Colleges find a mysterious intruder in their dorm but realizes that he needed their help

In this world, we live, there is a wide variety of wildlife. If you are traveling through the seas, you will realize that each region has animals that are

In this world where we live, there is such a variety of wildlife. If you are traveling through the seas, you will realize that each region has animals that are limited to this area. Some animals are kept at home by families too. And more than 350 million animals are brought back to be sold too. Illegal practice rakes in more than $ 19 billion a year for smugglers. This has become a major problem ...


We all know that so many animals are constantly in danger. There are a variety of animals that need the salvant grace of man than other humans have decided to play a bad guy. It has become difficult to get people using animals as it is a taxing job. However, there is a moment when some people come out of their way of doing good for the good of animals, return them to the wild.

a lot of time

So, in this story, the subject of saving an animal from an unfortunate incident is where a very unexpected hero comes to the rescue. Back to November 2016, Students of Residence Hall 7 student in the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore approached the end of their course. They did not know that it reveals an important moment in their lives.

No need for additionsImage result for studying college

So, as they are for the future, these students do not need distraction no matter where. There was absolutely no need for them to engage in any other activity, except getting out in their books. In their dormally common room, these students had his hands full with their studies in order to add their responsibility would be useless.

Oozing light in

While they were preparing to prepare for the exams and perhaps for a bright future, students do not engage in other outdoor activities. They were mostly with their books, engaged in their academic efforts. However, early in the morning, students who went inside the common room saw the light spent through their door.

Something inexplicable

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When these students entered the common room, they were a bit confusing because the room generally weak had the light. When they entered the room to check, they saw two huge holes that had been chipped out by the door. And of course, they wondered why it could be, they were shocked. And when they looked around, they found something that did not belong to him.

Verification of the room

So, to see that there was a huge hole at their door made them a little upset and curious too. What could have been the cause of that? So when the students went to the room with care, they had some assumptions as to what these holes were there for that. They had hoped that these holes are not trimmed by an invasive animal.

A strange creature

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When they looked near the door, they realized what had grazed these holes on their wooden door. But when they posted his eyes on the creature who apparently did this mess, they had to scratch his head. Among the broken door disorder pieces, they could see a curved animal, it was an outstanding animal. So what could he be?

Who was the culprit?

So, as soon as they saw there was an animal right next to the door, they already knew the cause of all this. As they could not say it was a frightened animal, students automatically knew that there were two options for them. They could call people who able to help the animal in distress or make so much money by selling it.

Two options

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They made a more careful inspection of the animal and could then identify what kind of animal was. Since they are not animal experts, they clearly know what to do with this intruder in their home. And they knew they could get a lot of benefits because monetarily this animal was a lot of trouble if they could sell it to the right people.


So, who brings us to the next question. What kind of animal did such a mess of the door of the common zone? Well, the sacred animal that was among the disorder of the pieces of the door was, in fact, a Pangolin. And why would it be worth anything then? Well, it is this animal makes it one of the most popular animals victims of traffic ever.

Multiple uses

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Where will they sell these animals and what are they useful for? Well, you see, countries like China use every part of the Pangolin for many purposes. They are searched because they can be used for creative clothing, even for traditional meats and remedies. And we can already guess that all these items can be sold and bought with a price expensive.


So how many these animals are on the market? Well, if you had to sell one, a single pangoline is usually bought on the black market of about $ 1,000. These students could actually benefit from it because we are confronted with that, this price is not a small amount for a student. A big can do a lot and they would make good use.

A threatened species

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As there are so many smugglers and sellers of animals like pangoline, they are quickly dead in numbers. This could clearly be because these animals can be sold for such a price. And yes indeed, the Pangolins face critical endurance. There are about 100 of these animals that can be found in Singapore. So why was it one there in the college property?

Make the right choice

Thus, after examining the strange animal in their common room and learn its value in the black market, students had to make a choice. Would they sell it or would they go for help for the poor animal? Benevolent students finally had a decision to search someone to help the animal and not opt ​​for money.

Calling for help

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After taking on the internet to search for an expert who can help in their situation, students found a number that could be useful. And they composed the number of animal concerns of the Research and Education Company (ACRES). what was that? Well, it's the organization that rushed before 10 am to help the Pangolin and see what can be done.

The experts rush

As soon as the organization learned that this situation involved a pangoline, they knew they had to hurry. They sent acres experts who came to save the Pangolin who was supposed to be found in the student dormitory. It has been lost to find its way in the city of Singapore, which is full of sewer pipes, large buildings and motorways packaged by the car.

Their main concern

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And after having placed a call for help for Pangoline, students felt a little better knowing that it would be safe hands now. And the goal of acres had to immediately recover the Pangolin in its place of housing. They needed to give the poor animal a comfortable environment because they were some, it could have been endured a lot.


Thus, when animal experts reached the student's dormitory, they immediately arrived at action. They first had to check if the animal was in good shape or not. After learning that it was in a state of understanding, the next thing they did was look for a place for the little guy. And just after, these people brought the animal to a forest that was not far from the dormitories of the university.

What was there?

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So where did they take the Pangolin? Well, close to university premises, there were "many trunks fallen on decaying trees and logs," Kalai Balakrishnan explained, "There will be termites here, ants for him". Since there was no possibility, they could measure how long the animal had been without food or water, they ran.

Out of the case

Pangoline must feel so lost and powerless when it was in the middle of the skyscrapers and the cars of the city. Knowing this, acres workers took the Pangolin to the forest and released it from the fund they had kept it. And the frightened animal then took his time to treat the world around him. It was to scan what and where it was ...

Waiting for his reaction

So, the only thing these people could do now was to wait for the reaction of the Pangolin. They had no way to communicate with that or ask how it was feeling, so they just tried everything they thought would work. They took the time to wait for the Pangolin to make its choice ... So, how would it behave? Has he lost his will to live and continue or not?


And so, after a few moments, the little pangoline came out of the box. Well, the poor animal in distress did not come out, he actually took off as soon as possible! We certainly hope that it has not been lost or finding its way in the premises of the College ... It was a moment of relief, because the Pangolin was now back where it belonged. It was more meaningful than everyone involved has anticipated ...

A widespread impact

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Since we have already mentioned that the Pangolins are an endangered species, it was a moment that called for rejoicing. Since the reflected students ended up calling acres, their action did more for the Pangolins as a whole, even more than they could never have imagined. Dr. Sonja Luz was able to explain how much the student's decision was necessary for the Pangolin family ...

An interesting discovery

So, as there were only more than one hundred pangolines in Singapore alone, the need to stop smuggling or selling them was crucial. And the students did the right thing by asking for help and protection of the animal obviously frightened. And in September, 2 years had happened after the discovery of Pangolin at the College. Dr. Luz then proposed an interesting project.

Her discovery

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So Mr. Luz then took a project in Singapore and made a remarkable achievement. So what did she discover then? Well, his project revealed and recognized the importance of placing the Pangolins in the jungle. Students helping to release the Pangolin back to his natural habitat had actually leads to an even more important advantage for them on a larger scale.


But you see that his project was not ordinary. She had taken the study of these endangered species to find ways to help increase their number or identify and reduce the threat to these animals. And she discovered that at the beginning of 2017, a local Singapore found a young Pangolin on a construction site near him.


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So when the resident found this Pangolin, since he looked like a Pokemon, the rescuer decided to name the Pangolin's sander after the pokemon character. If you looked at the growing "Pokemon" cartoon show, you will automatically know why it would be the name of the animal. Sands in Samette actually, resemble these strange creatures.

A Pokemon

After the rescuer discovered the Pangoline on the construction site, he was there at home, kept like a pet, and by May 2017, Dr. Luz and his team heard about it. They took the floor that sapped the Pangoline had been found and quickly designed a study for the animal. This study aimed to discover how the Pangolins would behave after their liberation of nature.

The main goal

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The unique thing this study would be to look at how the pangoline behaved when he was retained in his natural habitat. The main objective of the project was to show how readjusted it is. This point was something that the Pangolina of the Ball College had done without any supervision. There was no way to know if the pangoline survived or not.

First supervision

So even if it were definitely better for the Pangolin to return to its natural habitat instead of staying in the dorm or in the city, there was no deposit if the animal survived or not. "This", explained Dr. Luz, speaking of his project, would be "the very first case documented in the world where a pangolina with extinguished hand is released into the wild and followed".

Waiting for 2 years

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So, for about 2 years, had them to put their experience pending because they had to wait for its sandblasted, the Pangolin develops large enough to carry an audio tracking device. If they released it right away, there would be no way to learn or note what happened in nature. They would need to follow the location of Pangolin.

Perfect size and weight

And so, after waiting patiently for 2 years to pass, by 2018, Sandshewrew was now big enough and had reached the peak mass. He was now a 13 pounds. They had months of waiting for this to happen and that the pangoline was a perfect size and weight for the radio device. The only thing to do now was to release it in the wild and see what happens.

One thing to note

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After checking everything on the pangoline, the weather finally came for this project to go full. However, there was one thing that Mr. Luz did. She made sure she "gave him more time for the resettlement process to disconnect from humans. He is quite feisty now - he moves away from the guards." There was a lesser fastener than his shortbread had for His rescuers.

A way to learn

Dr. Luz and his colleagues could not wait to see what happened when they kept the Pangolin at the origin of its origin. This project was a jumping step to see the best way to protect the pangolines and replenish the people of Singapore. College students had helped with that when they called acres to save the pangoline.

His hopes and questions

Since the Pangolins were not extinguished, Dr. Luz knew they had to learn and get a better way to help save more pangolines. She had great hope that sandblow would provide expert data and information on several conservation issues, such as breeding populations and how could urban planners help save them?

The biggest fear of Dr. Luz

After a while, the doctor and his colleagues released the sandblasted and ensure that he was less than 24 hours. As it had not been exposed to nature for so long, they had to make sure that it was not afraid or the victim of a removal of nature. Nevertheless, Mr. Luz's greatest fear was that it could be kept in "bad habitat" because it could be fatal.

For pangolines

Until now, what happened to sand and the pangolin of NTU alleys is unknown. But we are sure that both of them are happy to be in their natural habitat. It is comforting to learn that students and Dr. Luz have all saved the life of Pangolin. We hope more people like these exist and that the Pangolins can cross the endangered species line and multiply healthy.

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