If a foreigner asks about it, make sure your doors are locked, the police warn

You could be the target of a new crime program, especially if you are over 65 years old.

We have been taught to treat others with kindness, which is why many of us are not helped to a stranger in need. It is always pleasant to give instructions, to give replacement changes or to provide another assistance when asked, but some requests should sound the alarm. Police now warns something that a foreigner could inquire about who could be linked to aheist. If you hear this question, you will want to make sure that the doors of your house are locked. Read the rest to discover what could indicate that you are the target of a crime and how you can better protect yourself.

Read this then:If you find this on the ground, do not pick it up, the police said in a new warning.

Police warned of "Stranger Danger" last week.

woman handing vape
Aleksandr Yu / Shutterstock

It seems that every day there is another warning about a new scam - and while we try to keep us safe, the crooks keep becoming more artisanal. The criminals that we do not know must be much more cunning to gain our confidence, but that did not prevent them from finding new targets.

Last week, Barnstable Police, the Massachusetts issued a warning onSharing electronic cigarettes and vapes With foreigners. According to a Facebook publication of the police service, vape cartridges can be modified and used to deliverdate. Citizens have been warned to never share vape cartridges with foreigners and also keep an eye on their drinks, which is the common target for drugs like Rohypnol (or "roof").

Now foreigners represent a new threat, and you don't have to leave the house to be targeted.

Beware when you answer the door.

senior woman opening locked door
Edbockstock / Shutterstock

The Chicago Police Service (DPC) has issued a new warning that will take a break before responding to the door. As CBS Chicago reported, the police warn citizens, especially the elderly, who are targeted in anew burglary scheme.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

As part of the con, a suspect will engage with an older victim and specifically question home repairs or water problems at home. At this point, while the victim is distracted, a second suspect enters the house, taking valuables, jewelry and money, the police warned.

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Two suspects were linked to eight burglaries.

person knocking on door
Mike_shots / Shutterstock

The recent series of crimes occurred mainly on the northwest side of Chicago, police said, according to CBS Chicago. In total, eight burglaries were reported between May 28, 2022 and June 18, 2022. And contrary to what we can think about the burglaries - black masks and intruders in the death of the night - these crimes occur During the hours of clarity, the hours of clarity, recorded anywhere between 12 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.

Until now, the police have identified two suspects, including a Hispanic man, between 150 and 160 pounds, between 30 and 40 years and about 5 feet 4 inches high, reported CBS Chicago. A second suspect is a white man who measures around 200 pounds, between 48 and 55 years and 5 feet 8 inches high. According to Chicago police, the couple traveled in a gray SUV.

Police asked citizens to remain on alert.

installing home security camera
Apchanel / Shutterstock

To protect you, the police ask you to take certain preventive measures. And although they may seem common sense, these precautions could keep you safe in the event of a target of this cunning.

Although it can be tempting to keep the doors unlocked when you are at home, the police warn against this and you are asking to keep the doors in front and back safely at any time. In addition, absorb to allow foreigners to enter your home, and if you have security cameras or a ring bell, make sure they work and record both. If you are the victim of a crime, these images can be invaluable to identify the authors.

Keep your guard and take note of any suspicious person who can be "blurred" in your neighborhood or in the region. Also make sure that your neighbors are aware of these crimes, so that they can also be safe.

If your house is stolen, the CPD asks you to call 911 immediately, provide a detailed description of the suspects and try to collect information on the vehicle or the license plate.

Read this then: Do not fill your fuel tank without doing this first, the police now warn .

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