5 things you should never bring in a grocery store

Leave them at home to avoid any pandemic problem.

During a global pandemic,grocery store has become a high-pressure activity, demanding that we pay particular attention to what we do, what we touch, andwho we are standing near. With so many things about our spirits beyond getting the food we need to buy, it's wise to try to reduce the distractions and magnets of potential germs as much as possible when you go shopping.

A good place to start in this effort is to examine theItems you choose to bring with you In the store and by actively leaving a few behind. Whether leaving some items in the car or at home, with regard to grocery shopping in 2020, it is wiser to put the light.

Here are five things you can do without at least for the moment. (And for more groceries,Make sure you register for our newsletter.)




Most of us can not imagine leave the house without smartphone, and burst yours in a pocket when you head in the grocery store is not a problem. But whatis A problem is that if you start shooting while walking in the driveway, checking a text you have received, answering an email orrecipe You wanted to dinner. These habits can all lead us to potentially spread bacteria.

"We unaware unconsciously our smartphones when shopping to the text, call a call or check the grocery lists," says Dr. Lina Velikova, MD, PhD, a medical advisor forSupplements101. "Touching products at the store, then your smartphone multiple times increases the chances of becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses."

Potentially worse than the risks of spreading the virus via surfaces are the distractions that your smartphone creates, making you lose concentration on the task by hand.quickly and efficiently through the aisles andKeep your distance Other buyers. Looking at your phone, you can prevent yourself from neglecting social distance or even collide with other buyers, and will lead you to stay indoors in a busy public space longer than it is absolutely necessary .

According to Velikova, "my suggestion is to keep your phone hidden and do not reach that before leaving the store and disinfect your hands." (In touch:3 things you should not do at the grocery store.)


Reusable bags

reusable grocery bag with fruits veggies spilling out

In normal moments, bringing a canvas tote or a large handbag in the store where to throw your grocery store was widely regarded as a respectful movement of the environment. But research, includingA 2018 study published in theJournal of Environmental Health, found that these types of bags can carry traces of viruses after being used in a grocery store. So now, it might be wiser to stay with the disposable bags that the store provides.

"Although they are good for the environment, some stores do not allow you to put reusable bags to reduce the risk of contamination," saysDr. Monique can, family doctor certified by the board and founder of doctor in the kitchen.

Even if you do not use your bag to keep grocery store, you will wantAvoid wearing something This takes place and could prevent your ability to enter and exit the store while touching as little as possible.

"Some stores will not allow them because they can go store to store without cleaning between", saysDr. Susan Dolan, Medical Director of Epidemiology of Health Care in Stony Brook Medicine. "However, leaving them in the car, bringing the groceries to the car and charge the grocery store in the bags to facilitate the car in the house can minimize cross contamination. It is important to clean the bags as soon as they are emptied its contents. " (In touch:The worst side effect of new coronavirus guidelines.)



shopping cart gloves

This may seem counter-intuitive - after all, gloves prevent the propagation of bacteria, right? Not necessarily. Although those who are particularly concerned about the virus can not only wear masks, but also gloves, health professionals actually advise practice. This is not necessarily due to the gloves themselves, but the behaviors associated with wearing them.

"Gloves are not really necessary when you buy grocery stores," says Dr. Rashmi Byakodi, publisher ofNutrition. "The gloves act like your second skin, and you may feel safe to touch anything in the grocery store. When you touch various items with gloves, you can broadcast the infection to the same thing you touch. This can also include your face, phone, handbag, or other article at the grocery store. "

Can echo these concerns that gloves can actually make the wearer more likely to spread germs.

"People can have a false sense of security when carrying gloves, but they forget that gloves are contaminated once they touch a surface," she says. "They still need to wash your hands after wearing them."



meijer grocery store patron

Speaking of distractions, even the best high children introduce a high level of unpredictability and a risk of potential spread for you and other buyers.

"Children are naturally curious and have trouble keeping their hands with things like shelves, food and other buyers," saysDr. Omerine ASEH, Chief Medical Director of Pllc Concierge Medicine. "Children do not always remember the social distance and can not keep their masks at any time. I've seen children run their hands along the shelves while the store employees try to wipe them. They are simply Children, but it could be catastrophic for them and all of us. "

Donelan echoes this, pointing out that children too young to wear a mask should not be brought to the store. "If they are old enough to sit in the seat in the parent, they are old enough to touch inanimate objects around them, then touch their faces [eyes, nose, mouth] potentially introduce a virus in / on them -Mims. "

If a baby-babysitter is not feasible, it recommends using home delivery services or Curbside support as options for your grocery store. (In touch:The target finally makes this feature of crucial grocery store.)



cash transaction

Even before subscribing to a pandemic, the manipulation of money was a health danger. A2002 study By the American researchers of the Air Force found that 94% of the proven invoices were bacteria, some of which could cause pneumonia or other serious infection.

"Money serves as a fomite, an inanimate vehicle by which pathogens can be spread" Charles Bailey, MD, medical director of infection prevention toProvidence Saint Joseph Health,RecountInsist.

Credit cards are much easier to disinfect than paper bills and allow for more and more contactless payment, allowing you to avoid interaction and opportunity for spreading germs. But whatever the form of payment you use, you must follow the same basic rule that was true before we ever heard of Covid-19: wash your hands after your payment. For more, check these7 genius grocery tips to make you a safer customer.

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