New study says women have sexual dreams as often as men

"Modern women deal with sexuality more openly than women from previous generations."

For most of the story, it has been naturally supposed that men are much more interested insex that women are. But a growing body of research contests this theory drawn. For example, recent studies have shown that, contrary to popular belief, there are manywomen who have higher libidos than men And even bored monogamy faster than their male partners.

Now a new study published in the newspaperPsychology and sexuality revealed that men are certainly not the only sex to experiment with erotic dreams. The researchers asked 2,907 men and women aged 16 to 92 on the frequency of their sexual dreams and found that the two genders reported about 18% of their erotic dreams of erotic nature. Men aged 16 to 30 stated that 25% of their dreams involved sexual elements, compared to 22% for women in this age group.

For women, this figure is much higher than in previous decades, as the authors of this new research notes that a previous study, conducted in 1966, said that less than four percent of women have experienced erotic dreams. Since these conclusions are self-reported, it is possible that women today are more sex than they are - although it is probably more likely that women are simply more comfortable for expressing their sexuality. them before. After all, the famous sexual researcherAlfred Kinsey find 65% of women experienced sex dreams at some point in their lives and 20% even had nocturnal orgasms from them as far as the 1950s.

"Gender difference in the percentage of erotic dreams among men and women aged 16 to 30 in this study is lower than that found in a 1966 study, which could reflect the evolution induced in modern societies by The movements of feminism ", reads on the paper. "One can speculate that the younger women of modern society deal with sexuality more openly than elderly women from previous generations."

It's certainly something to celebrate. And for more good news in the Sexual Health category, checkThe incredible advantage of having sex as you get older!

Categories: Sex
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