The simplest way to lose weight, according to science

The key to success is not a bootcamp or a FAD regime.

Many aspects of adoptionHealthier habits are difficult.Cravings,tired, motivation, and more can be in the path of results. But a new study suggests that one of the simplest things you can do isspeak About your trip.

Eighty-seven participants in aDREXEL UNIVERSITY STUDY Published in the newspaperObesity In October, they were responsible for carrying a Fitbit tracker, laying on a wireless scale and recording their food consumption in a smartphone application over a period of 12 months. The goal? To see if you improve self-monitoring. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.)

During the first three months, each individual also participated in a weekly group session, where they learned behavioral skills. After that, the participants had only contacts with their coach through a text per week and a phone call per month. The coaches were able to see the data of half of the people and craft messages based on this information. Nobody had access to the data of others and the messages they received were generic.

"We were interested in seeing if the maintenance of weight loss would be better when the coaches could see the data and provide comments, which could help maintain a high level of motivation to maintain healthy food behaviors and physical activity" , Meghan Bursyn, PhD. The main author of the study and an aggregate professor at school, said.

Participants whose data have been shared with coaches have maintained weight loss, while those whose data were private resumes about four pounds during weeks without group sessions.

Of course, more research needs to be done to further study the effectiveness of support accountability, says Butryn. But discussing your goals and your progress with a doctor, a dieteticist, a coach or loved ones could be the motivation you need to maintain hard work - especially in 2021!

For another type of inspiration, here isThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now. And to get all the latest weight losses and healthy lifestyles delivered directly to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: News / weight loss
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