Miscellaneous ways make your eyes brighter and energetic

How do you hide your eyes output from fatigue and watch?

Have you ever seen your sleep in a bad psychologist and before you like one of your family members, notice that there is a halo of sadness in your eyes? Do not survive if this happens because the eyes are the first body areas that are easily affected by them. If you get enough sleep and you are in good condition, your eyes will look bright, and vice versa. We will tell you in natural ways make your eyes brighter and lively, in this article:

Put the green tea bags on your eyelid

If your eyes are swollen, convenient or vulnerable, the green tea bags on your eyelids may help reduce swelling and mitigate irritation; According to a study conducted in 2011, the polyphenol in green tea has anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidants on corneal cells.

The best way to use green tea on your eyes is to soak tea bags first in some hot water then leave it completely cool - or better, put in the fridge for almost 15 minutes and once you cool down and close your eyes on your eyelids for 10 minutes.


Eat omega fat acids

According to modern medical studies, Omega 3 and Omega 6 6 fatty acids are effective in the treatment of eye dryness syndrome.

Dumi on the use of rose water

It is known that the water of roses is anti-inflammatory effects and resistance to infection, and for the best possible results; Put a few drops on your eyes using the eye drop as you can use a wet cotton piece with roses and put them on your eyebrow in order to reduce swelling or swelling.

Use the option to avoid swelling

The option juice has strong antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory, in addition to vitamin C which can calm the skin and tired eyes, and to get good results recruited and then put a slice of the option on each eyelid for 15 minutes; This recipe will help, with repeated use, to revive your eyes and make it more vital.

Some make-up may help in your eyes

If you are using a black kohl long has come time change, according to the famous beauty of Andrea Rodríguez, the white kohl makes the eyes more vibrant and freshness, all you have to do is use the white box but do not forget to determine the Alaner before putting it.

If you suffer from dark circles, the optimal solution in these situations is to moisturize first; Therefore, a cream dedicated to Eid contains vitamin A without excessive hide these cases in the eye makeup and prefer to use brown until it seems a real face.

Get enough premium of good sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, it is likely to appear on your eyes sooner or later marks and deprivation of sleep, so they allow you to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, and for a good sleep and avoid the problems of the eyes For all electronic devices before bedtime is sufficient.

My eyes are from the sun

You can help protect your eyes from sunlight to prevent eye dryness, and may also reduce the risk of sunburn on your eyebrow or on the sensitive skin under your eyes, and in order to protect the best for your eyes stretched protective sunglasses from ultraviolet rays when you go out in the sunlight.

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