This surprising hygiene in your kitchen could be toxic, search shows

There is a good chance that one of your objects over the kitchen can create health risks.

Whisk a good meal at home is so easier when youhave the right tools at your fingertips. And it's also true when it comes to reducing the cleaning time, that's why there is a very good chance that you get nonstick kitchen bathes in your arsenal. But while they could facilitate your cleaning, these pots and pans could pose another risk.New research shows thatNon-stick pots and pots Can be toxic, especially if they have more than two years.

The transparent plastic polyterrafluoroethylene (PTFE) -AKA Teflon - which gives your stove to your stove the ability to burn a dish, then to be easily scraped to prevent you from making you sick, live scientific reports. WhilePTFE pieces Ingest are not harmful, abuse of your cookware could potentially pose another risk to health.

"When pots are overheated, this PTFE coating begins to disintegrate:"Suzanne Fenton, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist to the national institutes of the environmental health sciences in North Carolina, told living science. At these higher temperatures, the plastic of your stove falls in harmful gases that can be inhaled when cooking, causing diseases such as "the fever of the polymer smoke", which causes breathlessness, a weakness and a point of Body temperature.

Frying Pan Pan Handle

Burned nonstick pans may also release perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a long-term exposure to which has beenrelated to serious health problems Including cancer, infertility, liver damage and thyroid disease.

The good news is that most pans need to hit an incredibly high temperature before harmful gases are released. A Canadian study of 2001 published in the journalNature foundTeflon only started decomposing at 680 degrees Fahrenheit. How hot it is? "It's unlikely to be 600 degrees in the regular cuisine"Lisa McManus, management tests and tasting editor for America's test cooking, saidToday In 2018. She explained thatThe oil would start smoking As low as 400 degrees.

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But the research also found that time plays a factor, withPTFE breaking at lower temperatures after years of use, according to a 1998 study published inDegradation and stability of the polymer. The above mentioned Canadian study revealed that the regular use of a nonstick saucepan at baking temperatures of about 260 degrees gave them a lifetime of about 2.3 years, after which they should be replaced.

"It's really important that you use low-to-medium heat pans and you do not use a scratching utensils," said Fenton to living science. "Non-stick pots are in many forms [and] we can certainly cook healthy meals safely."

But if you are worried, you can tryStore your kitchen with an aluminum cookware, pans and ceramic stoves, or cast iron stoves instead. And for more things in your house that could endanger you, discoverThese are the health risks that hide in your kitchen.

Categories: Health
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