Best and Worst Ice Cream in Robbins Baskin

On the way to the Scoop store for ice cream rather than the supermarket freezer drive can be called a smart decision. Your ends serving at the bottom of the cut, and a lot of conceived hand weigh less calories than their cousins ​​packed.

But there is the question of nutrition. Pints ​​can be easier to polish, but at least they sports nutrition panels right on the side. The head down to Baskin Robbins, on the other hand, and you will have to do your homework in advance. We have simplified the selection process by looking for the best and the worstice cream The shop has to offer; When it comes to this distributor of dairy products, it is better to choose coffee on the cake.

Eating this!

Jamoca ice cream, 1 spoon




8 g

Saturated fat

5 g


13 g


11 g


3 g

Not that!

Cherry on ice cream cake, 1 spoon




11 g

Saturated fat

6 g


23 g


18 g


3 g

Partially hydrogenated oil - The main food source of obstructions the trans fat arteries - is the cherry on the unhealthy cake this anniversary of inspiration Baskin Robbins flavor, which already comes with the value of an alphabet offood coloring. And while saving 60 calories may seem derisory, a standard for two networks brings the count to a considerable 120 by passing to Jamoca - an economy that you buy seven slices Nilla later. If you simply can not live without the colors, ask for a modest portion to sprinkle on your cup ice cream at coffee for a fraction of calories and sugar.

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Categories: Restaurants
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