The CDC reports a major disease epidemic in 34 states related to this food

As if we needed more on our plates, you may want to start this common vegetable.

As if we neededMore public health pelves on our plate right now, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have announced aNew alert of food security. A tissue? A salmonella epidemic of red onions which, at the end of last week, finished500 reported cases and nearly 60 hospitalizations on 34 totals.

The epidemic was found for the first time by the CDC on July 20 after Salmonella of an unknown source had resulted at least125 people become sick in 15 states, leading to 24 hospitalizations but no death. Now, the CDC pinned the cause: a crop of red onions manufactured by the producer of California, Thomson International Inc. The company has since reminded all its onions, regardless of color, in the 50 states.

Food and drugsissued a board For consumers, restaurants and retailers, each direct "do not eat, sell or serve Thomson International, white, yellow or sweet onions, Inc. or products containing such onions."

As it is almost impossible to say at the origin of the loose onions purchased in a grocery store,The FDA advised consumers to throw onions of unknown origin.

As you can see on the map below (supplied by the CDC), California, Oregon and Nevada reported most cases related to Thomson products. Northern Midwesterness and Western states, such as Michigan and Montana, have also reported an alarming number of cases.

Onions are not the only food product currently presentingConcerns of Salmonella. There is also a larger and multi-deformation epidemic of poultry products that led to about 1,000 cases and even a death. The CDCUpdate a food security alert Last week, warn consumers of an epidemic of salmonella linked to poultry in garden herds, such as chicks and ducklings.

CommonSymptoms of Salmonella Include diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps, although more serious cases of salmonellosis may include high fever, pains, headaches, lethargy, rash, blood in urine or stool, And in some cases, can become fatal. Anyone who believes they can have this infection immediately contact their health care provider.

For more food security advice, here is the17 foods most likely to give you food poisoning.

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