8 questions you should ask your doctor of COVID-19
Use this checklist to keep you healthy during the pandemic.

You may be reluctant to call your doctor during the coronavirus pandemic because they are busy stretching the most needy cases - or alternatively call them every day, worried about your health. Anyway, it's important to know what to ask him, so you can cut directly to hunt. Every second account. Here are the top 8 questions to ask your CVIV-19 doctor.
Do I feel the symptoms of Covid-19?

Know if you have coronaviruses - or just a cold or allergy, is essential to stay healthy. The CDC lists the following as current symptoms of COVID-19:
- Fever
- Cough (especially it's usually a dry cough)
- Shortness of breath
And they add: If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19, get medical attention immediately. They understand:
- Difficulty breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or incapacity to arouse
- Blueish or face lips
If you feel one of the above items, discuss them with your health professional. "This is crucial and should be discussed with your doctor. It is the most important thing for the good of not spreading the disease to other people," says Dr. John Packer ofAICA orthopedics. And be certain certainly, do not miss this list of13 early panels that you have caught coronavirus.
What is the probability that I need to get Covid-19?

"Patients need to understand and ask their doctor how affable to the coronavirus and at their level of risk," says Packer. "The doctor can draw a detailed history of the patient and can be alarmed to compromise the conditions compared to COVID-19." These conditions could include your environment (which you interact with, where you live) or pre-existing medical problems (such as cancer or heart disease), which can make the virus more damaging.
What should I do if I think I have COVID-19?

Ask your doctor about the best action plan. "If a person (on a scale of 1 to 10 years) think they have it, but showing symptoms of level 1 to 3, maybe they should stay at home, stay isolated, etc.", says Packer. "For a patient who has difficulty breathing (scale 5-10), they need to know how to act" and need more urgent help.
Should I be tested?

Although there is no cure for Covid-19, whether you are infected or not is important because you do not want to broadcast the disease to others. The tests in some cities are very difficult to find - the cases in New York, for example, are hierarchized by the state of your condition and doctors orders. So contact your doctor to ask you if you need it. In many cases they could tell you to stay at home, where it is potentially safer than going outside.
How to be tested for Covid-19 affects my medical care?

"In addition to the exhibition that can occur waiting to be tested, a test made makes someone a" person under investigation "until the statement of results. Although on the status of Pui, and among those who Testing finally positive, access to other care can be seriously limited, "says Dr. Lili Barsky." For those who have experienced heart, lung or other chronic diseases, it is important to discuss risks and Benefits of testing and how it could potentially influence the management of their other conditions. "
Should I worry?

"If you have chest pain, difficulty breathing fever and cough, ask for medical care," saysDr. Janette Nesheiwat, family and emergency doctor. "The symptoms of coronavirus can be light but for some, they can be seriously fatal." Get the opinion of your doctor can help trace your next steps - and / or offer comfort.
Can you please make sure you have enough drug recharges at the pharmacy?

"For patients with chronic illness on critical medicines, it is essential to ensure adequate supply of these drugs and minimize the number of pharmacy visits they need to reduce the risk of exposure," says Barsky. "This can be accomplished if they ask their doctor to prescribe a large number of drugs to the extent possible, and ideally with refills. Note that this option may not be available for all medications." In addition, find a pharmacy that provides, so you do not need to leave the house.
What treatments do you see who are effective?

Every day, doctors learn something new on how to fight Covid-19. Although you did not want to waste time hanging out with questions better on a beer, what forms of treatment they have seen alleviating pain and discomfort. Without treatment, they can not guarantee your coronavirus "disappear", but they can share their conclusions and work with you to find relief.
And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 40 things you should never touch because of coronavirus .

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