Secret side effects of walking before breakfast, says science

Here are 7 amazing things that come to your body when you walk to the first light.

Believe it or not, there are negative side effects associated with the delivery of the bed andexercise On an empty stomach first thing in the morning. If you make really stringent exercise forms, such as long workout shoulders at high intensity intervals (HIIT), you may see that your performance starts to report. "It is not possible to mobilize fat stores and burn enough fat during the higher intensity exercise to provide a constant state of fuel, so once the body is exhausted with carbohydrates, it will not be More able to continue working at this intensity, "Katie Kissane, R & D, CSSD, a sporting nutritionist and the owner of my nutrition coach at Fort Collins, CO, explained toMen's newspaper.

However, if you perform more moderate exercises of intensity such asfast walkResearch has shown that there were tons of benefits to the first light - and no, you do not experience your fuel stores and "Bonk". If you are curious to know the incredible side effects, your body will experience your departure in the morning, read it because we have included some some here. And for more tips to become a better walker, do not missThe walking shoe of the secret that walkers everywhere are totally obsessed with.


You will burn more fat

Young smiling attractive sporty girl runner in shorts and sleeveless shirt keeps her leg raised while warming up and stretching outdoors at stadium of university campus seen on background

According to a 2017 study published in theAmerican Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and MetabolismThe researchers at the United Kingdom Bath University revealed that obese men who walked for an hour before eating were able to activate their burning grease genes stored much better than the participants to test after having lunch.

A more recent study conducted by a bath research team, published in 2020 in theJournal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, I found that the participants who did cardio before eating their first meal of the day experienced the double of the grease engraving compared to those who exercise after eating. "The use rate of whole body lipids". "The fat burns" - "was around 2 times higher with exercise before against the supply of carbohydrates, and this difference between the conditions was maintained throughout the 6 week intervention," observed the study . And for more about the benefits of walking, see here forSmall secret tips that will prolong your life.


You will deceive your body to want more exercise later

Fitness Workout, Yoga Exercise For Woman. Beautiful Girl With Fit Slim Body Doing Stretching In Morning. Sporty Female Model Exercising, Practicing Yoga At Home. Healthy Lifestyle And Wellness Concept

As revealed in anew article published in stylistA writer has changed all his routine so that she went for long walks every morning as an experience to see how it would have an impact on his life. She was pleasantly surprised. Among his conclusions, she discovered that her daily walk motivated her to want to do more exercises later. "I'm doing aShort yoga practice most days and try to hold in aStationary bike rideOr half an hour from Hula Hoop dances a few times a week, "she revealed.

"The more you move, the more you have the energy to move,"Chloe Clark, A personal trainer and a sports massage therapist in the UK, explained to him. "Your body is very intelligent about the evolution of its circumstances."


You will reset your organic clock and bring your body for better sleep


Search published inSleep medicine Noted major improvements in sleep quality among insomniacs after starting walking and doing exercise in the morning. "The light brings the clock of your body forward,"said Michael Mosley, MD, BBC 4 Podcast Radio Host "Just one thing. "So, in the evening, when you want to go to sleep, your body is ready for that. If you have trouble sleeping at night, it could be because you do not get enough light in the morning. "

He then explained: "Because our clocks run more than 24 hours, it is important to reset your body clock every morning with an exposure to the blue light in the morning, that our receivers are particularly sensitive to. The light helps reset our internal clock. Exposure to light Also eliminates the production of melatonin, the hormone that encourages us to go to sleep. "And for a few major steps No-Nos, consult theBad walking habits each walker should stop smoking, say experts.


You will hack your body to make better decisions

Sporty woman looking at camera while eating a bowl of muesli in the kitchen at home.

A 2019 study published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine I found that making 30 minutes of moderate intensity - such as fast walking - in the morning, not only improves cognitive performance (later), but also improves the cognitive functions associated with smarter and better decisions. "Sedentary behavior is associated with altered cognition, while exercise can improve cognition, write the authors.


You will break your risk of cardiac disease

Senior couple walking on beach.

According to the search compiled byThe heart foundationA 30-minute walk every day can reduce your heart risk from 35 to 40%. In addition, they note that a morning walk can also improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure and helps prevent (or control) diabetes. And for more walking advice, see theseSecret stuff to walk to exercise, according to experts on the move.


You can better focus on work

Man sitting on the floor with laptop computer in studio. Isolated gray background

Scientific Research has regularly linked to take fast walks with increased creativity and innovative thinking. "Before taking the march, I found it difficult to stick to a morning routine that squeezes me in a targeted state of work", observes the stylist writer and the walker morning. "Getting fresh air and exercise, the first thing, however, has completely transformed this. Instead of being tempted to scroll in an unthinking waysocial media For an hour, I am now ready to arrive at my desk and dive directly to work. "

AsJan P. de Jonge, a sports psychologist, business and leading behavior, explained it: "The march helps you create new ideas. The Council is clear: walk consists of taking action in a beneficial direction."


You will instantly extend your life

Senior tourist couple travellers hiking in nature, walking and talking.

A great study published in 2015 inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionI found that a 20-minute rapid walk of 20 minutes - no matter the time of day - could reduce your death risk by more than 30%. And if you are a Walker Avid, make sure you are aware ofExactly how much water you should drink every day.

Categories: ETNT Mind+Body
Tags: aging / exercise / sleep / Walking
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