10 treasure hunting indices to keep the brains of busy children

You do not need a treasure card to turn your home into a fun requester paradise!

While the first week of yourThe children were part of the school We could have felt like a vacation, things have probably changed over time. Without schools, sports and camps, keeping small engaged - especially without the use endlessly, is a significant proposal. Think about quarantine as an opportunity to have a similar pleasure around the house. One of the most creative ways to make your children think and play is to plan a GEDGEDtreasure hunt. It's much easier than you could assume! Continue reading treasure hunting clues to help you get started. All you have to do is write them, position them around your house and / or the yard, and the search is on! And if you are looking for more ways to keep your little happy at home, start with these9 Fun indoor activities for children during quarantine.

Index: I'm a little closed, it's true - but I light when I see you!

young boy in cardboard box using binoculars
Shutterstock / Panyastudio

Tip: I'm cool like a cucumber. You probably open me several times a day!

Answer: The refrigerator

little girl opening refrigerator
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

For your own peace of mind, do not ask them to search the crissual drawer for this one. Make sure to leave this index on a shelf where your little ones can easily find it!

CLUE: I have two arms, but I can not cuddle you. I have two legs, but I do not hold on the carpet.

young brother and sister playing pirates
Shutterstock / CIRICPICTURE

Tip: I'm probably in the living room or the den. You could even be on me right now!

Answer: a sofa

two siblings on couch
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

If you want to be extra sneaky, store the index between the cushions! You can even paste it under a pillow to launch to make things more difficult. And for greater ways to keep your children learning, check these27 educational toys that will keep your children entertained at home.

Clue: Open me to let the light enter, but still close to sleep at night.

little girl in bathrobe peeking from behind curtain
Shutterstock / simol1407

Tip: I'm probably in every room of the house. I am always suspended!

Answer: Curtains

little girl behind curtain
Shutterstock / Ishootmagic

Do you want to make things a little more difficult? Try placing the index in one of the washers! Simply make sure your little guys will not have to climb anything of dangerous to pick it up.

Index: I can clean things, but I'm not a machine!

little girl searching for clues
Shutterstock / KrakenImages.com

Tip: I'm also at home at some yellow ducks. Sometimes I even wear a ring!

Answer: The bathtub

little girl peeking out of tub
Shutterstock / Dmitry Lobanov

If you feel creative, spell the index in the bath pencil. If your children have moss letters, use them to spell it! And if you are looking for ways to succeed your time, try them19 adult puzzles that will hold you busy for hours.

Index: You walk to move, "because I'm still flat on the floor.

little girl looking at treasure map
Shutterstock / Alina Reynbakh

Tip: I can be big, small, scratched or sweet. I could even cover an entire room!

Answer: A carpet

young boy on shag rug
Shutterstock / TwinSterphoto

For this to be more difficult for older children, attach the underside to the underside of a corner of the carpet. In this case, you will want to make sure they can light it easily, then release it in advance of the furniture.

Clue: hop aboard a ride - I have two wheels but not inside!

young asian boy looking out window
Shutterstock / Montira AREPONGHUM

Tip: I have a horn, but I'm not a car! Some people think I'm a total basket case.

Answer: A bike

young girl riding bike
Shutterstock / Spotmatik Ltd

Paste the index on the bike bench? Well too easy! Instead, try weaving it through the shells of the wheel!

Clue: I facilitate life at night, but you tighten me in the morning light.

young girl using magnifying glass
Shutterstock / Tom Wang

TIP: You can connect me or use batteries to make me work! Sometimes I even fill the night sky with stars!

Answer: a night night

little girl using night light in bed
Shutterstock / Famveld

There is an easy way to make this extra special index: write it in a painting or a brilliant ink in the dark night and that your kids turn off the lights to read it!

Index: Jump on me or snuggle in-how you used me, it's a victory!

little boy looking inside cabinet
Shutterstock / Oscarras

Tip: I am fundamentally my own pillow fort. I am also the best place at home for hugs.

Answer: a bed

two young asian girls jumping on bed
Shutterstock / Soo Hee Kim

Paste the index under the covers is good. Put it in a pillowcase is even better!

Clue: pants, socks or shirt - I will take all your clothes when they are covered with dirt.

young girl looking under bed
Shutterstock / Kryzhov

Tip: I have my own type of special soap that you do not use in the bath! I am also probably used more by your parents than I am by you.

Answer: a washing machine

little girl looking into washing machine
Shutterstock / Orelphoto

If you put this treasure hunting index inside the drum of the machine, it seems too easy to understand, get it out of the detergent compartment! Leave a stool stere for your children to search safely.

Index: I help to stifle the din exterior, but I'm a lot good to let the light in!

little girl holding pencil and thinking
Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

Tip: You might think of me like your eyes at home. I had my own covers for the night!

Answer: A window

little white boy looking out window
Shutterstock / Romrodphoto

If you really want to blow the spirits of your children, ask for this treasure hunting index on the outside of a first floor window. You can even write it in the window marker inside!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: kids / Parenthood
By: yen
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