This little girl asked her father of a puppy in the most brilliant way imaginable

#Tampuppy forever.

Brendan Greeley is a chronicler forThe Economist Whose 8 year old girl really wanted a puppy.

It has therefore adopted a brilliant strategy worthy of the greatest minds of our time: it has grilled the words "can I please [emphasize several times] Get a puppy [pointed out several times more emphasis]" at summit of the previous page ofFinancial times. Beware of any warnings, she specified "a real [underlined] one" in space below.

Greeley shared the hilarious photo on Twitter on Wednesday, as well as Legend Top-Nuch ", having studied my habits and preferences, my daughter hacked my attention this morning for his political agenda."

The tweet went viral, as was retweeted with more than 34,000 people, including author J.K. Raming. The internal development team toFinancial times even shot the doodle now emblematic into a code for the site, and it'sNow available as a chrome extension.

Soon, an entire movement formed on social media, because #teampuppy rallied behind the demand of the little girl.

Finally, Thursday, Greeley posted that the movement had won. The puppy would be bought.

He made the announcement by a comforting photo of his daughter who kisses him happily as she heard the news, with an open letter thatasked readers to contribute to his charity of choice. "

"Dear #teampuppy,

Thank you for your entries in the name of our daughter, who wanted a puppy so bad she wrote a banner announces on my newspaper. OKAY. You win. We will have the fucked puppy. But, #Teampuppy, I will make you a deal.

Our daughter, 8 years old, likes to go to the spca of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She is finally on the calendar in May to read stories at dogs to dogs. And last month, she donated $ 62 from her own allowance. Anne Arundel Spca is his charity of choice. Please do it too. "

For more stories that remind us that the Internet can sometimes be a great place, readThe story of this viral tweet will make you believe in chivalry again.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Fatherhood / kids
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