A frightening thing about Covid-19 person talks about

The long-term effects are much worse than previous thoughts.

Now you know a lot aboutCOVID-19 [Feminine. Yes, that it is both incredibly contagious and that, so far, nearly 190,000 Americans died this year (with more than 400,000 Americansprojected die from the end of the year). You know thesymptoms, What to wear a mask is important and that a self-imposed quarantine of 14 days after traveling is the smart and responsible thing to do. But as much as you know the coronavirus, there may be essential facts about if you missed. In a newto study, we can all give short daily to its larger side effects, including the fact that manyThe recovery of patients with sustainable pulmonary damage for months after recovery.

Theto study Comes from the university clinic of internal medicine in Innsbruck, Austria, who has followed dozens of coronavirus patients who are both proven of serious CVIV-19 symptoms.

Researchers have discovered that six weeks after leaving the hospital, 88% of patients have always shown signs of pulmonary damage in CT analyzes, while 47% of patients knewPersistent and significant breathing. The damage caused by inflammation and fluid in the lungs caused by coronavirus should on CT analyzes in the form of white spots called "ground glass". At 12 weeks, these figures were 56% and 39%, respectively. These preliminary results were presented at theInternational Congress of European Respiratory Society and not published in a review reviewed by peers.

"COVID-19 survivors have persistent pulmonary impairment of weeks after recovery," saidSabina Sahanic, MD of the University Clinic in Innsbruck. "The bad news is that people show a lung deficiency of Covid-19 weeks after the exit. The good news is that the deficiency tends to improve over time, suggesting that the lungs have a mechanism of reparation."

Woman having trouble breathing

The majority of coronavirus recovery patients with the most serious symptoms wereOlder men with pre-existing comorbidities.

"The Austrian study reports short-term follow-up results in a hospitalized cohort, demonstrating continued evidence of heart and lung deficiency in a large part of the 12-week discharge patients "Tom Wilkinson, Professor and Respiratory Medicine Consultant at the University of Southampton, saidThe Guardian.

In the end, the experts emphasized the importance of follow-up appointments with your doctor after taking the virus.

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"The conclusions of this study show the importance of implementing structured follow-up care for patients with severe CIVID-19" infection, "said Dr. Sahalic - adding that this should inform health professionals from the health professionals. how they should address post-recovery treatment. "Knowing how patients have been affected in the long term by coronavirus could allow symptoms and lung damage to deal with much earlier and have a significant impact on new medical recommendations and advice." And for more sustainable effects, checkThe 4 worst long-term effects you will get from COVID, studies.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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