss, according to nutritionists.
Energy and protein bars

With so much media threshing cup on the benefits of weight loss protein, we lost sight of the fact that high protein packaged foods still contain many calories and maybe even added sugars. Energy and protein bars are an excellent example of convenience store snacks wearing health halves. Their packaging signals healthy fuel, but nutritional facts tell a different story. Many are loaded with sugars and calories. Take two of the most popular, for example, CLIF chocolate energy bar packets 21 grams of sugars and 250 calories; Powerbar Performance peanut butter energy bar contains 26 grams of sugars and 230 calories. Consult our ranking of theThe best and worst energy bars.
Pop corn

The type of air unlit with oils or butter is a healthy snack for weight loss; It even contains fiber. But do not think all popcorn are good for popcorn. "The movie theater popcorn is as a role on a melted butter stick or drinking salted oil," says Ilana Muhlstein, RD, author ofYou can drop it off! How do I lose 100 pounds taking advantage of carbohydrates, cocktails and chocolate - and you can also! Microwave popcorn containing "butter flavoring or" caramel flavor "can include up to 6 grams of saturated oils per serving (30% of your daily value), so make sure you read labels. nutrition and ingredient. Or just read our guide:9 Most Healthy Microwave Pop-Corn Brands (& Jumping Bags).

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