5 ways that the pandemic destroys your weight loss efforts

A study proves that home-stay orders and quarantine have made it difficult for most health goals.

Working from home, cooking Most meals and the zoom of happy hours have quickly become part of normal daily life. It was hardware that all the places where people have visited many had to close. Gymnasiums, religious services, hair salons and nails, and other closed places aregerm tree than others And even when the lock is completely finished, you will need to pay attention when you visit.

Some of these closures, however, have made it more difficult for some to stick to the goals of coronavirus weight loss and healthy habits in general,according to a study Posted in the clinical obesity magazine. This is what he has discovered.


Less exercise time and less intense workouts.

Asian women exercising in bed in the morning

The study, which asked the participants to supplement an investigation, revealed that 47.9% of people had less time to exercise during the pandemic, even with home stay orders. Others have had time, but 55.8% stated that their workouts were less intense.

Related:25 easy exercises that reinforce your health quickly


Food storage of grocery stores.

grocery bags sitting in back of car

Grocery stores have become a stressful business for many. So, in order to do less travel, people have bought more. Nearly 50% of the 123 participants stated that they stored food. The prices of one of the articles, of the meat, have increased by almost 50%, causingSome people buy more freezing and saving.

But here's whyWalmart's CEO told customers to stop buying bulk.


Increased anxiety and depression.

Man stressed while working on laptop

TheCDC says The virus spreads mainly of person to one person, and this information has not only led to all the rules of closure and quarantine, but also an increased fear in many. The clinical obesity study revealed that 83.6% of the 123 who took their investigation felt more depressed and 72.8% felt more anxious. These are linked to weight gain because they make you lethargic, according toHarvard Health.

Related:These foods can help you calm down when you feel stressed.


Stress eating.

Woman eating popcorn by TV

Food comfort is called comforting food for reason and snacks to relieve stress is normal. Just over 60% of those who responded to the survey reported being stressful during the pandemic. This increases not only the number of calories consumed per day and decreases your coronavirus weight loss, but, according to some scientists,could hurt your attention.

If you can not brake the desires, here are somesnacks that are low in calories but always satisfying.


Increased alcohol consumption.

Man relaxing with bourbon whiskey drink alcoholic beverage in hand and using mobile smartphone

Science shows that alcohol and weight lossDo not mix well. Not only do you risk eating more when you consume, alcohol negatively affects how muscles are repeated themselves.

Online alcohol sales increased by more than 400% and BOOZE purchases increased by at least 27% in April after the establishment of home stay orders, according to data published byNielsen.

There are ways to enjoy fun drinks without the hard side effects of alcohol. These are13 of the best non-alcoholic beers for zero alcohol consumption.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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