What happens to your body when you eat a lawyer every day

In addition to incredible tasting, the lawyer can have surprising benefits for your mental health, skin and heart.

The lawyers are one of the only healthy foods that everyone likes to eat. I mean, who will refuse a spoonful of Guacamole, or delicate Benedict lawyers?

Apart from incredible tasting, this little fruit miracle (yes, a lawyer is a fruit) can have surprising advantages for your mental health, skin and heart. Doctors suggest eating lawyers several times a week. Here are some of the ways that lawyers help your mental and physical health prosper, while giving you supermodel skin.

1. Cholesterol improvement

People on the schemes could complain about the lawyer in bold, but it is the type of fat that counts. With an increase of 10 grams of healthy greases per half fat, you get a good dose of monosaturated fats, which increases the good HDL cholesterol and lowering the bad guy.

2. A better defense for your immune system

Eat a lawyer a day to protect you from infections, diseases and viruses. Thanks to being high in vitamins B, vitamin E and vitamin C, disease prevention becomes a breeze. It also has natural vegetable substances and antioxidants that could fight cancer and cataract.

3. Goodbye, insomnia

If you are launching and turning at night, or it's hard to fall asleep, nearly 20 mg magnesium in half a counsel can impress sleep and mood. This is because it's considered an anti-stress mineral. A lawyer milkshake before going to bed? It looks good for us ...

4.A happy gut

10 grams of fibers come in a single lawyer. If you have problems with constipation problems or other digestive problems, the incorporation of a lawyer into your diet can make a healthy intestine. In addition, the work fiber allows you to earn more than three hours of more than three hours.

5. Shiny hair and skin

Just apply the lawyer as a facial mask can help you keep your eyes brilliant, glossy air and radiant skin. These good fat we talked about, as well as liposoluble vitamins, are amazing for your skin when applied topically and when consumed.

6. Improvement of cardiac health

Eating daily lawyers can reduce the chances of heart disease, thanks to their high level of potassium and low sodium content. This lowers blood pressure, which reduces the chances of getting a stroke or heart attack.

7. It promotes healthy pregnancy

Thanks to the fiber, fats and antioxidants of lawyers, they have been linked to improved production of breast milk, mother's health and fertility in women trying to get pregnant.

8.Slows the aging process

Antioxidants are essential to reverse or slow down the aging process. The main lawyers do the work is Xanthophyll, which ceases to damage DNA and could slow up aging and prevent the appearance of diseases such as Parkinson and Alzheimer's.

9. Boot the sidewalk depression

Lawyers can improve your mental health and even reduce depression. This is because high quality food greases have been proven to improve brain function. The anti-inflammatory nature of greases in lawyers, combined with high levels of folic acid do this fruit a powerful competitor in depression in the catch.

10. More enthusiasm in the room

Did you know that lawyers are really powerful aphrodisiacs? Intimacy can further improve these magic saturated greases that are needed to synthesize testosterone.

11. Reduce your chances of cancer

Due to the phytochemistry in lawyers, precancerous and cancerous cells are killed more frequently than if you have not eaten them. The carotenoids of the blood are linked to a reduced chance of cancer, especially for women with denser breast tissue. There are a lot of carotenoids in our green friends, so remember: a lawyer a day is moving the doctor!

12.Increased nutrient absorption

Eating all your catering groups and your vitamins is great, but it's not good if your body can not absorb all this kindness effectively. The lawyers help you absorb these nutrients so that your body can optimize them.

13.Solid bone

Parents always tell you to drink your milk for strong bones, but they should have told you to eat your guac, because levels of folate, vitamin K and high copper all guarantee well constructed and healthy bones.

14. Losing weight

Avocatiers can help you avoid obesity because of all healthy fats and essential nutrients inside them. Eating a half-counsel for you complete, which helps you eat with moderation rather than leaving you with a hungry stomach.

Categories: Food&Travel
Tags: avocado / health
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