The CDC has just revealed which is most likely to die of coronavirus

Seniors, men, minorities and people with pre-existing health conditions have the most risk.

Since the first cases ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Wuhan, in China, medical experts were detected in Wuhan, in China, attempt to decode the highly infectious and potentially fatal virus. One of the most curious aspects: it has the ability to completely ravage the bodies of some people, while other infected people do not have any symptoms at all.

Each week, the United States focuses on disease control and preventioncomprehensive dataDealer exactly who gets the virus, as well as who is most likely to die.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Who dies from Covid-19?

Two professional doctors in blue medical uniform standing in front of each other in hospital corridor and looking thoughtful

In summary, the elderly, men, minorities and persons with pre-existing health conditions are most likely to die of CIVID-19, according to the CDC.

In total, since January 21 (when the first American case was confirmed), 19 232 843 COVID-19 cases (176,974 new cases reported only the eve of December 30, when we examined the data) and 334 029. related to the country (from which 1,783 were reported the day before).


Older people

Sick elderly woman of COVID-19 lies in bed at home wearing medical mask

"Monitoring at all levels of government and its ongoing modernization, is essential for monitoring COVID-19 trends and identifying groups at risk of infection and serious outcomes," says the CDC. "These results highlight the ongoing need for community mitigation strategies, particularly for vulnerable populations, the slow transmission of COVID-19."

Although people over 65 years have only 14% of COVID cases reported, 81% of 81% of COVID deaths. In comparison, young people aged 18 to 29 count for a notable 23% in the quarter of cases - but only 0.5% death. In the light of this data, theDramatic CDC warning against all Thanksgiving trips Could be considered an attempt to protect the most vulnerable group.


People in the Middle Ages

Man in a face mask sits on a bench and looks at the street

Age was obviously a factor also, with a higher incidence for people over the age of 80 and the lowest being the age group 17 and under. However, the mortality rate among people in the group of adults aged 50 to 64 is alarma high at 14% (34,130 deaths).

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Sick man lying on sofa checking his temperature at home in the living room

It has been largely reported that Covid-19Impacts disproportionately women. In addition to this, the CDC reports thatWomen are slightly more likely to be infected with COVID-19 with a rate of 52.2%. But these are men who were more subject to dying in the effect of COVID-19 infection (53.8%respectively, 46.2% of women).



Senior old woman wearing surgical mask for protect from virus Covid-19

Race and ethnicity was also a major factor, minorities affecting the pandemic at an alarming rate. According to CDC data, 17% of COVID-19 people were black and 13.8% Hispanic, 4.2% Asian, 1% national or native America from Alaska, 0.2% d Indigenous Hawaiie and 4% of other minorities.

"With health disparities, we have a situation between minority populations, especially Afro-Americans and Latino, because they suffer more than three times more deaths," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the main infectious infectious expert and director of the National health institutessaid in a Q & A withThe upland current.

"In part, this is due to the reality that people of color are more likely to be in face-to-face jobs with others, so their chances of being infected are much larger than for you and Me, sitting in front of a computer, just talk to each other, "said Fauci.


People with these underlying conditions

Mature woman having heart attack on stairs, outdoors

In a previous oneCDC report, those with underlying conditions - the most common cardiovascular disease (32%), diabetes (30%) and chronic pulmonary disease (18%) - were extremely more likely to undergo a serious illness because they were Six times more likely to be hospitalized and 12 times more likely to die.

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


People in prisons and prisons

Watch tower at a CA State Prison

The CDC reported 365,877 COVID-19 confirmed cases in the American correction and detention facilities (301,375 resident cases and 64,502 staff) and 1,864 deaths (1,763 residents and 101 persons).


Personal health

sad young female doctor or nurse wearing face protective mask for protection

COVID-19 hit hard people who are on the front line of the battle against the pandemic. The CDC recorded 328,016 cases of coronavirus and 1,126 deaths among health workers.


How to survive the pandemic - and stop the propagation infections

Senior woman and daughter having coffee at safety distance in the garden.

No matter where you live, race or place where you live, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:The best expert in infectious disease of the nationDr. Anthony Fauci highly recommend Wear your face mask and avoid crowds, social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands frequently, and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
Tags: Cdc / Coronavirus / News
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