Officials emit a "raw reminder" that snakes become more active: "Be vigilant"

Humans are not the only excited for the summer.

Summer is getting closer, and humans are not the only ones who want to lose their winter coats and kiss hot air. The increase in temperatures also points out the end of hibernation for many animals, including snakes . Some reptiles are already returning, encouraging those responsible Publish a "gross reminder" On how to stay safe when you meet "Slithery neighbors".

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On April 2, the Emergency Management Office of the County of San Jacinto in southeast Texas published a warning on Facebook after one of the members of their community fell on a giant snake wrapped in their courts near the water gainer. The agency reminds people that grassy areas are a favorite hiding place for these sneaky - and sometimes poisonous representatives.

"While temperatures are starting to increase and spring emerges, it's time to be aware of our slippery neighbors - snakes! Over warming, snakes become more active and observations can increase, especially in areas Like your own houses, back-cours and Gardens, "the emergency management team wrote on Facebook.

Regarding the recent snake observation, the agency said that the resident had been "surprised" by the slippery intruder. And although disturbing, it is a "brutal reminder that snakes make their presence known when they leave hibernation and start to explore their environment," they added.

Unfortunately, these "surroundings" can vary from common places such as front porches and basements in more obscure places such as a stroller or a hotel room. In the past year, there have been several drivers reports finding large snakes in the caps of their cars and the rear seats. Standing body of water like a bird's bath, pool , or yes, Even your toilet , can also attract these predators. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Fortunately, there are several types of natural perfume repellents (many of which you probably already have on hand) which can help ward off these potentially dangerous creatures. Things like cinnamon and clove, vinegar, naphtan balls, citrus fruits, peppermint oil and basil are all Sleep Snake Snakes . Believe it or not, the garlic is also extremely powerful.

"Garlic is a natural snake repellent because snakes do not like the smell," Jennifer Mecham , a serpent and writer expert for Blog reptiles , previously told Better life . "But what few people do is that it is also good to keep them away because it is a natural insecticide." She added: "This will kill all the insects in the region, including insects that snakes eat. This will make your property attractive for snakes and make them less likely to find food."

According to the opinion of Facebook of the Emergency Management Office of the County of San Jacinto, the smartest thing we can do is "be vigilant". In areas with limited visibility, pay particular attention to where you place your hands and feet. Likewise, keep the animals nearby and the children closer and maintain a "tidy" courtyard to keep the snakes remotely, advised the agency.

Education is also essential. "Learn to identify the Venomous snakes from your region . Knowing what to look for can help you react in an appropriate way in the event of a meeting, "by Facebook publication. If you meet a snake, give it space. Do not forget that snakes generally hit whether when they feel threatened or stuck.

"By remaining informed and taking precautions, we can coexist in complete safety with these fascinating creatures. Let us all make our part to ensure a harmonious relationship with the fauna around us," said the agency.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / / Safety
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