12 best natural laxatives that instantly treat constipation

Some foods can act as powerful natural laxatives for fast and efficient relief.

There is no need to dance around that: to be constipated feels terrible! Your belly becomes ainflated Bulb, your gas is very smelly and every time you try to find relief, all you get is a crazy front vein. So, if you feel blocked, it makes sense that you take something to help your digestion.

But unless your health care provider does not give you the thumb, it probably should not be a free-up laxative. "These can throw your electrolytes out of balance, cause symptoms such as muscle pain, fatigue and widespread weakness," saysDr. Josh AX, DNM, CNS, DC, founder ofAntique nutrition andDraxe.comand author of the best selling bookKeto diet. "The overuse of laxatives has also been linked to more serious side effects, including liver damage, renal failure and even rhabdomyolysis, which constitutes the ventilation of muscle tissues."

Fortunately, your bowels do not need medications to open. "Natural laxatives can also support regularity as well, without any negative side effects associated with sketched laxatives," said Dr. Ax. In fact, many so-called "natural laxatives" are just high fiber foods that you probably already have in your fridge and your pantry, "he says.

The incorporation of these real foods into your daily diet is a particularly effective solution if you are routinely googling "What is a laxative" or hunting for constipation. "If anyone knows a chronic constipation, once we decide that it is not caused by a medical condition or a drug, the first place to look is their fiber consumption," says Keri Gans M.S., R.D.N. Certified yoga instructor and owner ofKERI GANS NUTRITION. "The fiber is well known to encourage stools regularly. Do not get the 25 grams recommended per day of fiber can lead to constipation."

So the next time you strive toilets, try one of these 12 natural laxative foods. Or better yet, include them in your daily diet and say goodbye to constipation for good!



Prunes in a bowl

The prunes have a question of image, which is why the dietitians started to call them "dried plums". All you call them, however, they do as they are rumors to do: help you go. With2 grams of fiber per serving (usually about 3 prunes), Bonnie Taub-Ten, RDN, spokesman for the California lawyer and the author ofRead it before eating it: taking you from the label at the table, "Many people will attest that a portion of dried plums per day keeps laxatives."

The prunes also have a natural-alcoholic sugar called Sorbitol, which explains, "is poorly absorbed by the body and the body wants to expel it". Eat some to their own, mix them in your yoghurt or add prune juice to your smoothies.



Kale dark leafy greens hand massaged in bowl

Ah, fodder. Sweet, Sweet Sutheral. The dark leafy greens such as curly cabbage, the Swiss galette, spinach and cabbage are dense with indigestible fibers - usually around2 grams per cup. Dr. Ax says that green greens also contain high levels of magnesium and water, which naturally soften the stool.

At about 30 calories per cup, leafy greens are also one of the lowest caloric laxative foods in the list. And cooking does not change its fiber content, so experiment with it with throwing it, sauté and grill them even in different ways.



Fresh blueberries plastic pint

You know this: the fruit is a fibrous food group. But some fruits like berries, apples, pears and mangoes are particularly high in fiber, with 5 to 8 grams of fiber per serving. "Many people think that fruits are only good for constipation when they are eaten fresh, but it's not true," says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, which serves on the advisory board forSmart healthy life."The frozen and dried fruits are just as effective."

Dried fruits such as figs, apricots and prunes mentioned above can actually be very effective because they are very high in sugar, which can get the Groovest digestive tract, she says.



Artichokes in box

The dark leafy greens can take the crown, but Miller says other vegetables such as corn, carrots and artichokes are also large sources of fiber. "Jelly, fresh or canned, getting at least three portions of vegetables a day, can keep you regular," says Miller. The service size varies from vegetable vegetables, so use theAmerican Heart Association Table of service sizes to determine which part is a part.




Amateurs of cereals at the front. The sound, a high fiber part of the oat grain, can be eaten by the spoonful, but it has tasted like dirt. Fortunately, according to Taub-ten, "because it is rich in soluble and insoluble fibers, it is also in many high fiber cereals." His recommendation? "Associate a bowl of fibers or all sound with a large glass of water or cup of coffee so that things move in the morning."

What is the amount of fiber in each brake-based cereal dessert will depend on the brand. When choosing a cereal, read the label and try buying one with 8 to 10 grams of fiber by bowl.

RELATED: Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regime Who heals your intestine.


Olive oil

Olive oil
Roberta Sorge / Beldshshshsh

Have you ever had the head stuck between the bars of a staircase? Or your hand stuck in a pot? If yes (or if you have seen that an episode of the full house), you know that the oil is usually the solution when things are blocked. Taub-Ten explains: "The oil makes you slip, so you can escape wherever you are stuck." Well, "it's more or less what happens to your stool when you eat oil." He lubricates your bowels, helping the stools pass seamlessly in a transparent way. And, "because of the fat content of the oil, can help make your stools softer," she says.

A tablespoon of the thing should do the trick, says Taub-Ten. But do not worry, you do not have to take it right: Use it in your salad vinaigrette, on your roasting dish, or you can mix it in a glass of Jo.


Beaver oil

castor oil in glass jars

"Ricin oil is also used to combat constipation," says Dr. Ax. In addition to being a fat oil, like olive oil, "it contains something called ricinoleic acid, which is thought to motivate the muscles in the intestinal tract to move," he explains.

A study published in complementary therapies in clinical practices I found that it was effective to control the symptoms of constipation (more precisely the strain necessary to pass stool and helping the feeling of complete evacuation) even in patients who were fighting with irregular stools for more 'a decade. To try it, a tablespoon.


Fermented foods

Kimchi in white bowl

You have probably heard that eating probiotics can be good for digestion. Well, according to Dr.Axe, this includes helping to relieve the symptoms of constipation. "By governing the right bacteria in your gut, probiotics can improve the regularity of the stool and consistency," he says. Fermented foods like Kombucha, Kefir, Tempeh, Natto, Kaut or Kimchi are rich in probiotics and consumed daily, can promote regularity, he says.

He warns: When you first introduce fermented foods into your diet, you can feel bloating. So, start by eating half of the recommended servition and work gradually up to a complete portion.

Another option: take a probiotic supplement thatA review published in the Global Gastroenterology Journal Effective to relieve the symptoms associated with IBS, such as constipation.


Magnesium citrate

magnesium citrate in pills

If you are looking for a supplement that could do the trick, take the magnesium citrate instead of a laxative. "Magnesium derives water into the intestinal tract, which helps to loosen the stools and therefore contributes to constipation," says Amy Chow authorized Dietician, founder ofDietetic directory of the BC.

The supplement is available under an oral solution and a tablet form. If you use to make an intestinal movement, opt for the form of oral solution. If, however, you are looking for a daily supplement, choose the shape of the tablet.


Senna Tea

senna tea leaves in a bowl

Especially when it is consumed in the morning, all hot drinks can help you stop, drop and plop, according to the registered dietitian, Diana Gariglio-Clelland Rd withBalance a supplement, Which explains that the heat stimulates the digestive tract. But a cup of Senna tea (made from Senna grass) is particularly effective, she says and a must for non-coffee drinks. In fact, it's aAPPROVED BY THE FDA natural laxative.

There is no standardized dose of laxative tea, which is why Gariglio-Clellland recommends soaking tea so long as recommended on the package.


The water

purified drinking water in a glass

Did you know that the failure to sip the Mother Earth juice all day can lead to fouled pipes? "To be dehydrated can make your stool hard and therefore more difficult to pass," says Chow. "Drink more water throughout the day is a quick solution for constipation," she says.

Engage more water is particularly important if you have recently added more high fiber food to your diet to fight constipation. "Adding fiber to your diet without adding also water can actually make your symptoms worse," she says.

Not a water drinker? Chow says: "Tea, coffee and bone broth can also help because these drinks are mainly water."


Physical activity

Woman walking

Ok, it's something you do, not something you take. But if you have already been in the middle of a race and it suddenly had to go, as yesterday, you will understand why it's on the list. "Move your body can literally encourage intestinal motility", according to Miller, who says, "Daily physical activity is the key to digestive regularity."

Do not worry, you do not need to start the marathon training to find a relief, a daily walk, a hike or a yoga stream are usually sufficient to make things happen, "she says.

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