Location n ° 1 to catch coronavirus

This can be closer to the house you do not realize.

You may be concerned about Covid's capture now that your city is reopening, but there is a place that can be even more dangerous than the sidewalk or the local park, and it's probably the Location # 1 where you will catch Covid-19.Where could he be?

"We know that most people are infected with them",revealErin bromage,Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.How? 'Or' What?"The general theme of what I can see is many people in a closed environment with a poor flow of air and, usually a kind of speech or singing in question leads many people in this environment to be Infected, "he said in an interview with ABC News.

Post- "Bromage BlogRisks - Know them - Avoid them"Say viral last month to describe exactly how a virus circulates. He maintains that interior spaces - to be at home, a birthday party, a house of worship or prison - are extremely conducive to it will run from coronavirus.

"You have a lot of people in a closed space with a lot of blowing, blowers or cries, who have just carried out big epidemic events," said Bromage ABC News, adding in his blog post: "A household member contracts the community virus and brings it to the House where a sustained contact between household members leads to an infection. "

How the virus enters your home

If a person is infected with the virus, he can transmit it quite easily. "When we, expire, talk, laugh, cough or sneeze, expel us respiratory secretions in the airExplains Dr. Deborah Lee, medical writerDr. Fox Online Pharmacy. "TheSmaller droplets are called aerosols. "

Aerosols are a big problem in the spread of all infectious diseases, especially at home. "COVID-19 [Femininehas been detected for example in 63.2% of aerosol samples taken (more than 6 meters away) from parts housing an infected patient, "explains DR LEE" and in 66.7% of aerosol samples taken outside the door of the room. "

Tripts outdoors, these droplets have a better chance of dissipating. But inside, less like: "Droplets can not travel more than six feet", says Dr. Lee, "after which they are diluted and dissipate in the atmosphere. However, when you sisters Or sneeze, you create a "gas cloud" that can browse much further 8 meters. " (Indeed, the bromage believes thatOnly one sneezing can release 30,000 droplets up to 200 miles per hour.)

This could explain why some cities see epidemics despite stay orders at home. Propagation is happening inside. New York, for example, found that66% of new hospitalizations in mid-May for Covid-19 were people who stayed at home, in an investigation of about 1,300 new patients. "It's a surprise: most people were at home," said Gov.rew Cuomo at a press conference. "We thought maybe they took public transportation and we took special precautions on public transport, but no, because these people were literally at home."

How to reduce your risks

When your city reopens, continue to wash your hands for 20 seconds after contacting high tactile surfaces; Practice social distance and stay six feet from other people; Wear a face mask, especially where social distancing is not possible; And keep your home disinfected, the cleanser frequently. And do not be afraid to go outside if you practice social distancing.

"The risk of transmission is greatly reduced by being outside, "said Dr. Lee." Being outdoors, respiratory droplets / aerosols become diluted and dissipate quickly. However, as soon as you are in a closed space, like entering someone's home, the opportunity to become infected increases. This underlies the government's advice to stay at home and not mix households. "

As Cuomo said at this press conference: "A lot of that comes up to what you do to protect yourself."And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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