17 serious side effects of fast food

After reading this, you will start to interrogate why someone thought to call it a "happy meal".

Fast food. It's cheap, practical andpretreatment marketed to us When we are young in the hope that we will be consumers for life. For many companies, this strategy has borne up: more than 1 American adult in 3 people quickly consume a given day, according to theCDC.

But there is a ride in this math. If we eat too much of this kind of thing, that the life of frequent consumption could be much shorter than if it had eaten more food not applied with clowns, colonels, kings and girls facing Freckle with red mats.Studies Have found that the more the ratio of fast food restaurants and convenience stores in grocery stores and produces suppliers near the house, plus the prevalence of obesity and diabetes, which increases your risk of early death in these communities.

See, in many cases, fast restoration is highly transformed and contains large amounts of carbohydrates,added sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium. These foods are almost always high in calories whileoffer little in the path of nutrition. And when fast restoration frequently replaces nutritious entire foods in your diet, this can lead to all kinds of poor health outcomes. Slashweightloss The goals are just one.

Here are 17 serious side effects of a fast diet - everything can happen to your body in a relatively short period of time. And while you make more prominent choices, make sure you are supplied onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You will be lethargic ...

businessman taking off glasses rubbing dry irritated eyes

With large portions often high in fat, fast foods like burgers, fries and milkshakes, the fast food often offers a dose of heavy calories. "These big portions often let you be full and lethalgic," saysMarisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD.


Your skin will deteriorate

Woman with problem skin

Eating fast food restaurants can cause skin problems such as acne. "No, it's not chocolate or fried components," says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder ofREAL NUTRITION NYC. "These are simple sugars, white flour and empty carbohydrates like fries that can be blamed."

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You are going to block

Man suffering digestive distress after overeating

Some foods naturally containHigher amounts of sodiumBut sodium is also added to many food products. Some of these additives are monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) and sodium benzoate, which are used as flavoring or conservative. With regard to food sodium boundaries, he suggested that adults remain less than 1,500 milligrams a day and should never consume more than 2,300 milligrams. Only one fast food meal can actually exceed 2,300 milligrams. Too much sodium causes the conservation of the water, which makes you feelinflated and swollen.


Your memory and cognitive function will decline

Annoyed frustrated male reading bad news on the cellphone

Fast foods such as bacon burgers, fried foods and milkshakes are often high in saturated fats. "It has been well established that saturated fats can have a negative impact on the heart, but there is also research that suggests that high saturated fat consumption could have a negative impact on brain function and memory," says Moore . It adds that higher intakes of saturated fatty acids can affect the speed of memory and flexibility and prospective memory (your ability to remember to do what you wanted). You did not intend not to shoot in the reader, remember?


You will be constipated

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

Food fiber (usually found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds) plays a dominant role in the digestive system. Fiber helps keep your digestive tube function properly because it uses out of the body. This can help reduce cholesterol and keep sugar levels in normal blood. "Unfortunately, most fast foods do not contain high food fiber contents," says White. What does? ThoseThe 43 best fiber foods!


You will increase your risk of obesity

woman weighing herself overweight on scale

If you switch from a balanced diet of whole foods to one of the fast restaurants, the most obvious difference you register would be the huge increase in calories (largely empty) that you would consume by meal. Hello,big belly. And what is worse: "The high calorie socket can lead to obesity, which allows you to develop chronic diseases", warnsJim White, Rd, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios. Adults who reported eating fast food over at least one two days over two days, researchers had a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who have not eaten Fast Food, according to a published study in theAmerican College of Nutrition Journal.Researchers concluded that frequent fast food consumption can contribute to weight gain.


You will do hunger nutritionally.

Hungry woman fork knife empty plate

High calories in fast restoration are accompanied by low nutritional value. Too much of that and your body will start missing the necessary nutrients he needs to work properly. "Your body is temporarily full with empty foods that do not provide food, so even if you have eaten a lot of calories, you will not be satisfied for a long time," says Shapiro.


You will increase inflammation

Fish chips soda

Phthalates, a class of endocrine disruptors chemical toxins, are used to align the plastic supply and the drinking packaging. Unfortunately, they are not good for your health. A 2018international environmentStudy revealed that people who were often ate Fast Food had 35 percent of the higher levels of phthalate metabolites that people who eat most foods purchased at the grocery store and prepared at home. The bad news for every day-lunch for aEnvironmental Science and Technology Study the phthalates found associated with inflammation, and another studyEnvironmental health Connected subsequent exposure to phthalates with metabolic syndrome: a disease as often associated with increased levels of inflammation.Inflammation May cause a myriad of health problems of obesity to nutrient deficiencies.


Your teeth will break down

Man have sensitive teeth with ice

frequent consumption of soda can lead to poor oral health, saysLeah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN. Drinking large amounts of soda increases the amount of acid in the mouth, which finally causes dental caries and caries. "Some of your fast food desserts, like McFlurries or Frosty, can also add to that," she says. And that's not all.


could reduce your mental health

Portrait of young man felling depressed and desperate crying alone in sofa home suffering emotional pain and unhappiness

Recent search shows that eat fast food can result in a higher rate of depression, says Shapiro.A study Indicated that people who have eaten rapid restoration were 51 percent more likely to develop a depression than people who do not.


Your kidneys and stomach will suffer

Woman holding stomach cramps digestive problems

Sodium can also contribute to existing elementsHypertension or a larger-scale heart muscle. If you suffer from congestive heart failure, cirrhosis or kidney disease, too much salt can contribute to a dangerous accumulation of fluid. Excess sodium can also increase the risk of kidney stones and kidney disease, depending onHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.



Doctor checking blood sugar level with glucometer. Treatment of diabetes concept.

Eating fast food rich in carbohydrates increases your blood sugar level. As you consume base-flour-white foods such as hamburger bread or fries with your sandwich in your body takes a large amount of white sugar. "The frequent consumption of these foods can lead to diseases such as obesity including the American Medical Association has indicated is a clinical diagnosis and diabetes," says Kaufman.


You worry more

overstressing in kitchen

There is a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in fast foods. Shocker! A shortage of these good fats can create a more anxious state of mind. But it's not just this Fast Food is missing that can cause anxiety. This substance is also rich in refined carbohydrates, which can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. If your blood glucose plunges into hypoglycemic levels, you may experience anxiety, tremors, confusion and fatigue.


Your cholesterol levels could skyrocket

high cholesterol

Many fast foods served are derived from animal products, fried and served with cheese and fatty-rich dipped sauces. "The high fat content in fast food can contribute high cholesterol levels, which can also lead to atherosclerosis. This occurs when the plate accumulates in the arteries and prevents the circulation of blood towards the heart and organs, "says White. In addition, fast food can reduce your good cholesterol (HDL), putting more heart and your health on the line.


You can increase your risk of cancer

Doctor explaining lungs x-ray on computer screen to patient

PHIP is the abbreviation of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo (4.5-b) pyridine. According to the medical physician committee, this catchy consonance chemical has appeared in more than 100 fast grilled chicken samples that have been tested in a 2008 study published inNutrition and Cancer. The organization says that the substance, which is formed when the meat is heated to a certain temperature, is associated with human chest, prostate and colon cancers. After a class action pursuit was filed in 2009,Daily news Reported that Burger King has settled the costume and accepted post warnings in his restaurants in California.

In addition, you will also find sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite in fast food meat. These additives are used to maintain the color of the meat and to inhibit bacterial growth. The two chemicals can decompose into nitrosamines, substances likely to cause cancer, according to a meta-analysis published in the journalNutrients.


You reinforce your risk of heart disease

Sad young black man rubbing his chest over white background, free space, heart disease in young age

Fats commonly found in fast restoration consist of saturated fatty acids. These are solid greases at room temperature, often derived from animals and some vegetable oils, such as palm oil. You will find it abundant, say, a cheeseburger or fries. White warns that These fats can raise your "bad" LDL cholesterol , which leads to a Increased risk of cardiovascular disease .


Your bones could weaken

Overweight woman suffering from knee pain stepping on stairs

As we mentioned, fast restoration is usually charged with sodium. A large Mac has 970 mg sodium, much greater than a third of the recommended daily allowance. A high sodium intake can bring your bones weakening, resulting in possible osteoporosis, Shapiro warns.

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