Best surcharges for athletes, says Dietian

The head of the GNC nutrition gives actions 10 dietary supplements Active people should consume.

If you are an athlete who forms on a regular basis, or even just someone who is super active, you could benefit from consumptionfood supplements.

Like Rachel Jones, MS, RDN, leader of nutrition atDri saidEAT THIS, NOT THAT!Intense daily exercise requires increased need for various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fluids.

"The maintenance of health and well-being through good nutrition should be an absolute priority for athletes," she says. "It allows them to support the physical stressors of exercise, improve their performance and promotes faster recovery. Finding time to eat and get the necessary nutrition of food is not always easy alone or possible. »

Below you will see the 10 categories of Jones Supplements recommends an athlete who constantly jumps in cycle training will perhaps consider taking. In addition, Jones gives recommendations for which the supplements you can buy. So, do not missThe best supplements for people over 40, according to dietitians.



protein powder scoop

"Muscle exercise through repetitive movements and impact, impoverishes energy reserves and leads to tissue degradation. Sufficient protein intake is essential for muscle repair, maintenance and growth. Completing the diet with a protein powder can help ensure essential amino acids (such as leucine) are available to support the recovery process, "explains Jones.

Two popular choices includeDRI Pro Performance 100% whey protein andUnbreakable performance whey.

But before buying the protein powder, be sure to read this:The surprising truth About Protein Powers you need to know.


Fish oil

fish oil

"Fish oil Contains omega-3, EPA and DHA essential fatty acids that support natural anti-inflammatory body process. It also provides food support for the health of joints and nutrients to maintain a cardiovascular system three important areas for the health of athletes to focus on sport and recovery. If you are not a fan of fish or difficulty consuming 2 to 3 servings ofgrasfish Per week, a fish oil supplement can be an excellent choice for you ", says Jones.

To tryTRIPLE DRI Fish Oil Force.


Vitamin D

vitamin d pills

"Vitamin D is best known for its role by helping to maintain bone mineral density in bone health support. Repetitive activities with high impact as long distance race, athletes at risk of developing bone health problems. A new search suggests vitamin D can also be important for soft tissue support and overall health. Known as "Vitamin Soleil", vitamin D can be done through the skin of sun exposure, diet and supplements, "says Jones.

Try one of theVitamin D3 GNC supplements, To ensure adequate intake.




"Our natural response at a body temperature is rising during the sweaty exercise. Too much fluid and the electrolytes lost during the activity candehydration, Impact on performance. Good hydration, as well as electrolyte supplements ensure the replacement of minerals, such as sodium and potassium, to help maintain the equilibrium of fluids. Make sure to stay above your hydration goals throughout the day, "says Jones.

Fast hydrating hydration drink mix is a great option to make things happen!

Then make sure to readOne of the main effects of alcohol, according to electrolyte experts.



beetroot powder

"Naturally in beets and green leafy vegetables, nitrates act as precursors for the path of nitric oxide by supporting blood vessel tone, blood circulation, and oxygen regulation to the work muscle. The consumption of nitrates in the form ofred beet powder Before training sessions can support exercise performance and lengthen the time of exhaustion ", says Jones.

Try to addSunfood Superfood Organic Beet Powder At your next whoping-workout.



pro performance supplement

"Beta-alanine is an amino acid and a carnosine precursor, a peptide having antioxidant buffering properties and muscle pH. Like lactic acid levels, a by-product of anaerobic efforts, become high, which leads to acidity in muscle cells, which contributes to fatigue. Higher levels of muscle carnosin, thanks to beta-alanine supplementation, become key in control of fatigue and performance support ", explains Jones.

Advice:PRO BETA DRI-ALANINE PERFORMANCE Tablets are an easy addition to your routine.



drinking water

"The most well-known and sought-after Ergogenic aid, caffeine has been demonstrated to support the increase in energy levels, delay fatigue and improve physical endurance and performance. Souvement found in preliminary supplements to the 'training, caffeine can offer a thumb boost, offering a little bit of motivation or PEP to your step to move things. Caffeine can also be completed by intra-workout training to keep you Too long during these extra-long workouts or the latest sets of the gym. See what caffeine can do for your workout, "Jones said.

Beyond the illuminated pre-training Offer incredible flavor options!

Make sure to readA scary side effect of drinking too much caffeine, according to science.



green powder

"Intense exercise increases the production of free radicals, causing damage to muscle cells, resulting in muscle pain. Antioxidants can help support the recovery process by fighting these free radicals, bringing you back to the gym sooner. Fruits And the vegetables are too filled for you "Consider adding a mix of superfood to your next post-workout smoothie to get the advantages of antioxidants without mass," says Jones.

Incredible green grass superfood antioxidant Has a sweet berry flavor to perfectly complete your favorite smoothie recipe.




"A familiar spice,Turmeric Has been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to support many health goals. Touched for their powerful antioxidant properties, curcuminoids (the active compound found at turmeric) can affect the signaling of healthy operations related to the joints. Athletes should consider including a curcuma supplement as part of their routine - your joints will thank you, "says Jones.

To verifyCurucking Curific Curcumes GNC Plus To help meet your needs.




"Think aboutprobiotics Like the good bacterium, your intestine must support healthy digestion. Ask any runner and they will tell you how important the role of digestion is for a long race or the day of the race. Support the health of daily intestinal with probiotics can help keep things moving and running smoothly. Bonus - Probiotics also help support immune health, "says Jones.

Sport GNC Probiotic Solutions The capsules are stable of the shelf and do not require refrigeration.

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