# 1 weight loss superfood to eat now

Nutritional packed, it's great in everything, with grilled cheese smoothies. Get recipes here!

His cruciferous cousin can get all love, but the Brocoli Rabe (also known as Rapini) is a superfault filled with nutrients worth looking for your next grocery race. Not a fan of broccoli? Do not return your nose. "If you hate broccoli, you can not necessarily hate the Broccoli Rabe," says Lisa Hayim, registered dietician and founder ofCopies. "Despite the name, the Broccoli Rabe is closer to the Turnip family than in Broccoli. His flavor is stronger and has a bitter taste, the most reminiscent of the flavor of the crown."

Before making a supermarket scan, take note: "When you select Broccoli RABE, choose them with dark green leaves and brilliant green stems. You also want to search for dark and dark green florets that are closely compact," says Rachel Stahl, Rd, CDN, a registered dietitian based on NYC.

Read five reasons why you have to sacred a little raboic, and three revenue recipes of broccoli delectables.


It grows vitamins and minerals

Only 3.5 oz of Broccoli Rabe (a few more than two cups) contains more than half of your daily values ​​ofVitamins A and C. In fact, the Brocoli Rabe has more than 350% vitamin A than blackberries, and five times more vitamin A than summer squash. Vitamin A (as well as D, E and K) is a soluble vitamin in the fats, so that the pair of broccoli rab with olive oil, canola oil or even the lawyer for Absorption.

Eating this! advice

The Broccoli Rabe is a good source of iron. However, iron is more difficult to absorb herbal foods than animal sources, says Stahl. She suggests cooking veggie with lemon. "Foods rich in vitamin C helps to make plant-based iron more absorbable. The lemrons acid helps to break down the walls of the cell into the Brocoli Rabe, turning off the leaves and make them less bitter", explains Stahl. Lemons also pie? "You can combine the BROCOLI RABE or other dark green vegetables and hardwoods with other foods rich in vitamin C, including citrus, strawberries, tomatoes and bell peppers," she adds.


It keeps your digestive system smoothly

Broccoli Rabe has two grams of fiber per cup, allowing you to win longer than cravings and help you lose weight.

Eating this! advice

Pair with any of theseHigh Weight Loss Food Food.


It lowers your risk of heart disease

Broccoli Rabe offers powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as folate and vitamin C. Veggie has ten times more folic acid than blueberries.

Eating this! advice

If you have an old garlic situated, you may want to associate a group of Broccoli Rabe. The "sprouting" garlic, or bulbs that have green sprouts through their center, may contain healthier antioxidants than fresh bulbs. Learn more about theBest foods to reduce the risk of heart disease here.


This helps strengthen your bones

Broccoli Rabe has more than 100% of your daily recommended vitamin K allowance in half a cup. "Vitamin K is important in the body because it plays a key role in blood coagulation," Stahl declares. In addition to stimulating bone health, detox rab also the liver, thanks to its high sulfur content.

Eating this! advice

For healthy bones, vitamin D is also the key. Although Rabe lacks this nutrient, it can be part of a dinner rich in D: "one of my favorite ways to enjoy the Broccoli Rabe is thrown with pasta with whole grain, chopped garlic, dried tomatoes, beans White and fresh basil ", explains Stahl. "I squeeze this with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice with freshly ground black pepper and grated parmesan cheese."


This helps protect your view

Broccoli Rabe also contains lutein, an antioxidant that protects your retinnes from damaged free radicals. And put this under incredible: "It can help fight cancer, due to high levels of glucosinolates, that your body converts to cancer control molecules," says Stahl. (This is just one offood we recommend for healthy eyes.)

Eating this! advice

When adding rapini to your diet, consider cooking instead of eating raw. "Broccoli Rabe is known to have a bitter taste when it's believed, that's why I love the steam or jump with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and season with fresh garlic, pepper and a pinch of salt ", explains Stahl, which recommends deleting the difficult ends of the stems before cooking. Whitening Veggie - bringing it to a boil, then transfer to an ice bath - the flavor of the labels.

Here are three of our favorite recipes for the Broccoli Rabe, compliments ofAndy boy, a company based in California:

Tropical Power Smoothie of Broccoli Rabe

broccoli rabe smoothie recipe

Low in sodium and showing with only 216 calories per serving, this tasty smoothie is also charged with 60% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C. It already contains 4 grams of protein, but to strengthen it, add one of These natural, plant-based protein powders.

Serves: 2
Preparation: 5 min
Cook: 2 min
Total: 7 min

1 cup of broccoli leaves rab, removed rods
1 apple, coded
1 banana, peeled
¼ cup of parsley
¼ cup of plain yogurt
2 teaspoons of honey
1 cup of pineapple juice

Place all the ingredients in a mixer and a top process until completely smooth. Pour into two glasses and serve.

Broccoli Rabe Kimchi

We have never met a dish of accompanying the rapini that we did not like, but this one takes the cake for total deliciousness. Fermented foods like Kimchi can be a boon for a flat belly and a healthy intestine. Here, Kimchi receives a tasty flavor of miso, garlic, chili powder and green onion. With eight grams of fiber, 312% of your recommended daily vitamin A value and more than 40% of your recommended daily value for vitamin C, this side is as tasty and nutritive.

Serves: 2
Preparation: 40 min
Cook: 0 min
Total: 40 min

½ Bouquet Broccoli Rabe
Kosher salt
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 inch of ginger, minced
¼ Korean chilite powder cup (Kochukaru), or taste
1 tablespoon of miso dough
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 small bouquet green onions, cut into 1 inch pieces
½ cup of julienne carrots

  1. Cut the rabage into 1 inch pieces and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with a generous amount of kosher salt, 1 tablespoon sugar and mix. Let stand for half an hour. The green salting is twice: it acts a preservative and draws water out of the green, tearning in the process.
  2. While the Greens show, combine garlic, ginger, kochukaru, miso dough and remaining sugar tablespoon. It will be very thick. Thin with a little lukewarm water (1 tablespoon at a time) until hand. You are looking for the consistency of sour cream. Taste and adjust if necessary. Incorporate green onions and carrots.
  3. Rinse and empty the broccoli rab. Mix well with the dough of Kochukaru. Taste and season with salt if necessary. Pack tightly in pots.
  4. Seal strongly and refrigerate. The Kimchi will be tasty right away, but even better after 24 hours. It will continue to ferment up to two weeks and will remain in the refrigerator up to 1 month.

Broccoli Broccoli Rabe Grilled Cheese

You got us with molten cheddar. This healthy comfort of Broccoli Rabe projectors, with tanginsse and a kick of red pepper flakes, garlic and lemon. We like it to 30 grams of protein by sandwich, 30% of your recommended daily value of iron and 20% of your Vitamin AV dv.

Serves: 4
Preparation: 1 hour
Cook: 15 min
Total: 1 hour 15 min

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
4 cloves of garlic, chopped roughly
Pinch Chile Flakes
1 Bouquet Broccoli Rabe, 2-inch cut, washed
¼ teaspoon of kosher salt
8 slices of good bread
2 grated grated grated cheddar cups
Soft butter

  1. Sautéed the garlic flakes and chili with olive oil over medium heat to the upper heat in a large pan or a Dutch oven until the 2 minutes are scented, about 2 minutes. Add the RABE broccoli and jump until just start coloring, about 2 to 3 minutes more. Add 1/2 cup of water to the pot, to the cover and simmer gently for 1 hour. Give the broccoli rab a mix several times throughout the process. If the saucepan is dry, add a little water to keep the broccoli rab to burn.
  2. After an hour, the Broccoli Rabe will be very tender and upset. Finish with just a fresh lemon pressure.
  3. Butter on one side of each slice of bread.
  4. Preheat a large pan over medium heat. Add four slices of bread (or two at a time if it is what suits in the pan) side of the butter and high the bread with 1/4 of the broccoli rab. In addition to this, add about 1/2 cup of grated cheese. Up with another slice of bread, this time butter.
  5. To grill until gold and cheese melted, about 3 minutes per side. Give the sandwich a soft press with a spatula to compress the sandwich so that broccoli rab and the cheese really mixed. Seers immediately.

Courtesy of Andy boy

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