32 best ways to lose more weight, according to experts

Forget the diets to trust and cleans fiber juices. If you want a quick weight loss that stays really off, go for these more realistic tactics.

If you are like the rest of America, you tend to start the seasons on a healthy high note to fall flat in about one month. It's not that we do not have the right goals set up, but rather our gaming plan that requires changes.

"I think people are just going to go so extreme [with their goals]. You will see results because you make a major change, but the problem is that you can not follow that," says Jim White, Rd, ACSM HFS Owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. He adds: "You want to take a more realistic approach to weight loss that will not only win after the first three months, but three years and 30 years of life." Use the easy ideas below, then discover how to keep the weight permanently with these20 ways of losing weight forever!



Measuring cups

Keep your measuring cups and your table spoons at hand, as the measurement of portions is one of the most effective ways to control calorie consumption, without doing anything. "I do not recommend that people are also neurotic from counting calories, but we must always be aware of the weight loss these are calories, calories," says White.

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Buy a food balance

Pouring oats into bowl to measure portion on scale

Go a step beyond your pyrex measuring cup and invest in a food balance. If you are concerned about the cost, you can find about $ 20 or less. "The purchase of a food scale is always my first recommendation. Many people eat chicken and salmon that are healthy, but always contribute to additional calories. By putting them on the scale, you will see that 2 ounces Additional can easily add another 70 calories a day, "says White. Once you have had a habit, you never understand how you lived without one.


Learn the "language" service sizes

olive oil on bread

Have we said you should measure your food? Oh well, because it's super important when it comes to losing weight! Two inches, if you already have all the right tools, but you also need the appropriate knowledge to go. "When a service size says a tablespoon, it means alevel Soup spoon - not a tablespoon of heap, "advises Blanc. Cheating on your portions will be mistaken than better results. Talking about the control of the portions, you will want to know about these20 healthy foods you'd better eat in moderation.


Go to bed earlier

woman sleeping in bed with eye mask

Exercise and nutrition can be the foundation of weight management, but great sleep habits are what prevents the stable foundation. "When we lack sleep, we are more likely to eat too much throughout the day and our fatigue, we are more likely to skip our workouts", white expectations. Adjust your schedule so you can hit these 7 to 8 hours recommended per night.


Skip A.M. Training If you had less than 5 hours of sleep

Woman Turning Off Alarm While Sleeping On Bed

Sleep is essential in weight loss, and if you went to bed a little later than expected last night, it is good to hit the snooze button on your 6 h. Bootcamp class. "I am a great advocate for the exercise, but I have always recommended to sleep on exercise. We are so much private sleep than the Americans [can really interfere with our health]," says White. Use30 things to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight to make the most of your evening.


Keep night snacks at the end of the evening

Woman eating a snack before sleeping in bed

Even though this ice cream is not a flavored coffee, eat too much too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep. "You want to eat at least three hours before bedtime, so if you dine at 7 pm and you go to bed at 9 pm, do not eat snack. However, if you dine at 19 hours and go to bed at 11 or 12 years, have a snack right around 10 pm If you are going to have a snack, I would recommend a higher protein snack from a dairy source. Just avoid high-calorie collations, high carbohydrates. at night, said white.


Drink black coffee

Mike Marquez / Beldshash

White warns against the "Creep Calorie" and one of the most common places we tend to take added calories is in our daily cup (or our goblets) from Joe. Just a small patch of whole milk or a sugar package in your cup of coffee or tea a few times throughout the day could add more than 100 additional calories to your daily total. Start transition to black coffee or tea gradually - trust you, you will learn to enjoy bold flavor and especially the benefits of the body. Look at itVideo: What coffee made to your body To discover 7 crazy things that happen when you drink it!


Flavor with citrus

Squeeze lemon season salad

If tea time is not the same without a small added softness, try tightening a lemon or lime on your brewery instead of sugar. You will not only reduce the added calories, but you will also increase the nutritional value of your afternoon tea cup thanks to the high doses of vitamin C present in citrus fruits, which help increase immunity.


Poux your own tea


Okay, if we are realistic, sometimes you do not want to give up your sweet tea, we get it. When you eat, order your unsweetened iced tea and add it in yourselfslowly. At least, when you take this little step, you know exactly how much sugar you consume and can control the size of the portions. When it comes to tea, you really can not beat something like green tea. Make the most of the benefits of tea with7 days old flat belly tea! The test panels lost up to 10 pounds in a week!


Jump with broth, not oil

Steam vegetables

Jumping on a vegetable smorgasbord is definitely a diet-yes, but drowning in calorie-dense oil (even if it is a healthy cardiac olive!) Is certainly a weight loss. When it comes back, oils contain a lot of calories in a very small portion. The next time you break your frying pan, try exchanging vegetable or chicken broth instead of oil to seriously save calories.


Flavor with cinnamon

ground cinnamon

Remember: everything is about calories in calories in the endless game of weight management. When it comes time to prepare your morning oats, jump honey, maple syrup and brown sugar and enter the shaker of cinnamon. The spice will add a flavor and a softness without additional calories.


Heat things with Cayenne


As regards the habit of flavoring with herbs and spices will save you a huge amount of long-term unwanted calories and weight gain, especially when used instead of high objects. Fat and calories such as butter, oil and sugar. According to the searches published in the journalPhysiology and behavior, Red Cayenne Pepper can help burn more calories and help curb the hunger, especially among people who are not used to eating it. Bonus: peppers are one of20 foods that light your sex drive!


Divided dessert

Share split dessert

Eliminate desserts or engaging in all falls in the "extreme" category and that white has already described - this could prepare you for a diet failure. If we are realistic, we all have problems and love to have a dessert from time to time, and the best way to include it in your diet is to find someone to share! Another fork in the mixture means fewer calories in your own mouth.


Commercial Chips for Popcorn


It can be quite difficult to ignore desires sometimes, especially when all you want to do is crack something salty. Rather than getting back with a nutritional vacuum, a sodium chip bag, opt for a popcorn appearing in the air and add your own seasoning. You will get the crunch and salinity with some added fibers to fill you up. Not in the popcorn? Then try one40 ideas of healthy snacks to keep you thin instead of!




The control of the portions is the key to keeping your weight under the wraps. When choosing your morning coffee or caught a coffee with a friend, go for small and jump the artificial aromas when possible. A great mocha of Starbucks packs a steep 360 calories, compared to a large regular cat, coming in a 150 calories respectful of the size.


Try a "Flagel"

The New York City bagels can be difficult to pass, but if you want to stay on track with your weight loss plan, ask for your egg and your cheese on a flat bagel. This will almost cut calories and carbohydrates in half. You will always go with a hot sandwich and make a breakfast, without all the cultivation of food guilt and energy-induced energy later.


Shrink your plates


Downsize Your dinner is one of the simplest ways to reduce your pants. The bigger your plate or bowl, the more you will probably have food to fill it and vice versa. Pass the large traditional dinner plates and eat your main meal on a plate of salad instead to easily reduce calories. This tip and the next (keep reading!) Were on our list ofThe 50 best weight loss tips last year.


Buy red

Red plates and mugs
Toni Cuenca / Beldshshsh

Red dishes, that is to say. Red vegetables like bell peppers and tomatoes are certainly respectful food loss, but eating your meals of the same color can help you drop even more weight. Search published in the newspaperAppetite, found that people tend to consume less food in total when they eat red dishes.


Fill with vegetables


When you fill up on vegetables, you are less likely to fill your pants. Search published in the newspaperPlum medicine Linked the greatest consumption of vegetables such as cauliflower, the germs of Brussels and broccoli with larger weight loss results compared to high diets in low fiber foods. Fill half of your plate with vegetables, an ideal place to start. Try these18 ways to use cauliflower For VEGGIE INSPO!


Buy a good bottle

Shop a little, buy a nice bottle of water and give yourself a permanent home on your office at work. Search published in the newspaperObesitySupports the assertion that the consumption of more water promotes in fact a greater weight loss, especially when consumed before a meal. If your bottle of water is always around, there is no excuse for not taking a few giping of that.


Do not eat bag

Ridge potato chips in bag

Remove your hand from the bag and take a bowl. It might be tempting to sit on the couch and a lot on a bag of Tostitos, but research published in the newspaperFood grade and preference found that just a few bites are enough to satisfy your desires, as well as a larger portion, minus all the added calories.


Eat fat foods


Fat free food does not necessarily translate into less fat in the body. The problem with many fatty food or reduced fat products is that they are often replaced by artificial ingredients and may be less satisfactory overall thanks to low fat content. Results of many studies published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Discovered that the study participants who ate grease dairy flesh tend to less than less weight over time. We also advise that 1% organic is an excellent option; See more quick responses from lightning like that with these42 Food QS Millennials - replied in 5 words or less.


Brush your teeth after dinner


An old trading thing, brushing your teeth after a meal or a snack not only keep your pearly whites healthy and brilliant, but it can also dissuade you from looking for food shortly after. Minty's feeling of freshness helps reduce the temptation to eat again, especially when you reach that this boredom chocolate bar.


Do not buy junk food

produce shopping

It's pretty simple: if you do not have junk food in your house, there is a good chance that you do not eat so much junk food. If you vouve to buy the "bad stuff" in the first place or buy only your vices in small quantities, you are less likely to swell on unhealthy foods and more likely to hit yourWeight loss objectives.


Shop the perimeter


Unless you are low on spices, you can help you on the outskirts of the grocery store that can help you get home a healthier transport without even trying. Most processed foods tend to be spread in the corners of the store, while fresh produce, lean meats and freezer alleys are located around the perimeter. If you do not walk with these Oreos, you are less likely to throw them into your basket impulsively.


Talking with a registered dietitian

"Online, there are many good resources, but I would always recommend recruiting a registered dietitian to start. For many people, nutrition and fitness is not their expertise, then hire the professional!" said white. If you are worried about expense, check your insurance company first. White actions that many dieticians and insurance companies are starting to work together to help reduce the cost of nutrition services. Not ready to make the call? Then continue on the site ETNT site for large items like27 food nutritionists are obsessed with!


Hit a personal trainer

If you want to lose weight, it's better than you talk to someone who is well versed in the process. Once again, if the expense is something you are concerned about this does not hurt you and do a little bit of digging. "Even to have a personal training just for an initial month to stay educated is a great way to get help with your health goals," says White. Even a free consultation of your gym could suffice to tell you in the right direction. You can also see tons of online fitness videos.


Synchronize your Fitbit


The increase in your activity levels could be as simple as awareness of your current activity. In fact, using your fitness tracker or invest in one is a great way to start. "From your Fitbit to your Garmin watch at your Nike Fuel Strip - all have calorie and fitness tracking capabilities. Are they accurate to 100%? No, but they are rather good. The use of technology can also increase your motivation. It makes you want to park further from the shopping center to get these steps, "says White. Just like calories are added, then make small changes in daily activity - andWade to lose weight Can be more effective than you may think of it!


Monitor your heart

Older man and woman holding hands in shape of heart for good heart health

Just as you would monitor your footsteps with your Fitbit, you can also monitor your activity paying attention to your heart rate. White suggests that one of the best ways to stimulate weight loss is to launch the intensity of your workouts and wearing a heart rate monitor can help you do it. "Buy a heart rate monitor and try keeping your heart rate at the 80/85% mark, which would be high enough intensity," says White.


Supplement with green tea


If the water was bored you, try slipping green tea into your refresh mix. Research supported by national health institutes revealed that decaffeinated consumptiongreen tea In conjunction with regular exercise could further increase weight loss efforts.


Play singles


If you are already choosing an occasional tennis game with friends suggesting playing singles tours instead of doubles. "We only have half an hour sometimes a day to train or perhaps an hour, so we could push as much as possible as much as possible. For example, playing singles compared to double tennis, he There is a big difference in physical effort, "says White. The same rule could be applied to any sport or exercise that you prefer - fewer players means more work than you need to do and more calories burned at the end.


Time your workouts


The time in which you train during the day can affect your weight loss, although some activities are always preferred without any. While experts are often recommended by morning hours. The spin class is simply not in the cards for us. "The exercise before the bed is not the best time because it can interfere with sleep, which is important for weight loss. If you have to exercise at night, look at how much you Give yourself. Give yourself three hours before going to bed, "said white. Premium:Can not sleep? Avoid these 20 foods that keep you standing at night

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