7 ways of your grocery store during COVID-19

These seemingly harmless habits could put your health and health of others - at risk.

With online grocery delivery locations being broken in seconds, many intrepid individuals are still braveing ​​trips to the supermarket, hoping to stay safe while doing it. However, even in favor of a mask, gloves and slightly populated alleys at their disposal, many buyers accidentally make serious mistakes at the store that could put them and others at risk.

While you may not be able to avoid the grocery store, you can do a better job of protecting you while shopping for your staples. Continue to discover what grocery errors Health experts want you to stop winning immediately. And for more insight on how to stay safe, brush on these100 things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.


You are approaching other buyers.

Two women in a medical mask enter a modern grocery market, a store. Coronavirus protection, quarantine, self-isolation.

Although many stores implement measures to limit the number of purchases at some point, it does not necessarily mean that people maintain sufficient social distance once inside.

"Social distancing is the best weapon we have now against Covid-19," saysAlexa Mieses, MD, a family doctor in Durham, NC. To stay safe and the others, Mieses recommends strictly respected by one-way path arrows and six-foot payment markers.


You do not wear a mask.

smiling glad friendly bearded guy choosing potato chips at grocery store

If your face is not covered when you are at the store, you put yourself in danger - and if you are a coronavirus asymptomatic support, you could also spread the disease.

"Wear a face coating / maskby CDC guidelines"said Mieses." Those who do not follow these guidelines can potentially flee propagation and get to themselves and other injuries. "


You tap shared surfaces without washing hands after.

shopping cart gloves

From the supermarket door to the handle of your shopping cart, the odds are your hands or gloves on several shared surfaces when you make your purchases. Unfortunately, it means that if anyone affected these surfaces before you have coronavirus - or any other transmissible disease, on this subject - you are likely to have chosen that too.

So, how should you protect yourself?

"If you are able to use disposable gloves when you tap a common surface, it should be your first choice," says Vandana A. Patel, MD, FCCP, Clinical Advisor for Essentials Health EssentialsCabinet. When you have finished purchases, launch these gloves to avoid contaminating other surfaces. And for more ways to protect yourself, avoid these15 coronavirus habits that put you in danger.


You do not use your basket or basket.

Men's hand holding an empty basket in the supermarket

If you accidentally left your gloves at home when you touch the store, you could come into direct contact with contaminated surfaces.

"If you do not have gloves available, delete surfaces with a disinfection linen and clean up your hands after use is an alternative," says Patel. However, it's not just the handle you need to wipe - If you put your handbag or reusable bags in the basket, they could also pick up the virus or other bacteria, so be sure to clean any zone they might touch, too. And if you want to keep these safe races, discover the12 Tips for Safety Grocery Races in the middle of Coronavirus.


You pay in cash.

paying with cash

Putting money back on a cashier at the end of your shopping trip could put your health at risk of more resources.

"You can disinfect a credit card easier than cash while reducing the transfer of person to anyone", "says Patel. If in doubt, break the plastic instead.


You do not sit your credit cards after use.

Woman at the supermarket checkout, she is paying using a credit card

However, even if youare By using credit cards instead of money after departure, you can always contaminate your body and possession.

"If your credit card touches another hand, you must disinfect it after paid and before returning it into your handbag or wallet", warns Patel.


You touch your face while shopping.

man face closeup with a sore throat, sick due to a virus, tired and overwhelmed

Whether you are scraping your nose or sneezing, any contact between your hand and your face while grocery shopping potentially expose you - and others - to the disease.

Infectious disease doctor Jeanne BREEN , MD, says that you should wash your hands after touching high contact surfaces at the store, but if it is not possible, "Try to touch your zone T (nose, eyes, mouth) and wash the hands when you go home. "

Categories: Health
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