A twinkies cereal arrives. This is what everyone says about it

"It's a Christmas miracle! »

If you are a cereal lover for whom brands likeReese's Puffs or Cocoa Krispies Just do not measure in the sugar department, do we have news for you! This week,The hostess and post-consumer brands announced that they join forces to release Twinkies post-hostess cereals.

No, it's not a joke.

We know what you think: did not twinkiedie in 2012 After the hostess declared bankruptcy?

Short answer: yes!

But you can also remember that the emblematic treatment was quicklyresurrected in 2013. Since then, sales for treatment have exploded. According toBloomberg News, sales figures up 30% this year.

So far, the answers to the news of twinkies cereals through social media have been nothing less hilarious.

Many twinkie lovers can not wait:


Others are simply curious:

A fan even called for a "miracle".

Meanwhile, health professionals are starting to sound the alarm:

As you can imagine, Twinkies cereals do not try to compete with grape varieties or Kashi Golean. One portion is delivered with 180 calories, 16 grams of sugar, 6 grams of saturated fat and only 1 gram of protein.

"Knowing that taste remains the first cereal purchasing pilot, we conducted several consumer tests," said Josh Jans, head of the cereal partnerships brand in post-consumer brands. "The new Twinkies cereal has been delivered. We think the fans will see that it tastes not only with milk, but also outside the bowl."

This is not the first crossover of the post branded cereal brand consumption. The company onceExperienced with a Crisis Ahoy Cereal, a Oréo cereal and - in an absolutely horrible movement - a cereal of acidic children.

When twinkie cereals reach fine-deceive shelves, it will cost about $ 4.There is just a disadvantage: no cream filling. And if you are looking for a much healthier way to start your day, know thatThis cereal is the healthiest way to start your day.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: breakfast / Cereal / News / Snacks
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