6 Tips for Transitioning Off Keto without gaining weight back
It is quite feasible, simply know how.

Although theceto diet is proven to be incredibly effective for weight loss and offers benefits such as real health reduction of blood sugar, insulin rate, and even reduceAlzheimer's risk-The ceto regime is extreme. It allows more than 10% of future calories fromcrab (Which comes with its own set of problems) and requires up to 60% forthcoming fat. And lately, the experts were asking if the Céto regime could really affect yourheart and cardiovascular system.
While the Céto regime remains popular, it is not necessarily an option "forever" (speaking of that, here are9 signs you should really be eating more carbohydrates) That's why some people are looking for good advice thinking about the transition out of keto. Because by the transition out of keto, you are at risk to gain back the weight you lost.
As a personal trainerJamie Hickey to explain, "Your body has become accustomed to using fat as a primary energy source. It takes time to return transition to the use of carbohydrates as fuel ".
But weight gain after keto is not inevitable, the experts point out. Read on for their tips on how to start the transition off Ceto without getting lost weight, or worse, to earn more. And for healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.
Go slowly.

The first advice I give to my clients who seek to detach Céto is to take slow ", says Hickey. "Start by adding small portions of fruits and vegetables rich in starch and work your path until gradually".
Once you rise in power to the American guidelines of dietary guidelines (45 to 65 percent of total calories), it is sufficient to stick to whole foods becauseProcessed foods could result in weight gain, not to mention fatigue, bloating, and all theseOther side effects. here is15 House Swaps for the worst Foods Processed Ultra.
Make sure to maintain protein intake.

It is important to remember that Ceto isnota high protein diet of high, saysHeidi Skolnik, MS, CDN, FACSM. High levels of fat keep satisfied, butprotein can do it too.
"Keep or even slightly increase your protein initially," Skolnik suggests, and do not be afraid to rely on protein drinks (for example, protein shakes and protein water) as well. here isWhat happens to your body when you drink protein shakes every day.
Stay active.

"Exercise is essential to help your body re-adapt to the use of carbohydrates as fuel," says Skolnik. "And the good news is, with carbohydrates like fuel, you can find the Hitt workouts easier. »
Of course, it is possible toLose tons of weight without exercise, cornhere's what can happen if you do not.
Keep an eye on calories.

"Watch for your total caloric intake to avoid eating an excessive amount of calories," says dietitianMarta Ferraz Valles.
There is simply not to circumvent the fact that the calorie material. To reduce the number on the scale, you have tocalorize that you took in. Conversely, if you increase your calorie consumption, you will gain weight. If you need to know how many calories you should take in,How many calories a week you should eat to lose weight.
Do these calories count.

Calling calories do not get youuntil there If you do not pay attention to nutrition, Valles points on.
"Start getting used to filling half of your plate with fruits andnon-starchy vegetables, "Valles says. Unfailing vegetables are low in calories but rich in nutritional value.
Valles also recommends choosing healthier sources ofcarbohydrates than basic bread. White rice, and bakery products. Instead, try "intact whole grains" such as ploaky oatmeal, and legumes like beans,Lentilsand chickpeas, which are associated with healthy weight and longevity.
Consider intermittent fasting.

"During the transition off Ceto, it can help move in the intermittent fast," says dietitian Alicia Galvin , Resident dietician for sovereign laboratories. Intermittent fast consists of limiting eating only for a period of 12 to eight hours during a day.
"Intermittent fasting has been shown that weight loss and metabolic benefits, which can help you maintain your weight loss after Ceto," says Galvin.

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