Walmart gets rid of this feature in store

More than 1,500 locations across the country will lose it.

Get groceries safely Was a huge concern for buyers and chains when the pandemic started - and the Curbside pickup has reached the challenge, spelling a bad news for other services. The gigantic and orange towers of more than 1,500 Walmart sites were pre-pandemic practices and when the lock orders started, but now the chain gets rid of it.

About 300 will disappear from shops and 1,300 have already been "hibernated", according toWall Street newspaper.The towers are up to 17 feet and distribute online orders, but Walmart wants to focus on the customer method say they want, and it's not in store, but rather in the car park. (In touch:Grocery shortages to wait in 2021, according to experts.)

The pickup towers are not the only Walmart robotic machine that got rid. In 2020, the chain ceased to use a robot that scans alleys for the inventory, says WSJ. It was just a Walmart step taking during the pandemic to reinvent the purchase process. He also testedDeliveries of drones,Trucks without driver,Smart controlled temperature delivery boxes, and more.

"We have a powerful set of assets that provide a solid foundation because we write the next chapter in Walmart's history.We have achieved gains in recent years that we will protect, including the value of the customers we propose and that we have built in pick-up services., "President of Walmart and CEO Doug McMillonsaid in a declaration On the annual report 2021. "We expand the scope of the products and services we propose to increase the relevance in life more customers, while superimposing a more robust digital experience to improve commitment."

The news comes then that other channels modify their own services and rules. Costco, for example, was discreetly cleared from a pandemic rule -limit the amount of toilet paper you can buy.

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