Expert Warns Covid is to get out of control

"We are entering what is going to be the steep slope of the curve of the epidemic curve," said Gottlieb.

COVID-19 CAS struck a daily file Friday. Utah states in Texas set up overflow hospitals or start at rationing. States see heavy and small, immediate endless ends. Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former head of the FDA and a member of the board of directors of a vaccine, participated in CBSFace the nationDiscuss why it was so dangerous - and what you can do about it. Read to read to hear his advice and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


He says we are at a "dangerous tipping point"

Ambulance and firefighter trucks block the street in downtown

"We are at a bad point of failover right now, we enter what is going to be the steep slope of the curve of the epidemic curve," he said. "We know what looks like spring. We know it sounds like this summer. These cases will continue to build. There is really no backstop here. I do not see an energetic political intervention that happens soon. We have a moment of opportunity right now to take energetic measures to try to cancel the current propagation. But if we do not do it, if we miss this window, it will continue to accelerate and that it will be more difficult to To self-control. "


He says that the next two weeks "will be much more difficult"

female doctor in surgical face mask meeting patient in medical office

"Now, in many parts of the country, it does not really feel, really bad right now because it's a little bad everywhere. You do not have areas where it is extremely dense in a region as if we did it when it was an epidemic in New York or the epidemic in the south of the outside of States such as Wisconsin or Iowa. Most states have a lot of spread, but most of the States are not at the point where they are extremely pressed right now. It will change on the next two to three weeks. I think things will look a lot more difficult. And we must take action right now. "


He says we can not stop

closed sign

"There is no public support for the judgments, at the national level, as we did in the spring. It will not happen. We must reach other measures."

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The White House says it does not try to control the pandemic. He thinks we should all try to control it.

Andrea Izzotti / Shutterstock

"Well, I think that's what they say, but I do not think that's what we should do," he said, in response to the Chief of Staff of the White House, Mark Meadows' CNN Comments Sunday, in which he said, "We are not going to control the pandemic. We will control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigation measures." Said Gottlieb in response: "There are things we can do to slow the spread. I mean, a national mask mandate can be put in place. He does not need to be safeguarded with fines or a strict application. We have other requirements that we expect a civil society that we applaud with, you know, Jawboning Political, Leadership. We give people warnings at first. So, I think masks are something We could do. We need to look at targeted attenuation, from closing the gathering parameters where we know that propagation occurs. "


He said that a vaccine would come soon - but not early enough for you to do nothing now

Nurse checking a vial of medicine.

"Do not forget that even if we get a vaccine this year and I'm on the board of Pfizer one of the companies that are far enough in the development of a vaccine, even if it becomes available this year and that We get shots in the arms of the first tranche of patients, likely to be older workers and health care, they will not have protective immunity before 2021 at a time of 2021 because it takes time for The vaccine is launched and you need two doses. So, this vaccine will not affect the outlines of what we are going to get through, which will play in the next two or three months right now. "


He gave advice on what mask to wear - and why


"Well, remember that the masks serve two goals. We are protecting others from you. So, if you are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic, if you have a mask, you are less likely to expel Respiratory droplets that can infect other people. The other goal is to provide you some measure of protection if, in fact, you are around infected people. So, if you want to hide to allow you to protect others from others , Quality issues. A fabric mask may be 10% to 30% protection, a surgical mask, a surgical mask, a procedure mask, a surgical mask, about 60%. An N95 mask or equivalent like A KN95 mask, which is the Chinese equivalent or what we call a FFP2 mask, which is a European equivalent to a N95 that can be 90 to 95% of protection. So, if you want to hide to allow you a level of protection, Wear a quality mask superior. If you can not get a cloth that masks, thickness of things and fabric masks with polyester in them and a combination of polyester and cotton do better. "


How to avoid Covid-19

People standing in line front of bank/store due to coronavirus pandemic safety guideline

As for yourself, 35 states of America find dramatic increases in business and, in many hospitalizations. No matter where you live, wear yourfacial mask, avoid bold, hang out more than interior, practice good hand hygiene and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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