Best advice from coronavirus

The final list of staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic

The propagation of COVID-19 also brought an overload of coronavirus advice on how to prevent infection, best practices, what to do if you are diagnosed and how to stay healthy for quarantine. While these changesCORONAVIRUS TIPS Are important to absorb, they can be overwhelming to sort. So we set up 30 of the best coronavirus advice ever in an easy and definitive list.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Use a hand-based hand disinfectant

The riskiest thing a person can touch for COVID-19

The experts agree that hand disinfecting is a good alternative to washing your hands in a pinch. However, theWorld Health Organization (WHO)Board that you use a quantity of alcohol-based disinfectant and avoid touching your eyes or eyes after use. Store your disinfector correctly and make sure it is out of reach of children and away from flames or combustible objects.


Stop avoiding the doctor

Portrait of asian woman doctor wear protection face mask showing a patient some information on digital tablet clip board, patient listen to specialist doctor in clinic office

If you are desperately trying to stay away from Covid-19, a doctor's firm may seem like the first place you want to avoid. However, if you need medical treatment for a problem or if you need to closely monitor a medical illness, it's time to make an appointment. Ignore your own health problems can get them getting worse over time.

If you are not in good health, you are more likely to have a serious case of COVID-19 if you contract the virus. Most of the doctor's offices have put in place social distancing and strict health procedures to ensure the safety of patients during the visit.


Check your sources

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Courtesy of NIH

The COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving and some areas can be affected differently by the virus. Before assuming everything you read online is correct, check the source. Make sure the source is trustworthy and that the information provided is up-to-date. "Local and national authorities are better placed to advise what people in your area should do to protect themselves", according to theWHO. You can start fromThese crowned councils of coronavirus Since the best experts from the infectious disease of nations for more than 30 years, Dr. Anthony Fauci.


Stay away from other people

Woman and man in social distancing sitting on bench in park

COVID-19 is distributed in respiratory droplets of infected people. Therefore, one of the best tips to stop coronavirus propagation is to stay away from others when you are in public. "Keep a distance of about six feet (two meters) others if the Covid-19 virus spreads in your community, especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness,"The Mayo Clinicsuggests.


Stay on a planning

Happy girl waking up in the morning turning off the alarm clock in her bedroom

Whether you're looking forward to contracting the coronavirus or you're just crazy in quarantine, it's important to pay attention to your mental health. If you are dismissed from work, you suddenly become a teacher at your school to your children or you work at home for the first time, planning is essential.

"If facing a forty at home, it's important to honor the habits and routines of your body and maintain a calendar. Wake up at the same time every day, dress up, lunch and make a list of things you would like to have done that day, saysAlicia Murraypractical consulting services.


Wash your hands frequently

Man washing hands.

One of the best lines of defense against the propagation of Covid-19 is to wash your hands frequently. You are probably used to washing your hands before and after having prepared food or after using the bathroom.

During the pandemic, you should also wash your hands thoroughly, "after being in a public place and affected an article or surface that can be frequently affected by other people, such as door handles, tables, Gasoline pumps, shopping trolleys, or electronic cashier registers / screens, "according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) You should also wash them: "Before touching your eyes, the nose or mouth because it is how the germs enter our body."


Try to attend outdoor events

Happy waiter wearing protective face mask while showing menu on digital tablet to female guest in a cafe.

The gathering with large groups of people is always a potentially dangerous way to disseminate coronavirus. However, search shows if you are ready to go to a bar, a restaurant, a farmer market or another public place, you could be safer outside.

Astudy conducted in JapanAnalyzed 100 COVID-19 cases and you have found about 20 times more chances to contract the virus inside if you interfere with an infected person. The experts confirm that this can be because the wind or outdoor air dispersing infected respiratory droplets from other people more easily than when you share air inside.


Talk it with friends and family

woman worker have Webcam group conference with coworkers on modern laptop at home

When you are physically around others, the others feel dangerous and potentially harmful to society, you could face long days, weeks and months of social isolation. If you feel alone, it's important to contact friends and family and talk through your emotions.

Astudy published inScientific reportsAnalyze individuals living with depression and frequency of interactions with others. The study revealed that the "depressive symptoms of individuals" are associated with spending less time in social interactions. " Interact with your friends and family is crucial for your mental health and fight against depressive or solitary feelings.


Pay attention to the signs

grocery store social distancing

If you have recently visited a grocery store, a pharmacy or another public place, you may have noticed that one-way alley stickers on the ground, signs of facial mask requirements and other directions to promote the social distancing. These signs may seem embarrassing and can sometimes make a quick race take longer than necessary.

Since each store has a different disposal and capacity, theCDCCan not define coverage guidelines for all stores. However, the organization encourages retail workers to "minimize money management" and "clean and disinfect frequently affected areas." Following the procedures of a store, you facilitate workers to follow the CDC protocol and keep everyone safe.



no gloves

At one point, it was thought that gloves would be useful for stopping the propagation of COVID-19. But unless you are meticulous with the way you use your gloves, what you touch, and when and how do you disconnect them, they can not do well. "Most gloves have tiny holes and possibly, the gloves themselves are contaminated", according toDr. Cody Meissner, MD, the Tufts Medical Center. Paste with a face mask and a good wash of hands after leaving a public place.


Limit your stress

man relaxing after work breathing fresh air sitting at home office desk with laptop

If you are afraid to contract the coronavirus and how this pandemic is materialized, it is important to limit your stress. "Stressful events reliably combine with changes in the immune system", according to astudy published in thePsychological newsletter.

When you are constantly stressed, it can weaken your immune system. If you catch Covid-19 with a weak immune system, it can be more prejudicial to your health than if your immune system was more ready to fight the virus. Keep stress at the bay healthy so that your immune system can stay strong.


Make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth

woman putting on a medical disposable mask.

When you wear a face mask in public, you protect others around you. You may be infected by Covid-19 but do not have any symptoms and covering your nose and your mouth, you can stop spread.

"Wear a mask properly and do not put the mask around your neck or on your forehead," warns theCDC. Although it is tempting to pull the mask when you speak or because it is more comfortable, make sure it covers your nose and your mouth keeps the mask efficient to contain your breathing droplets.


Analyze the procedures of a company before visiting

woman in casual clothing using laptop and smiling while working indoors

Different zones are different from the reopening. If your area starts to rest and you are willing to visit local places, it is always important to be careful. Before dinner, attend an event or shopping at a retail store, analyze the company's practices and procedures. Make sure there are enough social distances and requirements in place to make you and other customers feel safe.

As a citizen, you can do your part by adhering to advice and local CDC advice, particularly with regard to face coatings, "according to theApproach to the White House and CDC for reopening.


Use video cats

Image of a beautiful positive cheerful brunette young woman at the kitchen indoors at home using laptop computer have a dinner watch videos.

If you can not travel and do not feel safe with friends and family members, show the power of technology to keep in touch. Video chat applications, such as FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or Google Hangouts, may feel impersonal. But seeing that the face of your being loved and interacting in real time can just be the connection you need to strengthen your mind.

AStudy published in cyberPsychology:Psychosocial Research Journal on CyberspaceAnalyzed how connected participants felt family and friends using different mediums, such as voice, text and video. "Participants who have used video discussions more frequently, perhaps with long-distance family or long-distance friends, felt closer to their participating friends when they seized the opportunity to chat. From the video with them, "concluded the study.


Do not touch your face

touching face

It is known that coronavirus is extended when you are exposed to respiratory droplets of an infected person. You can also choose these droplets infected in frequently affected surfaces. But you will not really catch the virus unless you do not touch your eyes or wipe your nose.

Astudy published in theAmerican newspaper for infection controlStudents observed at a normal day and found that "on average, each of the 26 students observed touched their faces 23 times per hour". The study also concluded "all the face keys, 44% involved contact with a mucous membrane". We are used to touching our faces without concern, but with Covid-19 around, you will have to stay conscious of your hands, especially if you have not washed them recently.


Start a new hobby

Diy woman painting, renewing chair at home.

If limited social interaction makes you crazy, the solution in a new hobby or a new activity can be the solution. "Research shows that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer stress, weak mood and depression," according to theDepartment of Australian Government Health. Consider starting a new hobby, like learning to play a musical instrument or painting, so you can focus on self-improvement and have fun.


Hug safely

Happy young lady adult daughter granddaughter visiting embracing hugging old senior retired grandmother cuddling

During the pandemic, it may be missed with a hug of your friends or family. If you die to embrace a loved one, you may be able to sneak safely. "If you do not talk about or if you do not touch each other, the risk should be very low", according toProfessor Linsey MarrVirginia Tech. First of all, make sure both parties have not been exposed to the newly virus. Stay outdoors to kiss and do not let many people be too close. Make your hug fast and turn your faces from each other while committing yourself.


Mount the elevator alone

Young chinese woman standing in elevator in medical mask. Doors are closing. Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic concept.

Before the pandemic, a small and cluttered elevator was only part of the daily office life. However, with COVID-19, this tiny space may seem like a dangerous way to spread the virus. If you can, wait for it and climb the elevator alone.

If there is no way, you can go solo and you have to go up with other people, make sure everyone wears a mask and limits conversations, according toHarvard Health. Faced with each other and the social distance as much as possible throughout the journey to potentially prevent the spread of the virus.


Continue to exercise

Man doing bridging exercise, lying on his back on black mat in empty office interior. Viewed from floor level from his head

We all know that exercise is good for our body, but it is an even more crucial component to our health during the pandemic. Focus on a strong immune system is the best way to make sure you are ready to fight against COVID-19 if you are already exposed to the virus and exercise is useful for changing the functionality of your immune system.

"The exercise increases our ability to breathe, which helps our immune systems and our organs to operate well," according toUC Davis Health. Stay active and exercise regularly to keep your immune system hum and your body in good health.


Turn off the TV sometimes

Man using remote control to switch channels. Close up hand holding big screen tv remote.

It is important to stay informed and at the top of the latest news from the pandemic. But keep your TV listening to a 24-hour news station can increase your stress at unhealthy levels. "Take breaks to watch, read or listen to news, including those of social media. Hearing the pandemic can be overwhelming several times," suggests theCDC. Get the latest news developments you need to know, then turn off the TV and enjoy your day.


Keep clean

Disinfect - Woman Spraying Table Surface with Disinfectant and Wiping it with a Cloth

The pandemic has dragged for months. It is therefore tempting to relax on the disinfection and cleaning of frequently affected surfaces in your home. But the experts warn that it is always important to make sure that you cleanse diligently to stop the spread of the virus. TheCDCRecommends you to identify the areas of your home that are frequently affected and clean these surfaces with soap, water and disinfectant. "Cleaning with soap and water reduces the number of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface. Disinfection kills germs on the surfaces", reports the CDC.


Get the facts before traveling

Virus mask woman travel wearing face protection in prevention for coronavirus at airport.

Feel brave and ready to get out of the city? COVID-19 is a fluid situation and travel restrictions seem to change depending on the location. Before planning a trip, look for local, state and federal guidelines for coronavirus to ensure that you can join.

TheMAYO ClinicSuggests "Verification of the United States Security Administration and your website of your airline for additional advice." Consider the risks associated with jumping on a crowded flight or staying in a hotel before deciding to travel.


Make reservations wherever you can

woman using mobile phone while sitting a couch at home with laptop computer.

Companies face a new border and are now obliged to implement social distancing regulations and mask to prevent customers safely. In many cases, restaurants are allowed to operate at a small percentage of their usual capacity, making it difficult to provide excellent service.

One way you can help restaurants to open in their new service style consists of reserve. "Reservations become more and more important, especially for places that did not use them before capacity management", according to Andrea Johnston ofOpen table. When making a reservation, the restaurant puts aside a table for your party and can make sure it is disinfected and adequately distancing other guests.


Stay home if you do not feel good

Pretty young woman looking through jalousie of a dark room

Is it allergies? A cold? A hangover? Or Covid-19? If you do not feel good for any reason, it is better to stay at home and self-isolate, whether it's the virus or not. Coronavirus may have symptoms that differ from one person to another, it is better to be sure than sorry.

The symptoms of COVID-19 might include fever, chills, congestion, nausea, fatigue, headaches, loss of taste or smell, or others, according to theCDC. It's never fun to cancel plans and stay at home, but if you do not feel good, be responsible and self-inspection until you do not have the virus.


Get away from high-risk friends

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

If you suspect that you can have Covid-19 or have been exposed to a person who does it, it is important to isolate until you know if you are infected or not. Stay away from your friends or family members likely to be high risk of complications with the virus is also crucial for their health and safety.

Seniors and persons with underlying medical conditions, such as cancer, asthma or high blood pressure, are at higher risk for serious CVIV-19 cases, depending on theCDC. Connect to a video chat or phone until it is safe to make visits in person.


Cover your mouth when you taseras or sneeze

man coughing

It is always polite to cover your mouth and nose when you spit or sneeze, but this gesture is particularly important in the times of Covid-19. Stop the propagation of the virus ", make sure you and the people around you, follow a good respiratory hygiene," according to theWHO, "The droplets propagated the virus. Following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around virus virus such as cold, flu and Covid-19."


Store what you need

Toilet paper in the hands of the buyer in the store

The key to stop the propagation of Covid-19 is to minimize your exposure to other people and public places. Although your area may not be under the stay or quarantine directives, plan your time in public and consolidate your races to spend the least time around people is crucial.

If you may have been exposed to the virus and you plan to quarantine, you must "store additional food and water supplies", depending on theDepartment of Homeland Security. While you do not need to recharge objects, store what you need in a trip or use a grocery delivery service to minimize contacts and prepare your time at home.


Eat healthy

woman preparing vegetable salad in modern kitchen

Your nutrition plays an important role in the health of your immune system. With this big scary virus, all around us, keeping your peak-shaped immune system is important. Have an excess weight on your body and eat a bad power can remove your immune system, according toHarvard Health. Instead, you should "eat a balanced diet with whole fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and a lot of water".


Have a good sleep

woman smiling while sleeping

Whether you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or simply try to keep your body healthy to fight the virus if necessary, sleep is a key factor. This helps your body fight against the virus and maintain your strong immune system.

"Your immune system is like your computer - it needs moments of rest so that it is not overheated. Sleep restarts the system," according toDr. Mark Moyad, M.D., M.P.H. From the medical center of the University of Michigan. TheCDCRecommends adults at least seven hours of sleep per night.


Know when you need emergency medical treatment

Ambulance vehicle parked on a street

If you suffer from Covid-19 at home and self-isolation, keep track of your symptoms and keep in touch with your doctor. Follow your doctor's tips on how to handle the virus at home but know how to identify the warning signs that you may need emergency medical treatment.

If you encounter breathing problems, persistent pain, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, the new confusion, the inability to wake up or stay awake, or bluish lips or lips, you may need -be call 911 or head to the emergency, according to the Red Cross . And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus .

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