What happens to your body when you fall in love

You can not recognize when you fall in love, but I want to know the revealing signs?

Sometimes falling in love can feel like an out-of-body experience - your being mental and physical is taken back with emotion, and this is partly due to the natural biological effects that love can cause in our brains and our bodies. You can not recognize when you fall in love, but I want to know the revealing signs? Here's what happens to your body when romance makes a number on you.

1. Dopamine spikes

Your brain has generated something called dopamine, which causes a euphoria. The same thing happens with eating chocolate or listen to your favorite music, just on a smaller scale. Think of it in this way: the reward of love is a feeling of happiness, which, according to scientists, plays an important role in our mating to avoid extinction!

2. Hormonal overvoltages of love

Yes, there is something known as the hormone of love, and it's called oxytocin. Oxytocin increases feelings of attachment, trust and security. That's why you feel so comfortable around a partner. Oxytocin stimulates after sex, touching and kissing, and it works to make your obligation stronger while potentially reducing an interest for other potential partners.

3. Your blood pressure thanks you

Our blood pressure decreases. Most people suffer from arterial hypertension, but for those who have found their soul mate, blood pressure is considerably reduced. This can occur in quick discussions before or after the dates of work and dinner.

4. Your pain tolerance increases

According to science, when we see our being expensive, our brain triggers a mechanism that reduces the pain. Just watching a photo of our other significant can have an effect. Of course, it might not be as strong as anesthesia, but it also feels good that when BAE thinks of you, they automatically feel better.

5. Global improvement of physical health

Even though some of us have put a little weight (and there is no shame in this) after having entered a relationship, finding the love of your life can bring a healthier heart, an immune system more Fort, weight loss and even increase the longevity of overall life, bringing a brand new meaning to "Til Transpone is a part".

6. GUTS with bubbles or "butterflies"

Stomach problems can occur when you fall in love, some people call it "butterflies" in your stomach. Although love is incredible, it can sometimes cause an increase in cortisol levels. This is the same hormone associated with stress that causes nausea and stomach ache. Your cheeks flush, your heart races and your palms transpire. This is what the brides experience in their marriage days.

7. Appetite and sleep problems

When a special person is on your mind, often it's hard to think of something else or go through the regular movements of life. If you can not get your lover out of your head (or crush, since you do not know how they feel), it is common to have a nervous belly, a poor appetite and insomnia.

8. Students dilate

Did you know that when you are attracted by someone (whether you are deep in the eyes of the other, lie down to bed together, contacting your students in the street) your dilate students. Indeed, the friendly branch of your nervous system is stimulated because your eyes are dilated. Go ahead and try it with your other significant, sometimes!

9. Boosted Sex Drive - especially at the beginning

When you are single, you may not be constantly in a state of excitement, but when you are in love (especially in these honeymoon phases), your androgenic hormones come into play. Androgens include testosterone, which Naturally increases your desire for sex. Sex also leads to a cycle propelled by dopamine and oxytocin. In addition, doing the dirty can make you feel closer to your partner and why would not you want more?

10. You become addicted to them and fear when they are not there

When you are separated for your partner, whether it's an hour, one night or a month, you might worry. Do not have your partner in your view makes you feel like an addictive addiction toxicomane. Corticotropin is released in our bodies as a stressed response when we are far from our partner.

11. Your brain feels an increased will to sacrifice

All types of love require sacrifices and compromises - the size of these sacrifices can go from a certain color of paint, or a huge decision as having children or go across the country. As your love grows up, you are more likely to compromise for these people due partly to the wave nerve of our brain, which aligns and synchronizes the partners, thus reinforcing their obligation.

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