What works on a treadmill made to your body, let's say experts

Is it better or worse for you than walking outside? We went to several best coaches for answers.

Walking is the most common form of exercise in the world, and health experts agree that the best way to make the most of your walks isto take the outside.Studies show thisNature brings good vibes and a crowd ofOther great advantagesAnd if you change the ground of your walks, you are all, but the guarantee of working your muscles and betterGet a much more interesting workout.

So what happens when you take your walk on the treadmill at your local crunch or in your home gym? You miss some of the wonderful advantages of walking? The short answer is yes, but that does not mean that walking on a treadmill does not come with its own valid advantages too.

To know what happens to your body when you walk on a treadmill, keep reading, because we have asked for health scores and fitness experts. And to make the most of your walks, make sure you are aware of theThe main mistakes you should not do during the march, Say health experts.


Your muscles will be less questioned.

Woman running on treadmill

It is simply a fact that every step on a belt in particular treadmill if you are not using the slope requires less effort than it would be on the ground. "When you're on a treadmill, there is much less friction than being on the ground," says Celebrity TrainerJoey Thurman, These, CPT, SNF. "As you bring your foot forward, the belt will help bring your leg back. There will be less activation by less soil-resistant forces. »

That's why, for the love of your heart and your muscles, you have to increase the slope to maximize your workout. (It's also whyCE FOU-POPULAR WALKING WORKOUT TOTALLY WORKS, SAY EXPERTS OF HEALTH.)

"Walking shows less muscle Treadmill activity because there is no wind resistance," saysDavid Rosales, NSCA-CPT, Okay, Co-owner ofRoman Fitness Systems. "It prevents your body from moving in different positions in morals because you canalone Go directly to the front. For more excellent fitness tips, make sure you knowThe most effective way to work every day, let's say psychologists.


But you will gain a better balance.

Tired woman at gym struggling to finish treadmill workout

While walking on a treadmill requires less friction, you will always work to perfect your balance. "The walk, in general, is an excellent exercise that you spend most of your time on a foot," says Thurman. "Walking on a treadmill leads to better overall balance. »

If it is well balanced that you are after, says John Fawkes, a Certified Personal Coach LSRN and Precision-Nutrition Certified Nutrition Counselor, you should "switch between the front and backward on the latter that will not only improve your balance but is also linked tobest memory. "

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You will have less than a complete body workout.

woman on treadmill

"Outdoor walking and walking on a treadmill are the two big for our bodies and minds. However, there are significant differences, "for exampleJoyce Shulman andEric CohenThe founders of99 WALKS, An application devoted to walking. "Outdoor walking presents unique challenges that you will not find with treadmill, like uneven surfaces, different slopes with climbs and descents, and the possibility of mounting steps or stairs. These subtle differences will engage our muscles in different ways, with different angles and at different intervals.

In the case of your arms, if you use the ramps of the treadmill and do not swing them, you will not only reduce your calorie consumption, but you can also affect your posture for the worst. Remember: to maximize your rolling carpet walks, try to avoid using the handrails. Oh, and there is a reason you would like to avoid handrails ...


He could give you vertigo.

Man running in a gym on a treadmill concept for exercising, fitness and healthy lifestyle

"Many people hate rolling carpets because ofThe feeling of vertigoAfter walking on the treadmill, "said Chanha Hwang, Pt, DTCOQ, CHC, a licensed physiotherapist and certified health coach who worksPateral health and well-being. "If you hold on the treadmill for balance, the internal equilibrium system no longer works. As you go down the treadmill, the system of sudden balance of kicks again and you suddenly feel dizzy or floating in space. »

His trick to make sure you do not receive the disease or dizziness of a treadmill? "Walk at a slower pace and get your hands on the treadmill. »


Right Done, your heart will make an incredible workout.


"In the end, the treadmill is ideal for cardiovascular training," explains Ollie wash, a British personal and nutritionist trainer who directs the online training siteWise Fitness Academy. Wash offer this treadmill interval workout to make sure your heart is pumping. Add an inclination to increase the difficulty.

Slow heater of 5 minutes

2 minutes fast

1 minute slow rhythm

Repeat for 20 minutes in total

3 minutes of cooling at a slow pace


This will focus your mind on your goals.

walking on treadmill

"Race mats offer some advantages," says Rosales. "It's much easier to follow your progress. You have the numbers right in front of you in terms of distance, time and tilt, that you can adapt to yourself. This ability to follow progress is huge for many of people. It's easier to define goals and see how you improve, who will both continue to motivate you to continue walking and building habits. "If you are on the market for a routine that is a routine that is a routine. little more hardcore, plan to tryThis 10-minute rapid workout that melts belly fat, explains the top coach.


You will work these muscular groups.


"Walking on a treadmill works several parts of your body, including your ankles, pits, ischio-ham, quads and a core and, if you swing your arms, your top of the body," says Fawkes. "For longer treadmill workouts, set the tilt to a moderate level (2 to 3%). For a quick walk, go even more steep, which will still allocate your metabolism and will work even more. "

For more, make sureDrinking this 30 minutes before doing exercise for flame fat, says a new study.

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