One thing you will never see in grocery stores again
This department has already closed, and this could most likely stay that way.

Unlike the majority of companies, grocery stores are open throughout the Pandemic of Covid-19. Yes, you had to do aSome changes to your business habits (some of which areessential to follow to protect your health), but overall, your food purchase experience has remained somewhat unchanged.
There is, however, a major change that grocery stores have been forced to immediately take the virus epidemic due to safety concerns. This is something you may have neglected so far, but it is also something that you surely miss if the change becomes permanent: close the salad bar.
Previously open to all who want to use them (including those who love stealthy samples with their bare hands), the salad bars are extremely dangerous to work during a pandemic.
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Although there is plexiglass that separates you from the food, the salad bars are almost completely exposed. BecauseCoronavirus propagates Thanks to the respiratory droplets of sneezing, coughing or even talking, having food left out in the open air as you intend to consume minutes after your service is essentially a replacement recipe.
Having seated food is not the only problem with grocery salad bar. It is also a problem that you need to use the same service utensils. It isEasy for coronavirus to spread at the buffet Because only one element - a servant utensil-shared between several people. If a viral carrier uses it, it could transmit the virus on the next person - and even more beyond that.
This can report the end of the construction of your ownSalad bar lunch. If this news is only raising more questions that you might have around food, food security and grocery stores, make sure to check10 of your food questions related to the most urgent coronaviruses - replied.