How to warm the rice, according to a chef

Jump the ridal rice hard using these brilliant reheating methods - directly from a chef!

No one likes to eat strongrice. Nevertheless inevitably, when you warm up rice to warm up in amicrowaveIt begins to harden and no longer has this soft rice texture than the dish originally when it was served first. So, how do you avoid hard rice when warming? The trick to warm the rice perfectly has to do with moisture.

According to Chief Alan Vargas, executive head ofthe consulate In New York, adding a kind of rice moisture will bring back to this fluffy texture that it originally had.

"The rice always needs a little extra moisture to get to a good warmer and to be kind and wet - in the natural state," says Vargas chief.

Thanks to a few simple tips from Chef Vargas, here's how to add moisture to warm up the rice perfectly.

How to warm up rice

There are two easy methods for reheating rice: one involving the oven and an involvement of the microwave

The oven method

To warm up the oven rice, sculpt the desired amount of rice that you want to warm up in a stainless steel pan or a large pyrex. Add in a little water to get it wet and cover it with an aluminum foil. Leave it warm up until the rice is completely warmed to the end.

"If it's in the oven and that's a big part, let's say about 5 pounds in a large metal container, it will take about 20 minutes in the oven," says Vargas chief.

The microwave method

For this method, place the rice portionized on a plate. Humidify a paper towel with water and put it on the rice plate. Microwave the hot rice for about 2 minutes or until the rice is completely hot.

"I will do the same for fried rice, for all kinds of rice," says Vargas Chief. "This will give a beautiful moisture [texture]. It will not be dry or hard. And he will warm faster."

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How to know which method to use

Depending on Chief Vargas, choose the method would be based on the amount of rice you plan to warm up. If you plan to warm up a greater part of the rice, the oven method would be your best bet. For a smaller part, the microwave method should be your go-to.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: How-To / tips
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