The worst average of the stress of Covid affects your health

Stress levels are at a height of all time in 2020, which puts the population at higher risk of multiple diseases - and one more than others.

There is no denying that 2020 faced overwhelming challenges - and it makes us stressed.

According to a report from September 2020,The state of mental health in America, the number of people looking for help for anxiety and depression have exploded. "From January to September 2020, 315.220 people took the anxiety screen, a93% increase On the total number of anxious screens of 2019, "said the report. Of those who took the anxiety screen,More than 8 people out of 10 marked with moderate symptoms with serious anxiety.

Although stress is a necessary evil in this world - without that, you would not be able to focus your attention and respond to physical threats - everything depends on doses. When stress is allowed to execute rampors, the effect on your body is nothing less disastrous. "Stress in itself can literally close your metabolism, "saysJeffrey A. Morrison, MD, CNS, an expert in integrative medicine and metabolic issues. "It is extremely drained metabolically." And chronic stress can have serious consequences for your health. (In touch:10 daily habits with major health benefits, supported by science.)

When you feel reinforced stress levels, your body responds by freeing stress hormonescortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine in your blood. Your heart begins to pump race, more blood and your metabolism actually hits high speed. After all, the thought goes, it is an evolutionary adaptation in place so that our ancestors can move away from a tiger eliminated from a roaring saber. All this is very normal if it occurs in quite sporadic intervals. In terms of science, this is called "acute" stress. When you are, like many Americans, suffering from a chronic exhibition of stress - or repeated to such situations - things start terribly bad with your body. According to CanadaHuman Stress Studies CenterChronic stress is an important factor in heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and depression.

A large body of evidence supports the connection between chronic stress and weight gain.

A fifty-eight women's 2015 study over a period of fifty-eight women (many of which were suffering from depression in the past) published in the newspaperOrganic psychiatry Explored "How stress and depression alterated metabolic responses to high fat meals so as to promote obesity." Measure everything from glucose insulin at cortisol levels - as well as your metabolism at rest and "fat and glucid oxidation" -Researchers have found that respondents who experienced "stressors of the previous day" were seriously disadvantaged metabolic than respondents who had zero stressors. In fact, they calculated that to be more stressed over the six-hour period adds to a difference in 104 calories. Allow me to translate this for you:Being really stressed can potentially amount to nearly eleven additional weight books added during a year. According to the study: "higher cortisol promotes increased consumption of" comfortable food "calories and dense, and insulin secretion increases while cortisol increases."

In a four-year British study whose results were published in the journalObesity In 2017, researchers measured cortisol levels in hair locks they had picked 2,527 men and women over fifty-four. They also followed the subjects "" weight, body mass index and circumference of the size. "In the end, they discovered a direct correlation between chronic stress and all these factors related to obesity." People tend to report too much to eat and "confirm" foods rich in fat, sugar and calories In case of stress, "said the report." And the hormonal stress cortisol plays an important role in the metabolism and determining where fat is stored. "

Meanwhile, another study, published in 2016 in the journalCurrent Notice in Behavioral Sciences, makes just as amazing for a right connection between your metabolism and the response of your body's stress. "Chronic stress can lead to overloading food consumption, increased visceral acidity and weight gain," researchers from the Neuroscientific Institute and Physiology at the Academy Sahlgranska Academy of the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden, write in the report.

With good tools - like the21 best foods when you are stressed, according to dietitians and22 proven tricks that melt stressYou will find yourself in the world happier and healthier. At the end of the day, the management of your stress levels is one of the safest keys to support a healthy body and maintain your metabolism at its peak.

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