8 foods that should have warning labels
Sugar and salt warnings can be added to labels and menus - Here are more additives to beware!

Summer is a season of signs of excitement, adventure and warning. Do not feed the animals. No lifeguard in service. Must be as big to roll the tilt whirlpool. But a summer attraction that does not come with a warning label - and if your picnic basket.
Two municipalities have made big movements to change this week. In San Francisco, supervisors voted in favor of the warning announcements for sweet sodas, fearing that these drinks lead to diabetes and obesity - the health department of New York City proposes that all chains add "A symbol similar to a salt shaker" in the menus, to indicate when dishes have more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium, which is the recommended daily limit.
These new rules represent a strong first step to keep consumers informed of what they ate and what are the implications of their consumption. But there are still a number of substances added to our foods that should probably carry warning labels, but do not. The publishers of the new eat this, not that! The magazine has identified some of the most disturbing foods in America (many of them are prohibited in Europe, Canada and other parts of the world). Look for them on the label of your food - and consider you warning you.

Find in: More than 6,000 groceries, including diet soda, yogurts and table sweeteners
Brands that have: Diet Pepsi and diet coke, sweet and acidic light of Uncle Ben, Wrigleys Orbit Gum, equal
What it is: An artificial calorie sweetener almost zero manufactured by combining two amino acids with methanol, aspartame is most commonly used in food soda and is 180 times sweeter than sugar.
What do you want to know: Over the last 30 years, the FDA has received thousands of consumer complaints due mainly neurological symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, memory loss and, in rare cases, epileptic seizures. Many studies have shown that aspartame is completely harmless, while others indicate that the additive could be responsible for the range of cancers. Until we know with certainty, eat this, not that! recommends avoiding the additive. Instead, fattery naturally and effortlessly - with the magical power of tea by drinking these4 teas that melt fat, part of the new e-book without weight loss without diet, 7-day flat-belly tea cleaning.
Artificial aromatization '

Find in: Thousands of highly transformed foods such as cereals, drinks and cookies
Brands that have: Oreo cookies, Golden Grahams, Gatorade, the list continues. But some companies are completely removed, like Nestlé.
What it is: This cover term indicates one of the hundreds of eligible chemicals such as butyl alcohol and acetal dimethyl phenylacetaldehyde. The exact chemicals used in the aroma are the exclusive information of the food processors, used to imitate fruits, butter, specific spices, etc.
What do you want to know: The FDA has approved each article on the list of eligible chemicals, but because the aromas can hide behind a cover term, there is no way that consumers can identify the cause of a reaction they could have had .
Fructose-rich corn syrup

Find in: Almost all: ice cream, chips, cereals, bread, ketchup, canned fruit, yogurt and two-thirds of all sweet drinks
Brands that have: Wonder bread wheat with whole grains, among thousands more.
What it is: You already know about this sweetener derived from corn and still madly, there is still no warning label and it hides in "healthy" foods such as bread, sauces and cereals. HFCs always account for more than 40% of all the supermarket caloric sweeteners. Despite the indignation of consumers, its use is widespread if the slowdown of snail - as food marketers are starting to promote pure sugar or other sweeteners.
What do you want to know:Since 1980, the US obesity rate has increased proportionally to the increase in HFCs and Americans currently consume at least 200 calories from the sweetener every day. Research published by the endocrine society has found that adults who have consumed high levels of fructose corn syrup barely two weeks had increased levels of bad cholesterol, raising their risk of heart disease. (To reduce your risks - and lose weight for the summer! -Deploy these essentials14 ways of losing your belly in 14 days!)
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

Find in: Margarine, pastries, frozen food, cakes, cookies, crackers, soups and nonder creams
Brand that has: Steak 'n shakes sausage sauce and cookies (8 grams, it's four days worth!)
What it is:Food processors like this fat because of its long life. It is a fabricated fat created by forcing the gas hydrogen in vegetable fats under extremely high pressure, an unexpected effect is the creation of trans-fat fatty acids.
What do you want to know: Trans grease has been shown to contribute to heart disease more than saturated fat. Progressive jurisdictions such as the City of New York, California and Boston have approved trans fat legislation outside restaurants, and the pressure of monitoring groups could possibly lead to a complete ban on dangerous oil. Yet it's still there. A loophole in the FDA labeling requirements allows processors to add up to 0.49 grams per serving and to claim still zero in their nutritional facts.
Red # 3 and red # 40

Find in: Fruit Cocktail, Candy, Chocolate Cake, Cereals, Drinks, Pastries, Cherries Maraschino and Fruit Snacks
Brands that have: YOPLAIT LIGHT FRA STRAWBERRY, for a
What it is: These include respectively red cherry and orange dyes. Red # 40 is the most widely used food coloring in America.
What do you want to know: The FDA has proposed a prohibition of red No. 3 in the past, but so far the agency has not resulted in implementation. Once the dye was inextricably linked to thyroid tumors in rat studies, the FDA has succeeded in having the liquid form of the dye removed from external medicines and cosmetics. Give that yoplait and buy them all natural9 Best Yogurts for Weight Loss.
Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil

Find in: Bakery products, frozen meal and bathtub margarine
Brand that has: Creamy peanut butter JIF
What it is: This is an extremely hard grease from the wax made by forcing as much hydrogen as possible on the vertebral column of carbon molecules. To achieve manageable coherence, food manufacturers often mix hard fat with misalfocated liquid grease.
What do you want to know: In theory, fully hydrogenated oils, as opposed to partially hydrogenated oils, must contain zero trans fat. But the hydrogenation process is not completely perfect, which means that the trans grease is inevitably occurring in small quantities.
Mono- and diglycerides

Find in: Peanut butter, ice cream, margarine, bakery products and whipped trim
Brands that have: Cooked chocolate chocolate ice cream, chocolate chip cookie ben & jerry
What it is: These occur naturally in food and constitute about 1% of normal fats. They are added to food to link liquids with grease.
What do you want to know: In addition to being a grease source, the glycerides themselves do not pose any serious health threat. But fat is a sufficient reason for wanting a label. And talking about dangerous fat that is right in front of your eyes, click here to discover the shocking truth aboutHow Tilapia is worse than bacon!
Bha and bht

Find in: Beer, crackers, cereals, butter and food with added greases
Brand that has: Trix Cereal, who also has red # 40 and artificial flavors, and lucky charms
What it is:Antioxidants derived from oil used to preserve fats and oils, they are often added to "preserve the freshness".
What do you want to know: Of the two, BHA is considered more dangerous. Studies have shown that it will cause cancer in rats, mouse and hamsters forests. The Department of Health and Human Services classifying the Conservative as "reasonably planned to be a human carcinogen". Caution? Yes please.
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