How coronavirus could kill restaurant reviews
The restaurants have already passed enough.

In a time whenRestaurants have difficulty in staying open and recent residence mandatesDelays in the opening of the restaurant Dining Rooms - Food Editors (especially restaurants) are facing quite difficult question:Is it appropriate to make restaurant reviews right now?
Restaurant reviews can be crucial for loueurs restaurants to find some of the best restaurants in dinner in the industry. This is what separates great money and help customers make decisions about where they should come out.
But with so manyClosed Restaurants, limited togo out, or even try toSeat customers at a limited capacityAre restaurant reviews really necessary right now?
The craze, popular application and online publication that informs other restaurants in large cities,Recently the announcement they eliminate the notes of their number of their media.
"Restaurants are facing the deepest changes and challenges of their existence," wrote Hillary Reinsberg, editor of the craze, in a position on their website. "How could we possibly go and evaluate them in the next year? Or in the next two years? Our old ratings are accurate? Today and in the near future, the numerical restaurants are not Not the best way to use our platform, and it is not particularly useful for anyone. "
In a test published onEater, a restaurant review wrote an article on how he did not dine for the moment, and since he wrote him, is not sitting in a restaurant in more than 122 days. He writes about how restaurant workers have suffered in the hands of this virus because of the reality of this industry and the way it would be deaf to consider everything that is now.
"I think about how the scores ofrestaurant workers have died and how those who have recovered date back to work without knowing if they will get sick, "writes Ryan Sutton in his essay." You should rather take you to take away. I make this suggestion with a heavy heart. "
It then explains how different critics of well-known restaurants around the country have also made the same appeal, to pause on their usual work.
With the main publications, stopping critics and criticism that take a background, we need to ask ourselves, might ask you for restaurant assessments for good?Even if the restoration in a restaurant is a pleasure for the most part, for the moment, it has also become a way to support others in the restaurant industry that needed. SameGrubstreet suggests Pay more than 50% for advice.
Only time says with regard to how the restaurant industry will survive after the pandemic, but for the moment, restaurant reviews leave their capped pens.
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