The only thing you should never order at Costco's Food Court

This article is rich in calories, sugar and carbohydrates. No thanks!

If you shop atCostcoIt's natural that you would like to enjoy the food court while you're here. ThePrice on these hot dogs and pizza slices Are hard to beat! But there is one thing to avoid in Costco if you are trying to follow a healthy diet. TheCOLD BREW MOCHA FREEZE has a quantity of 71 grams ofsugar.

We asked four RDs to search on the Costco-Unfortunately Nutrition Menu, a 2018 PDF is the most recent information that society could provide us - and all said to avoid that.Coffee to drink.

And before you go to the warehouse, check these17 secrets that you have never been on COSTCO.

Why should you stay away from Costco's Cold Brew Moka Freeze?

"I consider this drink to be more than one dessert than a 390 calorie drink and 71 grams of sugar. It's like eating nearly 18 cubes of sugar," saysLindsey Pine MS, RDN, CLT. "According to the American Heart Association, men should aim to eat more than 36 grams and that women should aim to limit 25 grams throughout the day."

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In addition to the high number of sugar, the number of calories is quite high for a coffee drink. "This drink provides 390 calories, which is almost sufficient for a small meal," says Mary-Catherine Stockman, MPH, RD, LDN, owner ofBusy loops Nutrition, LLC. "This drink also contains 78 grams of carbohydrates. While our bodies need carbohydrates for energy, the average woman needs 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates by meal and the average man of about 60 to 75 grams By meal. This means that this drink exceeds the carbohydrate meal for most people. "

This sugar and calorie drink is just not worth it, even at Costco's Price Point.Costco serving a limited menu during the pandemicBut if your store takes place the hot cat is a much healthier option.

And while you are at the warehouse club, do not miss these30 price cheap costco who make the sentence adhesion.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: coffee / Costco / Fast Food
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