Costco giving priority to health care workers

The promises of national retail sales are committed to dealing with those on the front lines by moving forwards to the line.

Costco has announced its intention to reward those who work on the front lines of this global battle against thecoronavirus Epidemisation by giving priority to health workers and first responders in seizing their stores.

Theglobal pandemic Disturbed everyday life for almost everyone and grocery stores have never been a more essential part of its regular routine. Videos ofLong Absurdly lines in Costco have become virals and grocery lines are only become longer than social distancing has become more widely adopted across the country.

But Costco takes care of the embs, firefighters, nurses, doctors and health workers who may not have the free time waiting online for hours. Tarante late last week, the bulk shopping company announced its new policy on aWebPage dedicated to Covid-19 updates:

COSTCO temporarily authorizes priority access to our warehouses during all hours of operation of Costco members who are health workers and first responders such as police, EMTS and firefighters. Health workers and first responders who present a CostCo membership card and an official identification of their role, will be allowed to move forward from any line to enter the warehouse.

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The triggering of the fatal contagion Covid-19 has led to more than 20,000 deaths of American citizens and, while recentlyreports Suggest that we are very close to the flattening of the curve in various hotspots, social distancing and locking guidelines do not show any sign of implementation soon.

In the midst of these stressful moments, there have been a number of positive money liners, including renewed recognition for health workers and first responders who do not have the luxury of working from home (nor stay at home). Very front-line workers whose literal work is to be at risk facing those who have COVID-19 need food and resources just as much - if not more than others now.

Costco Is it not the only one to be looking for those who need the most help right now.Walmart, Target and Trader Joe's All have put in place a number of new policies to help protect buyers and staff in the middle of the coronavirus.

READ MORE:17 foods you should buy from Costco during pandemic coronavirus

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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