7 fill snacks of less than 100 calories

Temperatures can rise, but before starting to peel your cold wardrobe, you must remove the layers from your diet.

Yes, the grocery store is a Champfield of high calorie products, but with our help, you have this. You already digitize labels and re-shelves of foods that do not measure your needs, but the cost of 400 calories of a single portion of hummus and pretzels makes you feel that you must keep you only on vegetables at the snack. . To help you get Bootcamp workouts at the RECORD beach - without suffering from bored snack - we found the most filling snacks that weigh or less than 100 calories.

Of course, chopped vegetables always go to the list of healthy and low options, but a slimming snack can be much more creative than simple cruity. Here are 7 solid options outside the alley of products. Season of the beach, you come!

Eating this!

Babybel Original Cheese, Wheel

Calories70fat6 gsatured FAT4 GCARBS0 GSUGAR0 GPROTEIN5 g

Yes, you can eat cheese! These conveniently packed snacks are easy to throw in your bag from the part and are perfectly configured so that you do not have to panic when you realize that you do not really have any idea what the ounce of cheeseActually looks like. They can be tiny, but they are perfect to have hunger sincerely. "Babybel's cheeses offer proteins that can help with slow digestion and promote feelings of fullness and satiety," Isabel Smith, MS, R & D, CDN, Dietician and founder registered withIsabel Smith Nutrition.

Eating this!

Seasnax Roasted Algae Snacks, 1 Pack

Calories15FAT2 Gsaturet Fat0 GCARBS0 GSUGAR0 GPROTEIN0.3 g

OK OK. You can roll your eyes to this one, but honestly, how can you go crunchy and salty? Roasted seaweed snacks give you the potato chip for only 15 calories per serving. Take this, pose. "These snacks are tasty and tasty, which helps to stimulate satiety - while being low in calories, they will not leave you too far. Algae also naturally contain iodine, a significant nutrient for your thyroid", Add Smith.

Eating this!

United Yogurt 0% Siggi, 5.3 ounces

Calories80fat0 gsatured FAT0 GCARBS5 GSUGAR4 GPROTEIN15 g

Many popular low calorie yogurts we eat flavored air. What is the point of eating something low if you are going to look again 20 minutes later? "Siggi is great because it has a thick and satisfying texture, but a single portion of the plain variety without fat is only 80 calories. Associate it with 3-4 walnuts or a shredded coconut for a flavor Additional, a crunch and a more satisfying fat. Snack still maintaining calories, "says Smith.

Eating this!

Ezekiel Cinnamon Grape sprung whole grain bread, a slice


The bread is not the devil that some claim to be - as long as you choose the right slice. For 80 calories a room, you can overwrite this carbohydrate crisis and provide your body with a little honest fuel that will not throw your diet off when you choose this sprouted bread. "Ezekiel bread is made from sprouted grains, which makes it higher in proteins that will help promote satiety and blood glucose (think of energy). The best pair for a starch item like this is something with grease or protein - a thin smear of almond butter or peanut (about 1 teaspoons) would land this snack at 100 calories. Almond butter (or even nut butter of cashew) contains monounaturated fat not only healthy, but also promotes healthy hair and skin, "explains Smith.

Eating this!

Blue Diamond 100-Calorie Almond Packs, A Package

Calories100Fat9 Gsaturet Fat0.5 GCARBS3 GSugar1 GPROTEIN4 G

Do not go too much nut here; You must stick with the portion packs so that they are qualified as a snack-calorie option. "The almonds - or walnuts, are really fantastic to promote satiety and better than other snack options because they are low in sugar and a good source of healthy cardiac fat," explains Smith. They will not hurt for a long time, so keep them stored in your handbag or close them in your car for those moments when you're stuck and your stomach starts to scold.

Eating this!

If delicious yogurt of non-sweet cultivated coconut milk, 4 ounces

Calories50Fat4 Gsaturet Fat3.5 GCARBS6 GSUGAR1 GPROTEIN0 G

As the demand for non-dairy options increases, the number of grocery stores adding these pots to their shelves. And no, without dairy products does not mean the missing flavor. These yogurts are just as indulgent as their milk-based counterparts. "They are made of cultivated almonds or coconut milk, which means that they also have healthy bacteria capable of promoting healthy digestion and can also play a role in supporting the immune system," Smith said. However, as with regular yogurts, Smith suggests gluing with the plain or variety and adding your own fruit for extra flavor to avoid added sugar (real and artificial).

Eating this!

Crus de Brad chips: Kale, 15 pieces

Calories50Fat1 Gsatured FAT0 GCARBS9 GSUGAR1 GPROTEIN2 G

Of course, Kale is on this list - it is charged with calcium, iron, energy B-vitamins and nutrients that can help protect certain types of cancers. If you are among the courageous souls who tried to make your own cabbage chips, so you know how difficult it is to make them selectively remotely. Sometimes you prefer to leave it to the experts. "An integer of Brad Fridesholes chips is only 50 calories! They are made with flax grains and buckwheat, as well as onions, onions-effects and garlic, so they burst out of flavor. These also have a small protein and a fiber, which helps you feel full, "says Smith.

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