8 Coronavirus ways can damage your body for life

Doctors are just discovering how to damage the virus can be.

Every day, you hear more about how we are closer to understand how Covid-19 ravages the body. This is partly because more days, the more people remain damaged by the virus.Patients from COVID-19 who required hospitalization, 45% will need ongoing medical care, 4% will require hospitalized patients' rehabilitation and 1% will permanently require respect for respect, according to theNational Health Service in the United Kingdom. Here are eight possible long-term health problems that you can have as a result of COVID-19.


Lung scars

Young Man Doing Inhalation Through Oxygen Mask

Suspect expertsThis pulmonary fibrosis, a pulmonary disease that occurs when the pulmonary tissue becomes damaged and marked, can occur in patients with severe CIVID-19 infections as a result of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Currently, there is not enough evidence to conclusively do the connection.

However, the condition is characterized by "the lowering of lung function, a growing extent of fibrosis on the CT, the worsening of symptoms and the quality of life, as well as early mortality," according to a document published inThe lancetAnd "arises, with varying degrees of frequencies, in the context of a number of conditions such as the IPF, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, autoimmune disease and drug-induced interstitial pulmonary disease".


Damage caused by cerebral vascular accident


Due to the COVID-19 tendency to cause blood coagulation, some people, even young adults and ages of average age - live traits. Although this is not clear, what long-term damage these virus-related strokes will result in suspicious experts in long-term minor material damages are possible.


Chronic cardiac damage

Young woman feeling sick and holding her chest in pain at home.

Although doctors are not exactly safe why, some coovidants are experiencing damage to the heart. A small study published March 27 inJama Cardiologyfound that on a fifth of patients developed damage to the resulting heart resulting from Covid-19 to Wuhan, China. Health experts believe that this may have to make reduced oxygen as well as inflammation of the heart muscle.

A separate review published inJama CardiologyBy the University of Texas Health Science Center found that some survivors of the virus suffered persistent cardiac damage. Those who have had existing cardiovascular problems have experienced more damage, which has increased their risk of cardiac attack and stroke.


Vascular dementia

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

Small blood clots in the brain resulting from the virus can be undetected and can be responsible for a type of dementia called vascular dementia, which occurs over time. "We know that if someone has a stroke, he doubles his risk of dementia later in life," said Dr. Marion Buckwalter, an Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Stanford University. saidCnn."[Our Research Group] has discovered that people who had a more vigorous immune response during the second day after a stroke were more likely to have a cognitive decline in the first year after stroke."


Pulmonary embolism

3d Illustration of Deep Vein Thrombosis or Blood Clots, Embolism.

Another long-term potential health problem that can be caused by COVID-induced blood clots is pulmonary embolism. "A major venous blood clot forms in the legs that may occur as foot swelling and leg (usually on one side). The blood clots in the leg can move and go to the lungs causing a pulmonary embolism that can be a fatal condition, "explainsHamid Mojibian, MD, an interventional radiologist of Yale medicine specialized in the guided cardiac procedures.

It explains that Covid patients have a higher risk of training arterial clots that can be extremely dangerous. "There have been clothes of clots in the aorta, renal arteries (kidney infarction), legs (causing black feet and gangrene) and the most devastating of all in the brain vessels causing a stroke. . "


Renal failure

Male patients sleeping while receiving renal dialysis in chemo room at hospital

Some patients experience renal failure, with their blood clots evenDialysis machines fouling. Although kidney injuries are not necessarily a death penalty, they can be permanent and require someone to undergo dialysis for the rest of their lives.


Loss of members

A disabled man is sitting in a wheelchair

Broadway Star Nick Cordon has been forced to have their amputated leg as a result of blood clots due to severe Covid-19 infection. The actor has undergone a condition known as deep vein thrombosis, which occurs when blood clots are formed in a member.


Mental health problems

sad and depressed black african American woman in bed sleepless late night feeling desperate looking worried and anxious suffering depression problem and insomnia sleeping disorder

A newto studyCourtesy of Yale's public health published in the magazineActs of the National Academy of Sciencesfound that there may be sustainable mental health damage due to COVID-19 at least up to 12 years after the similar pandemic or even more than we saw in other disasters like Hurricane Katrina . Traumatic experiences similar to Katrina's victims include mourning, lack of access to medical care and drug shortage, while additional difficulties in virus include "widespread death and disease, as well as job loss and serious economic difficulties for many. »

"The people placed in the event of a current pandemic under a huge amount of stress leading to symptoms such as anxiety, exhaustion, frustration, irritability, lack of energy, (reduced capacity to the pleasure of the Experience) Anhedonia, insomnia, nightmares, intrusive thoughts on Covid, and guilt, "John Krystal, MD,Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry in Yale Medicine and Yale School of Medicine, says Eat This, Not That! Health.

It explains that some people will experience the stress related to their role in the health workplace, while others will know the stress mainly related to the tensions between their professional lives and their family life, especially in the context of custody. Children or Eldercare issues. For most people these symptoms constitute a temporary stress state that will resolve once life comes back to normal. However, "for others, persistent symptoms can reflect feelings of professional exhaustion or signs of depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. »

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

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