7 ways to disinfect your fake grocery store

The next time you go buy food, avoid these mistakes at all costs.

Now that you have taken all good safety precautions at thegrocery store during thecoronavirus pandemic,The last thing you want to do is lose all your efforts by not correctly designating your grocery store at home. Do not worry, there are no steps you need to take for your food (and yourself) to be sure and healthy, just a few you should keep in mind.

So, the next time you come back from your grocery excursion, here are things you do not want to do when you disinfeat your grocery store.


You do not wash your hands first.

washing hands in kitchen

No matter what, the first thing to do after returning home from the grocery store iswash your hands. You do not want to use your grocery classes - or other objects in your kitchen, before you wash your hands first. If you do not do it, you will not really disinfect your grocery store and every effort you take to create a clean cooking environment will be wastage. The best thing to do is delete your mask first before you wash your hands.

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You are not disinfecting surfaces.

woman cleaning counter

Even if you are clean in the kitchen and wash your hands, it's important to wipe all surfaces in case. In this way, you avoid not only the spread of germs, but you avoid everythingFood Cross Contamination This could happen if your kitchen is not properly disinfected. So before emptying these courses on the counter, wipe it first with an antibacterial wipe or spray first.


You wash your products with soap.

hands in yellow gloves are washing food products to get rid of bacteria or virus

Although it may seem like if you need to wash everything with soap, trust us, you do not have to do - and you will make your production product really strange. TOWash your products correctly When you come home, rinse them simply with fresh water. Even if your products should be peeled with potatoes or carrots to look like peeled, always rinse them so that you do not receive any possible food contamination on your peeler and the interior of any product you peel.


You do not clean your refrigerator regularly.

fridge spill

You probably cook much more than usual lately, so it's important to consider what is in your refrigerator and how often you clean it. Take time to rate what is inside your refrigerator every weekend and wipe all the surfaces while attending simultaneouslyAny cooked food that was there more than a week, or any other food that has fallen badly. Why is it an important step to clean up your grocery store? Because if you do not do it, your shopping will then mix with food in decomposition and rain a possible food contamination because of that.


You do not store items in the refrigerator correctly.

fridge stocked

Speaking of your refrigerator, it is also importantor You store your grocery stores. Food safety experts say the best way toRefrigerate is to start with your pre-cooked remnants and foods on the upper shelf. Central shelves must contain dairy products (milk, cheese) as well as eggs and fruit juices. The lower shelves must contain raw meats and fish you plan to cook soon. The background cries must contain your fresh fruits and vegetables, and doors must have all your condiments and drinks. Store your foods This way keeps your grocery store disinfected after passing through all these safety precautions in advance.


You do not wash your reusable bags.

reusable grocery bag with fruits veggies spilling out

Some stores do not allow to use reusable bags right now, if you go to a store that allows it, you must make sure that you run these bags through the laundry before your next trip. This will help prevent all kinds of germs from spreading and performing foodborne diseases. So keep them clean.


You wipe everything you buy.


Now, here's something you're probably not expected, but that's right. You donot Need to wipe each item you buy!According to the FDAThere is no evidence of the propagation of COVID-19 through packaged pantry goods, so you do not have to wipe them. However, if that would make you feel better, make sure to leave them on the counter after wiping them so they can dry in the air. But trust when we say, you do not have to worry about it. These are the refrigerated items you want to make sure are stored in a clean refrigerator and your product that needs to rinse before cooking.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions ) here are the precautions You should take the grocery store, the food you should have by hand, the Meal delivery services and Restaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / tips
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